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(1 edit)

How clever! This is a great little way to while away some time.

  1. "Tokens mean +X" thus each time you dodge an enemy it gains some max HP basically? And Aces of Spades start as 14+(token value)?
  2. What happens with enemies that are neither dodged nor any cards assigned to them? It reads like they do nothing..?
  3. If you reach the end of a tier with some enemies still on the table, do you clear them away, or do you leave them in play but fill in up to the new number of enemy slots with cards from the new tier deck?
  4. I'm guessing ability cards that you don't play during a round are kept in hand, up to the limit of 2/suit. Rolled Stamina dice that aren't used to apply damage or dodge an enemy ... get rerolled, maybe? Rather than held over at current value?

Thank you for taking the time to play the game!

And now about your questions:

1. Each enemy card has as much HP and deals as much damage as the card's value. One token increases the card's value by one, therefore, it will have +X more HP and will deal +X more damage.

2. If you don't do anything with an enemy card (nor dodged nor damaged), this would mean that the enemy hits you. It deals as much damage to you as much the card is worth. After that, enemy cards go to the discard pile at the end of the round except for bosses and the Ace of Spades.

3. The latter, you fill them up. (If there are other enemies already on the table, you only have to draw up to as many cards as the tier indicates (e.g. if you've got one enemy card in play and you're in tier 2, you only have to draw 3 more cards so you'll have 4 enemy cards on the table in total).)

4. All d10-s are getting rerolled, yes. For ability cards, you should think about your "hand" as slots. You have one slot for each suit. You can keep you cards in your hand, but if you draw from, let's say, a spade and your spade slot is already occupied, you have to discard the spade card first to be able to draw a new one.


I hope these answered your questions. And also, big thank you for playing the game dispite the manual being in a draft state!

Thank you! With those clarifications, I was able to finish out a game. I got a win as Berserker on Normal difficulty. It was quite close--my HP were never in great danger from round to round, but my ability draw piles were almost exhausted and I'd never had a good opportunity to refresh them. So if I'd needed to go one more round, I would have been starved for cards to play and probably gotten wiped out from full health.

A couple more questions came up that didn't halt my game:

  1. Is it possible to mark damage on a non-boss enemy and dodge it, for the purpose of taking less damage when you finish the fight? The rules seemed quite insistent that only boss monsters get cumulative damage, so I wasn't sure if that was a legal play.
  2. When the dungeon graveyard shuffles back at the end of Tier 4, I'm guessing the previous tiers' jokers should not be included, right? 😅


OMG, it's so nice to see a screenshot of the game! *.*

1. Yes, according to my rules, you can do that.
2. Yes, jokers are out of the game once defeated. Other enemy cards go to the graveyard.

I also noticed something on your photo but I might be wrong. In the rules it says: You can only assign red ability cards to black enemy cards and vica versa. Did you assing red to red and black to black? Not a big difference though on the math side of things.

Thank you for your feedback again! It made me realise how poorly the rules are written... I wanted to get back to this project but I hadn't got the time but now I feel obligated to put this on my to-do-list!

Jokers: Ah, I see now that there' actually a rule about that, I just overlooked it.

Color matching: oh! yes! I must have misread that rule. But yes, it comes out the same--and thus if I play again I'll still keep it that way, it's just cognitively a little more intuitive to match like to like.