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People like you are worse. Parroting the same lines that a ton of other people already posted. Ironic really due to that being one of your main complaints about the people posting negative feedback. 

When you blame people posting negative feedback for the game being delayed. That is where I have a major disagreement with you.

If there's a problem, the answer is definitely not to be silent about said problem by only posting positive feedback. That is how echo chambers are made, and they can be even more harmful. The result of that leads to problems never being addressed and/or fixed.

I give major credit to the developer for keeping the feedback open, and replying to it regularly. That's the best thing that they can do. Not long ago, I posted very heavy negative feedback on the developers failure to keep to self set deadlines. They did not delete that feedback, and replied to it maturely despite how combative I was.

You give counter productive advice that would make a problem worse by telling other people to show wilful ignorance.

That is why I consider what you posted to be worse than negative feedback. In short all you really said in all of that was 'shut up'. I will admit that said negative feedback is also very tired, annoying , and nothing new at this point too. However, it is something that is necessary wether you like it or not.

Just incase you were wondering. I have my complaints, but I also like the game, and the dev. That is the reason why I posted critical feedback in the past to begin with. People post it because they care enough about the game to do so, you are free to disagree but don't tell people to be silent.

You missed the point, where all the negative Feedback, is by people who spam the comments nearly 24/7 on not just this thread, but others as well.

They post negative Feedback because it makes the game that they hate, look bad.

Negative Publicity begets a negative look on the game.

Positive Publicity begets a positive look on the game.

They spam downvotes on comments, and they spam commenters with insults, harassment etc.

Then someone calls them out, and someone like you comes out defending them.

It's one thing to provide Negative Feedback, it's another to do it to 90% of the comments, on a regular, almost daily basis.    A lot of them are also likely alternate Accounts, as some commenters have even admitted they use Alt accounts to get their crap through.

So, you're welcome to defend them, but it's shameful to act like people like me who call them out, are harming the game.   Especially when the most harm games face, is from negative publicity, from haters that use people like you to justify their nonsense.

(1 edit)

Your first point is incorrect. Not all of the negative feedback is from people who spam comments and/or do hateful things. Checking the comment history disproves that easily. I can even prove that wrong by giving myself as an example. An example of what you just did was to try to put one label into one box. That's not how the world works. It would be like saying everyone hates pineapple on pizza, or all criminals are guilty. Of course, that's not true, and the same goes for that statement. That's basic common sense.

You cant just pull some fictional number like '90% of' as if that's true. It might sound good to you for the point you are trying to make, but I could simply say 90% of the people in the comment section are people that post positive feedback, and drown out real feedback. Of course, that's a complete lie, but that's what you just did. Which would get us nowhere.

As for your other point, which goes on to assume I defend such people. I have actually done the opposite recently and in the past, which is easily checked. You are the first person not giving negative feedback that I have disagreed with. Never assume things. Actually check that you are correct first.

I will repeat my original issue I have with what you said. 

Negative criticism does not = cause of the games delays and/or issues. 

To say otherwise is a lie, and promotes an echo chamber that makes people that want to give genuine critical feedback scared to do so by fear of the exact same thing you are against but in the opposite direction. Your solution would only lead to the same problem.

I stand by my statement that what you are doing can be just as harmful, because there are examples of this very thing that have happened on this website of game developers that promote your very ideal. The result has caused great harm to the games' development, far worse harm than if they engaged with the negative feedback that they were given. 

We have the cult-like fanbase of Lessons in Love as a prime example;  the author is yandere simulator levels of arrogant. The game insults fans who don't blindly swallow whatever he's throwing out, and the author outright takes an arrogant stance of "you don't get true art" if you so much as question his game. If you don't know who 'yandere simulator' is give them a search for another example of this. Fortunately this dev is nothing like those people, and has been very open with criticism.