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Way too much effort. You should give people the option to choose a more traditional story experience. not everyone has good memory to remember long codes, and I doubt anyone wants to be taking notes while, well, you know. Not to mention, not everyone understands chess as well so those people are gated from that content since no one is gonna go through the effort to learn it for that. You're intentionally cutting off a huge player base when so many more people could enjoy your game if it wasn't a chore to play. I like parody games when they're done well, which visually this one is, but it's just an extremely annoying gameplay experience.


You don't have to play chess to proceed in this game; you never had to. With v0.4 (Public Release), you also don't need to unlock Strip Chess (for the first chapter only) to progress to the next chapter. I agree with you about it's impact on the player base. Thanks for the honest feedback.


I never said you had to play the chess to progress, but it is still content nonetheless that some people won't get to experience because they don't want go through all of that. all the juicy stuff in the game is locked behind annoying puzzles. In some games that might be alright, and some people might enjoy that, but I would assume I'm speaking for a fairly big majority when I say that a visual novel is supposed to be relaxing like reading a book. After all, they are just adult picture books in a way. No one wants to read a picture book where they can't turn the page until they do a really convoluted puzzle first. It's the main reason a lot of visual novels are letting the player choose between sandbox or a more traditional experience since sandbox even can be really tedious. 

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If you don't like it, don't play it.  Many of us actually do enjoy the extra stuff.  Seriously.  Chess is a major part of HS DxD.  I love that Naitoh put in the effort to add that and set his game aside from every other VN.  All it does is give alternate outfits for a single room so you aren't missing out if you don't wanna do it.  As someone who learned chess by playing with their father at age 4, I love it.


I personally don't mind the chess because I'm aware that there isn't much content behind them, I was just adding it as something to be mindful of. There are a ton of other VN's that do similar things for players to unlock bonus content, which I like. The real issue is accessibility, is there really a reason to lock players behind unnecessarily long codes? If they are gonna have a feature like that it should be tied into optional content like the chess since it takes your focus away from the story since your trying to remember the code. There are people in the world who don't have that kind of memory retention. If your passionate and want to show people what you created, shouldn't you try to make it accessible to as many people as possible? But in all honesty, do you really need to whiteknight for the dev? It's feedback. Regardless of whether it's positive or negative, it's something for the developer to take in and reflect upon. THEY decide whether or not to listen. I'm not telling them how to make their game, I'm making a suggestion. THEY decide whether that suggestion is worth consideration. Not me, not you; them. It's ultimately their game to develop after all. I just felt that it was a waste of potential, since I genuinely think they did a great job on the visuals. It's just hard to appreciate them and understand what's going on when I'm distracted by meaningless puzzles and such that, to my knowledge, serve no purpose or have any relation to the story at all. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Ah!  I see now what you meant.  I do agree, as does the dev, that the code thing in chapter 1 was rather long and complicated.  All other chapters have been much easier to unlock the chess game.  As to what I said, I wouldn't call my defense "White knighting".  It just seemed like you were going on and on about how it made the game not worth playing, which I see now isn't the case.  Tone and inflection are lost in translation thru text.  I apologize if I came across too strong and appreciate you taking the time to clarify.

Hey Naitoh, thank you for granting the wish of many frustrated people who watched the anime and have been pissed off that it teased us because it is all about sex and yet nothing sexual ever actually happens because it is an anime for kids therefore thank you so much for granting us an adult version who doesn't blue-ball us at last. ๐Ÿ˜‰

But could you please actually include the events from inter-chapters INTO the actual story?

Because you are actually frustrating us too if you grant us sexual content only to tell us that it didn't actually happen because each chapter continues the story right where the previous chapter left it which implies that everything between chapters is some fan-service which didn't actually happen in the story which is very frustrating so could you please actually include it into the story?

HS DxD is rated for adults, not for kids. Quit thinking with your peter.


And you better think with your brain because High School DxD is a shonen, not a seinen. ๐Ÿ˜

Even the title says it all: "HIGH SCHOOL", do you know of any adult still in high school? ๐Ÿ˜…

Are you delirious to what I've just said, did it really go over your head? I said that the anime was MADE FOR adults NOT MADE FOR kids, it's rated TV-MA for a reason.


I think you meant "Are you oblivious to what I've just said" because "delirious" doesn't make sense in this context, you don't master english, do you? ๐Ÿ˜

Also, I think you meant "made for ADULTS, NOT made for KIDS" because it doesn't make sense to insist on "made for" in this context either since you want to differentiate adults from kids. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And do you actually believe that repeating yourself with caps will change anything to the fact that High School DxD is a SHONEN, NOT a SEINEN? ๐Ÿ˜…

If you don't even know what "shonen" and "seinen" are then you better stop humiliating yourself showing off your ignorance when it is obvious that I know more about the topic than you do, I'm just sayin'. ๐Ÿ˜‰

"MA" means "Mature Audience", NOT "Adult Audience" otherwise it would be rated "Adults Only", "Mature Audience" basically means "high-schoolers" just like the characters of this story, all teenagers, NOT adults, I'm just sayin'. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I say delirious because you're so caught up in believing what you say that you don't understand how morally wrong you are.

