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A member registered Jun 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Oh shit I'm sorry William, I must have skipped it. Thanks a lot! The cat is amazing, she's grown so much already :)
NSFW will be applied either through a DLC or patch, still unsure, I'll have to see how far I take the NSFW content. If it's risky, it will have to be a patch. But if it's ok, it will be a free DLC. For now, it's ok, but can't really say until I develop that aspect more.
But the game is settled definitely to be SFW on Steam, however the lewd parts come through patch or DLC.

The game will be SFW on Steam, to play the NSFW you'll have to download a patch for it (or maybe I'll make it a free DLC, really depends on how risky the content is).

Hello BlackJackal! I really appreciate your kindness and words, it means a lot to me.

Even if I'm determined to bring the game to completion no matter what happens, comments like yours re-energize me. I hope I can make this wait worth it and bring something good.

I wish a good day to you :)

Hello Scott, thanks for the encouragement!! It's been quite a ride so far haha I agree that Steam is the best option for me, I'll update from time to time how it's doing stats-wise since it's an area I really enjoy, but I'm happy already just being in there!

About controller / Steamdeck support, I connect my controller all the time to test menus and such, it will be fully supported. Right now it doesn't show on the Steam page since I need to have it 100% in order to market it as such, but it will be done, same with achievements and other Steam extras which I love to have in games. About NSFW, it's part of the DNA of the game, I'll make a patch or something when the time comes.

And yeah, the kitten is def helping, spending a lot of time alone but with her it gets more lively! We take care of each other haha I hope the summer is not too bad where you are, in here we are reaching 40ºC.

I've been busy with the Steam page which is up right at this moment. Aside from that, I've been working on the front entrance of the inn, which wasn't accessible before. I'll share some screenshots soon about that :)

I don't feel good having a Patreon right now, but I really appreciate it. The best way right now to support the game, is to wishlist the game on Steam to help with the algorithm when it releases :)

I'm sorry Perro, it's been a busy month with life and making the Steam page. It will be a while till there's a playable version, but it's getting better by the day

Thanks for the feedback! Thankfully I'm redoing the whole task / relationship points system, and it will be changed for the new version :)

Yeah, that's what I'm going for at the moment, these days I'm preparing the Steam page and it will be 100% SFW on there.

I'm really glad you like it! Thanks for playing friend :)

Thanks for such a thoughtful comment friend :)

Yeah I've been thinking a lot about the whole Steam dilemma; there's some pretty raunchy with no problems in, and a big list of banned games include underage characters. I'm just cautious in case I want to include some things because I don't think Steam would love some things, like if at some point in the plot a character is drunk + sex happens, they may think there's no consent... Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, but better safe than sorry, there's no coming back from a ban as far as I know.

I'm glad you like the new pixel :) Chiharu is for sure the one I'm still not on board so don't worry, I've been sketching other designs, it's just that sometimes I have to move on to other things because I get fixated on something and then spend too much time, so I let it rest for a bit haha

Yeah about the fixed times, you explained perfectly my reasons for the change. I didn't really have much content before and it already felt like a "complex" menu. Walking from place to place felt just like pressing buttons and not really doing anything. It was a problem of my implementation, since I've played games that do it well, but I didn't.

About the inventory, I always thought about having one, mostly for gifts for the girls, but since I wanted to have some customization, letting the player place things in some spots came naturally. I'm avoiding the whole farming thing since it would feel out of place, but yeah, some plants and other decoration will be nice I think!

We will see how this turns out, but I'm really enjoying it hehe. Thanks a lot for the nice comment! Always a pleasure to read your thoughts. I'm a bit less focused on media atm, so sorry if I take a bit to answer back!

¡Y si, soy español! Prototipo mejor en español, por fin empecé a usar las herramientas para localizar fácilmente y tenerlo en los dos idiomas jajaja. Cualquier cosa me dices, tengo curiosidad por tus proyectos. Un placer :)

Yeah, I've been thinking a lot and the least optimal one is to go full ero on the Steam release... ayayay

I hope everything turns out well for you Scott 🙏

Thanks a lot for the kind words Scott!! You are always so thoughtful! I'm glad you are enjoying the changes. A lot of times when I'm re-doing something I ask myself  if people will like it better than the old stuff, so it's good to hear.

And everything is going good friend, the only thing that bothers me nowadays is the sun here in Spain haha Getting close to temperatures that make me not want to go outside until night time. Hope you are doing great too!!

I'm a bit late now myself haha Thank you very much Hetzer :) It's definitely been a wild ride, but I'm enjoying every moment. 

I appreciate your words.

Thank you Juba!! I appreciate the words :) We'll see how it turns out :D

Thank you so much for such a nice comment friend, it means a lot. I'll do my absolute best :)

Haha I understand the alt-account for this type of thing.

Well I love Godot, so might be biased! When I first started gamedev like 3 years ago, the first thing I tried was Unity, and it was a horrible experience, things felt really slow. By now you must be used to it, but once you open Godot and see that you can type code in and just open whatever scene you are in in seconds, there's no comparison. I understand not everyone cares that much, but to me it's important that it's so lightweight and fast, makes iteration easier. 

