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Appendix K

[system when it matters]

Appendix L

[system if it matters]

Appendix M

[intersystemic narrative]

Appendix N

 fuck Lovecraft i was afraid of the dark before his racist ass was a stick in the weeds of his genetic souflè

And while we're here, not to go back to system stuff, but to create a system that is attuned to player desires, it is necessary to design deep mental dungeons and eliminate confusion about trpgs. To design dungeons and eliminate confusion, we need to think in appropriate concepts. We don't yet have the concepts we need to think clearly enough about ttrpgs. So we want to modify our concepts and create new concepts. The new concepts must be selected by the City of Providing Appropriate Elements of the role-playing game, capable of creating a system of everything tailored to the desires of the players.

The City, which provides appropriate elements of the role-playing game, is expressed in the suggestion of what should be changed. This proposal uses the concepts we already have. Because the concepts we already have are inadequate, this proposal does not fully represent the City. So we question a concept with the aim of replacing it with one or more concepts that better fulfill the role that the current concept plays. But as we seek to meet the demands of change, we are also asked to change the other concepts that are altered by that change. The other concepts are not yet suitable to be questioned - and they themselves, if questioned, will invite us to question even more concepts. In the absence of any conviction, we give up even before we are truly overwhelmed.

The hermeneutic network would take this problem to the extreme by analyzing all concepts relevant to the direction of a system “at once”. In the hermeneutic network, every concept would be questioned, while at the same time trying to correct or replace that concept and also trying to tentatively analyze the concept. The term is analyzed in advance so that, even if it is not in its final form, it is at least suitable for related questions. The preliminary analysis collects examples, sets out intuitions, sets out formal concepts, sets out the relationships between these examples, intuitions and formal concepts, collects desiderata for the concept such as change classes and change types that use the concept, and finds inconsistencies in the use of the concept and the changes it forces. Then when it comes time to think about another related concept - e.g. For example, "compliance" which includes "plying" and "togetherness" and "player" and "surface" etc. - these concepts ("surface" etc.) have been prepared to well support the study of "compliance". . These related concepts have been prepared to easily provide the study of "compliance" with the rearranging conceptual material needed to arrange a novel, appropriate idea of "togetherness" - a novel idea of "togetherness" that is both locally appropriate for the local study of "compliance" (suitable, i.e. in the role assigned to the preliminary idea of "togetherness" by the study), and which also has a mostly relevant meaning that is transferable to other contexts who want to use the idea of "togetherness" as "togetherness.”

Appendix O

Time fuses


In 15 rounds, we arrive at a forge. We smith spoons. All spoons float off to a dim horizon (moonless dim), finding causes, vanishing into soft reflections of the clear finger deep liquid on the ground & on the ceiling 2 stories up*.


In 5 rounds, you have the body you keep inside yourself.


In 1 round, explain to the place why you turn and walk away.


In the event all dice of a single set read the same value, using the following technique, describe what happens: ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ ▫️ 

* excuse pun pls

The Following Technique

____first. set a bowl of dice between all at the surface. for this bowl, thank your past selves

____inner. in the hand of the one to your right, take 3 dice from the bowl to place in this hand

____outer. roll a dice — add 1 (your self) to this value

if this value is all

with no last value written and no fold:

add that many words to a sheet or chat, fold the sheet to cover, or spoil, all but your last 2 words. write on this fold the result of your dice. pass your sheet, or turn to the left

if this value is less

than the last value written on the fold:

thank your past selves for that dice.

place that dice in the bowl between all. destroy the last value written. fulfilling. pass your sheet, or turn to the left

if this value is more

than the last value written on the fold:

add that many words to a new line, fold the sheet to cover, or spoil, all but your last 2 words. write on this fold the result of your dice. pass your sheet, or turn to the left

_____last. when thanks is given to all the dice. reveal folded, spoiled words. Write words in space a campaign makes for you, cutting away what you need to see it fits.

blown fuse

Fuse dice (any dice type of any number of colors) use a color spectrum to find dice waveform speed: ROYGBIV. Find greenish orange dice faster than indigoish red dice.

Roll 3 pairs of fuse dice. To blow a fuse, start with that. Manipulate results (see blowing techniques below). Then, if the faster dice value of 2 pairs of fuse dice are the same & likewise the slower dice, a fuse is blown.

