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Amy Elliott

A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Our artist Katy did an amazing job with her art!

We totally needed to spend more time on levels.

Thanks Taku!

Thanks Austin!

Thank your Pouria, I totally think we should've had less levels so we can focus on level testing a bit more!

Hi, thank you!

You can press R to reset the level, we didn't have time to add that into the UI!

This is so cute

Super cool!

There isn't a web version. Tried building to web but had issues.

Apologies! I changed the project type to WebGL to test a WebGL build but forgot to change it back. Please have another go, you should be able to access it now!

Apologies! I changed the project type to WebGL to test a WebGL build but forgot to change it back. Please have another go, you should be able to access it now!

Hey, I'm aware this is covered in the description, but I've got a game where my definition of 'Finished' would be different.

Currently, the game isn't on any platforms besides web, so I'd want to finish it in the sense that it is ready for a Google Playstore release, so finish a 'port' of the game. That way it is released on my target platform, but will have the usual updates that a mobile game would have in the future, like content and bug fixing.

(1 edit)

I'm currently teaching code basics to a young student called Thomas, and for fun, we spent an hour making a small game, where I taught him Unity C# basics like instantiation, transforms, vector3, and how code and unity communicate.

He has been learning lots, and he had just done this for fun to learn about Unity and C#! :)
This is his game:

Thank you in advance.

 Any rude comments will be removed.

Fun game! :D

Interesting game! Very good job for less than 3 hours!

I found my ball rolling off the first island sometimes without even launching it, unfortunately! So it was a bit hard to play when that happened

(1 edit)

Hi Plusha!

It was just me working on this game, and I don't intend to win this gamejam, I'm just doing this for fun!
I agree with you that the game doesn't fit the theme, as I entered this thinking "I want to make a prototype for this game that I've been thinking about for ages!" and I forgot that this gamejam had a theme!! It's my first Trijam, and that's my bad, beforehand, the plane on the ground was big and a cream colour, but when I remembered there was a theme within the last hour of development, I quickly made the ground green and smaller, to kinda fit the theme, but you're right, it doesn't fit the theme! :)

I didn't plan on making this a hard game, or a game with super complex AI with the 3 hours in which I was in production, this is something for me, so I just wanted to make a somewhat-working prototype! 
So, all the AI does at the moment is pick a random spot within the grid to place themselves. I would love to implement complicated challenging AI had I had more time! If this was a 48 hour gamejam, maybe I would've :)

Sorry that you don't like the game!

Thanks for the feedback Hernz!

You can drop dice by putting them on the shelf at the top left side of the bakery! You can't put them on the ground, unfortunately, as they're ingredients and we don't want to get them dirty!
You can also throw away the dice by going up to the bin in the middle left-hand side and pressing the prompt there!

If we had more time, we would definitely state in the tutorial that the front face is the one we are meant to be referring to!

Thank you so much!

Thank you!

The majority of the 3D art was done by Joe, and the 2D art by Meg in our team (with exceptions to the plants and the normal textures on the wall)!

You can bake the bread in whatever order you like, and you see an example of this happening in the gameplay video linked.
And I agree with you, there is a lot of waiting around in the game, so maybe a refresh button that can't be spammed and a quicker timer would be a good thing to implement!

I wasn't able to get this to run on Windows 11

Hello everyone!

I just recently published a blog where I discuss a year of Game Development through participating in numerous Gamejams, And how it helped me develop my awareness of group dynamics and gave me the opportunity to test out any potential career paths and the problems usually faced in those. I feel like some of the problems I’ve come by and reflected on can help other aspiring game devs too! Please give this blog post a read! It’s greatly appreciated! 😊

Great game! Good job you guys, it looks really pretty! I think you could've benefited from a static camera though!

Although I can't rate, I give graphics a solid 9/10 and gameplay a 6/10, the gameplay is hard because of the camera!

Ah! forgot to say it reminds me of that club penguin boat game!

My health went down into minuses! Is there not a death mechanic? 
I also thought the shooting was slow, but that is accurate considering they're cannons, so maybe the speed of the items was a little fast then? I could never shoot things.

Thanks! The 3D team done a great job at making all the models!

Like I mentioned in replies below, lack of gameplay is down to me not having enough time for the programming, and a menu would've definitely been added in if there was more time, and the reason for *those* controls being told at the end of the game is because they're completely useless. You cannot achieve or do anything with dodges or somersaulting - again, more compatibility for these mechanics would've been added in given more time. The required controls (click to shoot) are easy enough that I don't think they need any explanation.

I agree that the win screen is sudden, and the win goal isn't told to you beforehand, the win goal is to just kill 35 enemies.

The mouse is still in the movie at the beginning! - Something like this would be possible to make in Unity without the use of the movie, using worldspace UI, which will allow for a higher resolution intro video, but good comedy!

