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(1 edit)

Since we got bug that makes the event holder unable to distribute voters evenly and instead letting devs vote freely, what will happen with the entry who got least ammount of votes? Is there any disadvantages for that?

we never did hear back from itchio, which sort of sucks. I'm not exactly sure how the itchio ranking algo works, so I'm not exactly sure how it'll end up -- but I'll definitely see what I can find online! luckily everyone seems to be getting some votes. i think everyone has gotten a minimum of 5 votes by now, which is what the rating queue was for anyway

ok! I looked into it more. how it works for all jams is that entries with less than the median number of ratings get a small penalty applied to their score, mostly because it's hard to get an accurate rating if there are less votes to aggregate. the way ludum dare does it (which i like) is that you don't even see your score/qualify for ranking unless you get a certain number of votes (20), but there's not a way that i can see to implement that on itchio unfortunately. 

oh well, i feel bad to those ppl who got less ratings but thanks for clearing things up :D