I tested the "Rotate CW" and "Rotate CCW" orientations and found "Rotate CCW" (screen is vertical, crank is below the screen) to be the more comfortable option. That said, the menu name "Rotate CCW" refers to the screen being rotated counter-clockwise, but in this mode the player is holding the console rotated clockwise. I think swapping the names of the menu options so that "clockwise" and "counter-clockwise" refer to the console orientation rather than the screen orientation would be more intuitive for users.
In the current build, the crank and paddle positions are reversed in both Rotate CW and Rotate CCW modes. What I mean by this is that in either mode, when the crank is pointing to the player's left, the paddle is on the right side of the screen and vice versa. I think it would make more sense for the paddle position to match the crank position.
FYI: You Cannot Go Back uses the accelerometer to rotate the screen and despite the console's lack of a GPU this doesn't noticeably affect performance aside from a brief flicker if the console is rotated while a game is in progress.