For each Time Fuse blown, choose on the system clock either to

zSet 1 clock dice to a value of your choice,

or Spin 2 clock dice like tops.

An appropriate tag offers 1 additional Set.

Blowing may be performed any time during 1 Round.

All of the below glassblowing techniques can be used at any time.

Mark (or, if using cards, rotate widdershins) once used. Four marks in a round destroys the fuse you're blowing. Describe why the fuse refused

● to shape,

● your breath,

● this moment,

ending the round.

glassblowing techniques

core-forming. x(: :x: :)x

means: “if at least 3 fuse dice are the same number” halve or double the value of any one fuse dice

casting. dF <10

means: “if the faster color's Total of all 3 pairs of dice is less than <10”

+1 to any one fuse dice

blowing. dF >10

means: “if the faster color's Total of all 3 pairs of dice is greater than >10”

-1 to any one fuse dice

mould-blowing. dS <100

means: “if the slower color's Total of all 3 pairs of dice is less than <100”

+1 to any one fuse dice

pattern-moulding. dS >100

means: “if the slower color's Total of all 3 pairs of dice is greater than >100”

-1 to any one fuse dice

trailing. w(: x(: y(: z:)

means: “if at least 4 fuse dice have values sequential in number”

Rotate any number of fuse dice either up or down 1 and then add to all rotated dice plus or minus double the value of w.

cutting. x(: y(: z:)

means: “if at least 3 values of any of the dice are sequential”

reroll once any of up to 4 fuse dice

fire-polishing. 1(: :)1 or 2(: :)2 or 3(: :)3

means: “if at least 2 dice of either the faster color or the slower color are [1 and 1] or [2 and 2] or [3 and 3]” Flip a [8 or 7 or 6] fuse dice into a [1 or 2 or 3]

marvering. 4(: :)4 or 5(: :)5 or 6(: :)6

means: “if at least 2 dice of either the faster color or the slower color are [4 and 4] or [5 and 5] or [6 and 6]” Flip a [5 or 4 or 3] fuse dice into a [4 or 5 or 6]

weathering. 7(: :)7 or 8(: :)8 or 9(: :)9

means: “if at least 2 dice of either the faster color or the slower color are [7 and 7] or [8 and 8] or [9 and 9]” Flip a [2 or 1 or 0] fuse dice into a [7 or 8 or 9]


In 10 rounds, doom.


In 20 rounds, you forget what time is.


In 30 rounds, daylight. Magic sleeps. In maintenance is our fuse blown to replace some fuse on this leyline clock 1 specific spell cast in the physical realm blew. For each of the 30 rounds, decide: what ass cast that spell? Why?


In 25 rounds, the clock is self aware. You remember the clock is your hosts' polycule. You had made each fuse to replace a fuse on the clock 1 specific past hurt blew. For each of the 25 rounds, decide: what hurt blew that fuse? Does the fuse you made better process that hurt? How?


Dice display this, our clock. Whenever it is accessed, a session begins and its dice arrange themselves at the last values they were on. If it's 0 or it is arranging for the first time, it rolls all its dice: this creates a new session!

Every round, its d100 rotates up by 1; when its d100 loops, it rotates up its d20; when its d20 loops, it rotates up its d12; when its d12 loops, it rotates up its d10; when its d10 loops, it rotates up its d8; when its d8 loops, it rotates up its d6; when its d6 loops, it rotates up its d4; when its d4 loops, it flips over its character sheet.

Flipping its sheet creates time waves, pushing away all other forces. Until it begins its next session, experience changes in time used to look for a way back to the clock.

Time Fuses

Walk away if you've never known what day it is. — note on the machine

A system clock! We all its claws are in; if it has changed, so have we (tags, weather/emotion, fauna, kith, palettes:

it changes at all, this changes everything! It's never not changing! It's now, after reading this, another cool thing!)

Appendix P

Appendix Q

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. What do you do?

Appendix R

an escape room:

image description: a screenshot of the following words the following words this image description\: a dice bag full of emoji dice

(1 edit)

Appendix S

list of books (not done yet)

^^ (the actual birthday present)

Appendix T

[spark, and the empty room grounds]