The game does feel extremely slow, not as in it runs slow, but I feel like there could've been more exaggeration on the speed, less enemies, but much more speed.

I think you should also watch what you use for the music as well, you need to be very careful of copyright, for every instance of music in the game, if you were to develop this further, please take note of this as it can get you in a lot of legal trouble!

Great job on the models and particles! love them!

The win screen works just fine for me!

(2 edits)

Thank you, The video was made by our team member Hayley, she done a great job on it! And I'm very glad you like the style of the game, honestly that ended up being a coincidence as the models ended up looking REALLY cool with the PS1 style resolution I set, they were clear and bold which is exactly what we needed! The 3D modellers on my team done amazingly.

The enemies hit animation and the collectable animation is one of my favourite parts as well, I loved programming that in and using Easing Equations to figure out what the perfect curve is to use to make the tweening work how I want it to, and the feedback is all thanks to Tess, one of our leaders, I felt the sound effects were great and had JUST the right amount of 'retro sound' to them to make them sound like they fit in perfectly!

The lack of a menu and simple movement is down to how limited I was on time, as I was the only programmer on the team, I had just about finished with laying out the 3D models for the environment when I ran over my 14 hours, I would've absolutely been able to add much more gameplay if I had more time to spend on this, and the menu wouldn't be hard to add either, with the menu I'm not sure if it's too necessary for a gamejam game as you typically want the player to get straight into the gameplay though. 

Thank you, I'm so glad that you think the game played smooth, and I'm glad I was able to achieve an underwater feel for the game, that's music to my ears! :D 
As for the graphics, that's a big thanks to the rest of the team, they done amazing on the 3D modelling, and I think them making models for this game has made them more confident with making models in general, which I couldn't be happier with!

For clearer models, I think that is completely down to the resolution to get the 'retro' vibe, I think if the resolution was any higher than what I set it as, it would lose the vibe, if you want to see some of the models in more details, ask my team for pictures and I'm sure they will happily send them your way.

As for the controls! The lack of use for the barrel rolls and somersaulting, that was all down to me not having enough time to implement any more gameplay mechanics into the game, as I finished this with just over 14 hours, being the only programmer on the team has certainly made me realise that I like solo-ing the programming part of the development, but it may have been helpful to have an extra hand.

(1 edit)

Thank you! I agree with all those points, the barrel rolls were something which were implemented in the game, but never got finished, I decided to keep them in as a nice little touch and ensure there were no enemies on the track.

As I was the only programmer for the game, a lot of the gameplay was limited, so stuff like guns with reload and the rolling not *doing* anything were all down to me not having enough time to implement anything to use it with, although given more time, I most definitely would've implemented more gameplay.

And by filter, I assume you mean the blue fog in the game? Or perhaps the resolution the game was set at? I haven't really got that much of an eye for art, so that may be why that was lacking.

Thanks for the feedback.

Yep, I ran out of time, I was a little over my 15 hours when  I finished adding in all the programming, basic gameplay and amazing 3D models that got made by my amazing team.


Nice simple concept! Your game is much like ours where we went for the 'cookie clicker' style game :D
I really like what you done with the art work by mixing 2D with 3D (Unless that covid was some crazy rendered 2D art)

Where is the music and sound FX though? :(

This is for sure an Innovative game, but I don't think there was much game testing being done on it!
As many have stated below, the return buttons don't work, so the game isn't even playable.
Testing your game is crucial! 

The art style is nice for the blacksmith hub, but it doesn't blend in with the other areas in the game, I think it would've been a better use of your time on this game to spend an equal amount of time on the artwork for every scene you were going to have, whilst doing this you would have less time doing the blacksmith hub, the game in a whole would look more polished as you would have all the areas looking more seamless (if you understand what I mean) - The art is beautiful though! 

Also! No music or sound FX! 

Really good job on making the assets, and I really liked the *idea* of the game, I feel like it could've been executed better, as I was winning every single fight without putting in much effort, so I wasn't getting hooked on the game, it should be much harder, I don't even think my character lost a single bit of health!

I love how you randomized the enemy sprite's skin shade, and I really like the use of the timer to be as quick as you can, that's not a mechanic I've seen much in incremental games!
I'm also very happy you didn't go down the generic cookie clicker path for this game, you were being ambitious and trying out new, creative ideas, and that's great! Very innovative! 

There we go! This has been fixed for the V2 we have just uploaded

The clicking has been upgraded now :D

There we go! The autoclicker/clicking upgrade count has been added, and the number has become a integer value instead of a float for V2 of the game we just uploaded!

There we go, the autoclicker/click upgrade now has a working counter and incrementing cost of upgrades on it for V2!