On discord you said you wanted "strict and rough" comments, well, here it is.
First of all, Presentation. The game looks terrible. Henry looks terrible, the ground looks terrible, the house and the dogs too. This would have been excusable if the environment wasn't also completely empty. This is what really kills the game, just sprinkling some more trees and houses around the map, maybe some of Henry's model here and there as villager, would've done a lot to raise the score.
One thing doesn't look terrible, the heart. It's well designed, modeled and animated and also very cute. Henry's animations are also very exaggerated, which is very good because we often only ever see them from the corner of the eye while looking at the oxygen bar. So points for that there.
I like the idea of the gameplay, i like the idea of playing as a guy's heart. But with this amount of content it ends up mostly as "how long will it take before you get bored and lose focus". Probably ill-suited for a game jam, specifically. Also reading as you try to keep the rhythm is kind of a pain. probably should either pause the game while there's text popups or put them all at the beginning
Sorry if this is all somewhat mean. The animations are good and the heart puns show a distinct charm.