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A member registered Nov 28, 2021

Recent community posts

Currently not able to download it in the Itch app. It works from the website.

"Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" is currently popping up when I try to download the demo.

Is the paid version here the same as the patreon version?

Bringing this up again. With the new release I have access to 4.0, but not the most current updates listed. I had already paid $12 for a bundle with this game + Dungeon Ravager. Do you have to pay again for each new update?

Hi, I purchased the full version of the game as part of a bundle but cannot access any of the install links for v4.0, they do not show up as available to download. Please help.

Currently stuck on main quest 8 (path of heresy). I keep getting the prompt to check out the launch pad every morning, and it gives me a new instance of the main quest in my log each time, but there does not appear to be a way to advance (Cordelia is not in her office). 

How do I download 4.0? I bought the game as part of a $12 bundle awhile ago, but only have access to versions up to 3.11.

Don't think so, no. 

(1 edit)

Mini-guide here for anyone wondering about the scenes - a lot of people were asking but didn't see a response with a complete answer. Spoilers warning, I guess.

I counted 7 different characters with scenes (6 female, 1 non-binary). You can tell they have a scene if they are dirty when they come in and are not that one male character who is always dirty. Some characters seem to have names if you talk to them, but since they seem to change sometimes I'll go by hair color.  The characters are:

  1. Blonde hair w/ green eyes
  2. Blue hair with hairband
  3. Blue/pink hair
  4. Pinkish hair (white in scenes) (non-binary)
  5. Brown hair w/ glasses
  6. Dark blue hair
  7. Red hair

There are 4 scenes for each character (28 total) - they are the same for each, just with a different character in them. Scenes refer to full-screen art - there are some additional animations for each character (getting into washer, in the washer, facial expressions). To get all scenes, you need to encounter each character at least 3 times, since you can get scene 1 and either 2 or 3 each time you run into them. There is no need to worry about gameplay, since it isn't implemented - just skip the other characters until you get the one you need. The scenes are:

  1. Offer to wash the character, then cancel the machine after starting it. Offer to wash them yourself ("let me clean you" or "it'll be softer").
  2. After washing the character (either yourself or in the machine) ask for payment ("I need payment"). When they offer "alternative payment", accept ("certainly").
  3. After washing the character (either yourself or in the machine) ask for payment ("I need payment"). When they offer "alternative payment", ask for money again ("I need money"). When they offer to work, accept ("deal!").
  4. After starting the washer with a character inside, wait until the timer hits 200, then stop the washer. When they ask why you didn't stop, answer "I don't know", then accept their offer.

That should do it.

Alright, thanks. Just FYI, on your main page it still says the bundle price is $55. When you actually try and buy the bundle it says it is $60, hence the confusion. 

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If I bought the "all my games" bundle before the full version of this was released, am I supposed to get the full version of this as well, or do I need to buy it separately? Just wondering because it appears to be in the bundle now, and the pricing appears to be the same.

Is there a way to get to the blackjack game without restarting a new save file? I missed 3 of the scenes there because I suck at blackjack.

Are people who bought the previous version of the game going to receive the re-launched version for free?

Like the game concept a lot, looking forward to the full version.

Is there a trick to navigating the maze in the pocket dimension? I somehow blundered my way to the end of it through trial and error, but am totally stuck on the escape sequence - without the ability to run away from the cultists you encounter, I keep running out of time/getting lost. I noticed that a few of the split route saves drop you  near the exit of this area with around 6:30 left on the timer, which implies there is a fast, easy way to reach the exit in 30 seconds or less.

This may be a very dumb question, but I was wondering how I am supposed to use the 100% save file that is included in the extra files with the game? When I downloaded it, I got a .zipx file with two files zipped in there, Global.rvdata2 and Save01.rvdata2. I saw that inside the game's directory folder there was already a "Global.rvdata2" file so I replaced that one with the one from the 100% folder.  In the same directory folder there were a bunch of numbered save files, so I added the save file from the .zipx and renamed it so it didn't conflict with any of my existing saves. After running the game, I saw the new save on the load menu, so I opened it and got...a save in the gallery with exactly the same unlock progress you have at the beginning of the game (mostly unlocked, onsen, mine 2.0 and slime girl scenes not there). Is there something I am doing wrong? I'm assuming the file is supposed to 100% unlock the gallery.

I tried being defeated by the plants in the forest, the puppets, and the bandits in the Old Mine, then searching the rescue locations. In each case, there was nothing in the spot I was supposed to find Emi, since she was still following me. If I got into combat Emi would have the "defeated by Golem" image and would be unable to do actions. I just reloaded a previous save. Enjoying the game! Really wish this and some of the others were available on Steam as well.

If either Emi (probably  Kiri as well, but untested) is defeated during the boss battle against the golems in the cave in Elkia forest but you win the battle, that character becomes permanently locked out. They follow you normally as you travel around, but in combat they show up as if they are captured by a golem, regardless of where you are or what you are fighting. I tried sleeping, talking to Aya, getting party wiped by different enemies, nothing worked. Eventually had to reload a previous save and lose ~1 hour of progress. Not sure if this also happens with other boss enemies as well.

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As indicated, the level skip does not work on the flying level, but it works on every level before and after that. If you want to speedrun the gallery, just open the game folder after launching it at least once, open the "cg" file, and below the line where it says [cg] just enter "roomx=1", where x is each number from 1-55 (each entry should have its own row). Save the file (maybe copy it first) and voila. I ended up with every CG except for one of the tentacle ones (it was replaced with the succubus defeat scene). Also ensure there are no duplicate entries.

Thanks for the reply! To anyone else interested, pressing "6" on the keyboard (not the numpad) skips to the next level, and pressing "P" gives you bat wings that you can use to fly around, making progressing a lot easier.

Is there a way to unlock all of the CGs? I like the art but the game is kind of difficult. I would assume you just edit the "cg" file, but I don't know what the right commands are and don't want to screw everything up.