The biggest thing tho must be the licensing; I never liked the idea of needing to adhere to the rules of a company, I've come to appreciate open source more with time. Right now it's also a very good time to hop in, Godot 4 is SO much better than Godot 3, and it's just fun to develop in general in Godot, can't explain it any other way.. Also I strongly encourage you to give gdscript a try, since it's really easy to pick up and learn, it's very integrated in the engine with plenty of documentation.

If you ever give it a go, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks a lot Brodn :)

Damn I always have a hard time during winter and don't ever see snow, can't imagine winter where you are from! I guess with a lot of snow also comes a lot of water, so no lack of wood for you. Indeed it's best to do something and feel active!

Thankfully a lot of wonderful japanese composers that have royalty free music; once this gets a bit bigger I'd love to contact them and see if I can have some commissioned music from them, would be really cool!

And same to you :)

I appreciate the kind words William :)

As a gamedev you know these things take time, but feels nice once they are done right? I wish you good luck with your project as well! If you ever want to share something I'd be glad to look at it :)

I appreciate the kind words. I'm back at it after dealing with IRL stuff :) Hope everything is good with you as well!

Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm very glad you like it. 

Right now I'm focusing on restructuring code and other things, but I'll announce in the future when playable versions are ready once again :) Thanks <3

Sorry for the late response! I was trying to get my life together haha, but I'm finally back.

Thank you so much for the kind words! Además yo también hablo español :P I've just been pushing the translation since I really have a hard time managing everything by myself haha Eventually I'll probably translate either myself, or make dialogue texts really easy to edit so there's multiple translations, but for now I'm just focusing on other things.

And what do you want to learn? I can explain whatever you want, there's nothing complex in the game :)

Scott! It's been a while! I just read your other comment, you are always so kind, it's truly a pleasure to receive messages from you. 

Thanks for the warm welcome :) I'll definitely work hard on this and try to make it something more and more enjoyable. Some things like porting and such take a long time, but I really think it's worth it. Hopefully in not too long I'll be able to share something cool I've been working on and then get some feedback to see how you and other people like it. This is a really iterative process so only after mistakes it can get better.

I hope everything is going well with your life, and as we talked about before, winter is going away, and a nice spring is coming. Wish you the best Scott.

Dying to play this! Congrats on the update, sounds and looks great, new character looking great 👀

Thank you :>
By the release I hope the cast is interesting and different enough from each other! And I will! 🫡 🫡

Ah I understand now! Good to know, I am planning more interactions. Thanks friends 🫡

I'm very confused about this haha Did I mess up somewhere? A bug or something?

It's F! I have a drawing that indicates that in the tutorial panel when you start a fresh save file, I probably should put that somewhere in the menu as well.

Jajaja muchas gracias amigo, me alegro ver paisanos por aqui :)

Because I am spanish :D

Happy Halloween to you too Scott!! :D
Wishing from here you have a nice pleasant day! And thank you, perseverance is key (or so I hope! haha). After this one, finally I can move on to 0.2, which I'm dying to start. But first, need to stuff some more things into the game 😤

No, thank YOU for playing :)

Ah!! Here it doesn't really snow (well, it snowed once like 10 yeras ago and everyone didn't really know how to handle it haha). But I do love a fireplace, so cozy! After today I'll probably catch up with some series, or watch my favorite horror movie, "Hereditary"!! I love horror, but I didn't watch many shows when I was younger about it unfortunately, but I still remember some Scooby Doo episodes. Hoping things are well for you :)

Thank you very much friend :) I appreciate it!!

Haha every time I work on something I get excited to do the next thing, so I have a big backlog of things I gotta do. "There's no rest for the wicked" :P And actually the game is quite lightweight so it's not much of a problem, but still takes a lot of time between all platforms, oof.

And yeah perfect date next week, hope you have some fun if there's some festivities around you! Even tho where I live we don't celebrate much Halloween, thanks to the internet I can start to feel its spirit, and I'm getting excited!
I hope you are well as well Scott! A lot of rain around here, perfect for some hot cocoa.

I appreciate a lot the kind words friend, thank you for playing! Hope you like the future of the game. большое спасибо!

I think I'm kind of a masochist, because some days I really enjoy the melancholy of sad, rainy days. I have to say I'm mesmerized by your comments Scott. Some days are tougher than others, but I want you to know I smile when I read your comments.

Even though we don't know the future, one thing is for certain, without a doubt: tomorrow the sun will come out once again, and spring will be waiting for us. I'm also affected by the low light winters, so I hope you take some moments to relax and enjoy life. We will enjoy the sun when the time comes, but now it's the time of the ghosts and witches.

We never appreciate how our body works until we are sick right? We take good health for granted, at least I do haha.

That's a fantastic idea, I don't have time for this Halloween but who knows what will bring the next one! I have included a small secret for this Halloween thought! It has a low chance of triggering so I don't know how many people will see it, but I love secrets and spooky things, so it's the perfect time of the year to add such details.

With comments like yours, I could go forever Scott doing this Scott!!