I'm perfectly happy with the way I used capitalization to get my point across.

I don't care about shonen or seinien, I care about the fact that someone like you thinks it's okay for kids to watch an anime with such provocative and sexually suggestive content.

Mature Audience means it's for adults and no one younger. In this case, in the United States you must be 17 and older to watch HS DxD. Which means only adults are aloud to watch it, and this applies to many other countries as well. I don't see what the characters in the series has to do with anything, when I'm specifically talking about real life.

I really hope someone like yourself has no children because that would be worrisome, but I find that unlikely. "I'm just sayin'" x2 ๐Ÿ˜


The more you talk and show off your ignorance and unintelligence and the more I pity you... ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

And I find it amusing how you keep accusing me of what you do yourself as if you were arguing with yourself more than with me. ๐Ÿ˜

This topic is not about morality and especially not about YOUR perception of morality that you are delirious enough to believe that your perception must be everyone's perception, morality is a subjective and debatable concept therefore it is pointless to attempt to impose your own moral values to everyone and only unwise and arrogant self-righteous people do so.

You actually didn't get anything across since all that you have been doing is running in circles going nowhere like a dumb dog who runs after their own tail, moreover you obviously don't master language which doesn't help your case, as I said, the more you talk and the more you display your lack of intelligence.

Let me guess, you are a religious zealot, are you not? You certainly talk like one at least. Like someone who was indoctrinated and taught concepts that they don't actually understand because they never actually thought about them by themselves, they merely repeat and spread the ideas from other people with fanatical devotion like mindless robots which only execute the processes that they were programmed to do.

Are you actually thinking that high schoolers are ignorant of sex? Because that would be very naive of you. ๐Ÿ˜

And as I said, HIGH SCHOOL DxD was, as its very name entails, designed for high schoolers, meaning teenagers who are not yet adults but are no more innocent children already but still kids as they still lack autonomy and life experience to become adults.

And the anime doesn't actually contains any sexual content, only SUGGESTIVE content, it is not a hentai, it is not a porn anime, it is not even a seinen which means an anime for adults since you are so ignorant and foolish to argue about topics that you are clueless about and so arrogant and vain that you proudly claim that you don't care about actual knowledge and accurate truth because you care only about your own delusional beliefs, it is an ecchi shonen, it is a suggestive anime for horny kids whose hormones are all over the place because of puberty but which doesn't contain ANY actual sexual content, hence the need to develop an ACTUAL adult version which DOES contain sexual content and not merely suggestive content to tease and blue-ball. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Actually, why are you even here if you are so prude in the first place?

I hope you do realize that we are on a porn visual novel's page and that therefore here is a place of lust and that your puritan prude ass is unwelcome here, right? ๐Ÿ˜พ

Which begs the question again: Why are you even here if you are so prude in the first place?

Because you think 17 years old is adult? People are still in high school at 17, they didn't even enter college yet, they still live with their parents, they are not old enough to live by themselves and their parents are still responsible for them therefore they are not autonomous and independent, they are still children socially and legally.

You are adult when you are autonomous and don't depend on anyone anymore and not before that.

My children would be far smarter than yours, that's for sure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Congratulations, you mistake writing a book as intelligence. My lack of more complex words doesn't mean anything, I'd just rather not waste my time straining my brain on someone who's willing to deny the fact that they're a weirdo. Yes, I'm accusing you because you keep claiming it's made for kids, and of course it comes full circle because you continue to either misunderstand what I'm saying or are so unwilling to accept the truth. Someone who flaunts their "intelligence" or "IQ" really are just idiots who lack social awareness, and it quite honestly seems like a sign of insecurity. Once again, I don't understand why you're circling back to compare the characters in the series to real life high schoolers. Especially when I've been talking about people below the age of 17. I am religious, but there are things I find wrong about religion so I follow my own path. I don't have anything against anyone here who wants to enjoy themselves, as long as they're of legal age like ourselves. I also believe the same applies to the anime or manga. It's not made for horny ... I'm not going to say that because that's just gross. It's made for horny adults, saying horny this way feels weird but oh well here we are. Before I write an entire book, I'll stop here, I'm sure you'll find a way to beat around the bush on your original claim like you have been.

Have you heard of the Ecchi genre?

I already answered to this question within the discussion which followed my initial comment and it would be redundant to repeat what I already said and that you can already read however if you have more to discuss that has not been discussed yet then sure, I will discuss with you as long as we are not repeating the previous discussion. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Deleted 245 days ago