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(1 edit) (+6)

I recently completely randomly stumbled upon your game and when I tell you, I got so fucking excited when I saw it's a DBD fan game!! And I was instantly in love, as soon as I started playing lol! I honestly instantly ran to see how I can throw a bit of money at you (I was glad to see you have a KoFi β€οΈ) because it's like you made my dream IF game!! For one, it's based on DBD (which is a game I have way too many hours in, and with which I have a love hate relationship at this point lol), and it has the perfect horror/lovecraftian vibe (I'm a slut for lovecraftian stuff). Two, it has plenty of dialogue and RP choices and I can play the exact type of MC I want, and it has an amazing and unique customisation mechanic which I've never seen before. And last, as an added bonus, it has a questionable, shady, huge red flag of a RO I shouldn't be thirsting over but here I am lmao, you can count me in with all the other Bastion lovers. πŸ˜‚

I've been into interactive fiction for years at this point and I've read a TON of stuff, and I can honestly say that your game instantly shot up in my top five favourite IF games! It's genuinely one of the best games I've read. Your writing is wonderful and you convey the creepy vibes really well, so I can't wait to read more! πŸ‘€ One of my favourite parts so far was the trial with the Doctor in particular. I love your portrayal of the Entity's realm in general and am also definitely eager to see your take on other lore-related stuff! I also enjoyed the way you've portrayed the various DBD characters that have popped up so far and can't wait to see how you portray some of the other ones that haven't show up yet! I'm also especially curious if we'll see more of some of the killers and am wondering if they'll play a more prominent role in the plot, or if they'll just be an antagonistic force we have to deal with in the trials only. πŸ‘€ And of course, as for original characters, obviously the most prominent one so far is Bastion and as I already said, I already love him way too much lol. You've done a superb job with his character and I just adore the way he's written overall haha, so I really hope we see some more of your OCs further in the game, not just DBD ones, because I have no doubt that they'll be just as intriguing and well written! AHH, I'm honestly just very invested in the plot already and can't wait to see what happens! πŸ‘€

God, I can probably sit here and sing praises on your game for way longer than just these few paragraphs, but I'm trying to contain myself lmao. But another thing I also want to commend you on is the overall UI of the game and also the character customisation mechanic. For real, they're both fucking awesome. The UI is one of the best I've seen in a Twine game (I know I keep saying these sorts of stuff, but I really do mean them) and as I already mentioned, I've never seen this type of character customisation mechanic in another IF game before! It's VERY cool!! And I'm not just speaking from a player perspective here, but also from a game design and coding perspective haha, as both a programmer and writer that's also planning on coding my game in Twine. Seriously, you've done a wonderful job! I also really loved the MC profile page, and all the other additional stuff like the journal. I was always super excited to see the notifications for new journal entries and updates haha, and would instantly go read them. Oh, I also really enjoyed the music you've picked as well. When I play these kinds of games that require a lot of reading, I usually mute the background music because most of the time it's too distracting, but in this case I found it only added to the atmosphere instead of being distracting and annoying me.

Last but not least, the sarcastic dialogue choices were hilarious. I have a sarcastic dumbass of a Wanderer so I was picking those most of the time and I had a good laugh at some of them, especially the banter with Bastion lol. My favourite one was where the MC says something along the lines of "the unsettling grin, the claws and the morbid sense of humour are glaring red flags, but you're not terrible company". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Lol, this got super long but I just really like the game so I kinda word vomited all over the place lmao. I will be eagerly and patiently waiting for the next chapters. Wish you all the best and I hope you're doing well! β€οΈ


This is my absolute favorite comment, and I'm now madly in love with you.

Haha, jk....... unless? πŸ‘€

*clears throat* Anyway,

Thank you so much???? These paragraphs scared me at a glance ('cause I'm paranoid), but this is one of the most thoughtful comments I've ever received for my work! πŸ’– I have major plans for everyone's favorite characters, and I'm glad Bastion's getting some love, because he's going to be glued to ya for a while, haha. You're giving me way too much credit for the UI, because I promise you it's held together with glue and faith, lmao. It's an absolute mess behind the scenes, but I got it looking real pretty for public display πŸ˜…

Dumbass MCs are my favorite, and I'm glad someone's enjoying all those witty/sarcastic choices <3 (I've made a mental note to add way more in order to really let them and their dumbassery shine.)

Thank you again for the kind words and well wishes!! I will, in fact, be printing this out and tacking it to my wall πŸ’– Have a very lovely day! <3 

(10 edits) (+3)

Super duper mega late response because I'm a chaotic mess of a human being that only logs into her itchio account like once a month but... ahem, better late than never, no? πŸ˜‚

Slowpoke! πŸ˜› I fell madly in love with you first, courtesy of your amazing writing and cool ass game in general. πŸ˜‰ Uhhh, I mean, jk, jk...... unless? πŸ‘€ Lol seriously though, jokes aside, I'm glad that my word vomit of a comment/review made you happy. πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–

As a longtime writer myself, I more than understand just how important feedback is and how encouraging it can be, and also most definitely understand how awesome it generally feels to see a long comment about your work! And since I enjoyed your game so damn much, I only felt it was fair that I try to leave at least a somewhat long and detailed review, and try to point out some of my favourite moments and aspects of the game. So again, I'm very glad to see that my first comment seems to have uplifted you, and I hope it served as some good encouragement, you certainly deserve it. πŸ’–

And hey, you give yourself too little credit in regards to the coding and UI! πŸ˜‰ As a programmer, I feel pretty confident in saying that like... "held together with glue and faith" is a rather accurate description of about 80% of the code I've worked with/encountered. πŸ˜‚ Hey, as long as it looks good to the public, no one has to know that it's held together with duct tape and that you're probably unsure of how you managed to get it working without bugs. πŸ˜‚ It just works™. 😎 Seriously though, the UI and character customisation is fucking awesome! I really did mean it, you give yourself too little credit, so I hope you're at least a little proud of yourself for making everything so cool, even if it may be a mess behind the scenes. πŸ˜…

And I absolutely can't wait to see more dumbass moments from the Wanderer lmao! Very eager to let my Frankie's dumbassery shine it all its glory. πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚ And ofc, to see Bastion's reactions to my sarcastic idiot of a MC. πŸ˜‚ No pressure though, of course. πŸ’– But yeah, stoked to hear that you love those types of MCs too haha!

And since our last interaction was like a month ago, I'm gonna repeat myself and say it again, but I hope you're doing well and I'm wishing you a lovely day as well! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–