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oh please. Every single game developer on sites like this do the same song and dance. When people have paid, and backed  project, you dont get to say "my brain feels funny" and shut down a project. People like you want zero accountability and THATS the biggest problem with developers like this.  If youre a mentally unstable person, or just unstable in life, you dont kickstart, and fully fund a project, then disappear for a long time. Grow up.


calm tf down and check your tone. read the comment from le20. i get being frustrated as someone that backed the game up, but even then these choices of words would not be it. 

they really did shit in the way they didn't update things here on their main site and weren't transparent in that communication esp. here. or they didn't at least make a big fat "indefinite hiatus" sign here and i hope ppl that backed them, will get their money back or somehow if the game like parival said actually will get done with jackie, that there will be something for those that backed them up. 

but you aren't even one of the ones that supported the game (ppl can read the comments one posts), so you can just shut your mouth and sit down, if what comes out of you is just not at all helpful. i didn't back the game either and i'm disappointed as well and get that the backers are frustrated but you don't see me or other ppl pulling the same shit here, bc frankly we are the last ones that should feel entitled to this. esp. given what happened in the dev team.


If they have a bad situation which is understandable, and are unable to ever finish the game, due to personal situation, they haveto refund eveything, simple as that.  But don't forget that they can put a big "hiatus" then after 5 years, run off with the money, delete this page, like nothing happened, expecting that people will forget.

And them not updating their main page here, leads me to believe that this is very likely. It's not that hard to post updates here, simply copy past with the words "We are still here, we are not leaving the project" is enough. Otherwise, it gives the impression that they don't give a shit. So Ofc people should call them out and not forget.

I am saying it as a person who supported them on Kickstarter. So, I believe that simply defending them after 3 years, is not fair at all. 

I'm not at all arguing this. Ppl who backed up the game, like you.  They are rightfully so pissed. And they have to be refunded or in any other way compensated (which I also said above) but I'm pretty sure that I was clear on specifically calling out ppl that did not financially support the game that now completely insensitively and loudly act as if their opinion on this matter is the most important, and as if the choice of words couldn't be more appropriate. Voicing your disappointment is not just understandable but very valid in this situation, esp. if you backed the game. But here just see, you are one that backed up the game and you're still able to voice your disappointment in an appropriate manner. And that is what I was talking about. 

I 100% agree that their communication has been shit and intransparent (which I also called out on the comment you replied to), which is my biggest complain in this whole situation. So on that part of course, they should have from the beginning update their website here, bc it's the main site. So I'm not arguing with you and definitely get your assumption that it just feels icky and that it might seem like they just want ppl to forget (personally i don't believe that but the assumption I do get)!! I really really hope that they update this site here soon, bc how can ppl not think that the game is abandoned if this main site here is not being updated with a big "Indefinite Hiatus. The game is still worked on though. More updates to follow." or whatever. 

But we both should be able to agree on that there is a difference between 1) very validly so like you voicing your criticism, disappointment in the intransparent communication and calling them out for breaking our and esp. y'all backers trust; or 2) more or less simply shitting on the dev team and talking about how you don't care about the very serious and heartbreaking shit that has been going on bts and belittling their situation by being extremely disrespectful "my brain feels funny" or "mentally unstable person", even though some person (the one i mentioned in my comment) in this comment section literally explained what happened behind the scenes with one person in the dev team, and other things that happened with deaths of parents and such. And that the game is still worked on (again here 100% agree that this belongs on this site here as an update!!!). 

So my comment was never: "oh how can you not support the devs or this game anymore. how can you lose hope and trust." Bc that part is very understandably not there anymore for A LOT of ppl. Backers or not. My comment is about basically not being a disrespectful asshole. Especially if you didn't even back up the game. And I do stand by that comment. 

(8 edits) (+3)

Alright, I understand better what you mean this way, since again I myself had much less of an idea of what's happening because of the bad communication. No disrespect to the death and struggles of anyone at all off. I understand very well how bad life can get, and I hope the dev team are fine.

I agree with you on most things. But thing is, the situation is so bad, that it feels like no matter what backers say, we are trapped in this dead space. So when non-backers voice criticism (even when slightly mean), I feel some comfort in it, cause otherwise, it feels like nothing will ever change.

No matter how we look at that, it's still a virtual space, and there is not much we can do. I wanna be more empathetic, I wanna be nicer, but after 3 years, it's hard to believe in things dev team says, to be 100% honest with you. Not because I have some malicious thoughts for dev team ofc.  Again nothing like that at all. But because, there was no communication in here, no communication on Kickstarter. Nothing at all. 

+At this point, I don't believe that money will be given back, not even because of 3 years, but all due to dev team's attitude towards it's supporters. And when people feel that nothing will change, they are salty and angry obviously.

3 years and 0 communication here.  Patreon deleted. The small updates on discord mean nothing, since they hold no weight. Deleting accounts on discord is very easy, and then can be bam, "what game, what creator? never heard of them". It's just more time passes, the less likely anything at all will happen, that's just how unfortunate it is.

I am against being disrespectfull to dev team myself,  but again I don't think we should just "chill out".


Completely understand and also agree with you! And yeah I definitely wouldn't have agreed with OG and their "chill out" comment, that they probably wrote without really knowing about the situation which is also bad. Bc ppl rightfully are hurt, and pissed about this situation and should be able to critize even if a bit more direct and harshly. And I do to a certain degree understand your comfort when someone else voices criticism when you feel like you're not heard. But yeah again it just personally icks me when I see ppl acting self-important even tho they didn't even support the game. And I personally wouldn't say that the comment was criticism nor just slightly mean. Other comments are also able to voice their criticism and some ppl are even pretty directly and don't hide their anger so I would say there is definitely a way for you as a backer to do it and voice this frustration, anger, distrust and disappointment without again just plainly insults and personal attacks. but yeah that's just my two cents.

But yeah idk about this whole situation either, bc the whole thing with discord is just not it. This all should have went down here on this site. And yeah I also would have liked to be updated here, that apparently someone took over the game and now it's apparently coming out on 2024. but yeah this whole situation is validly so frustrating and in your case angering. 


I have been voicing my criticism directly via email, since that way it is easier to prove my backer's rights. And was ignored several times, of course. Which is why I know that the dev team does not take us seriously, not even one bit.

But thanks for your understanding.