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Thanks for the comment, very happy that you found the movement gameplay quite unique, I'm trying to create a game that changes around the usual platformer games, but still be a platformer. I really laugh with the "“I wanna be the guy” styled spikes." comment. I updated the gameplay so these moving spikes, the ants and other traps don't kill you at one hit, making the game more playable I think.  

Thanks!! I will keep it up for sure!

I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the moving spikes being a pain LOL. I upgraded the gameplay with a hearts system, so you do not die at the first hit, this should make the hardest parts of the maps less painful. It also allows me to kind of create challenge for the player (no hit challenge or something like that).

Thanks for playing, I will keep developing and improving this game and produce more in the future :)

I could pass the tutorial, but the game crashed when I tried to play level1. I also tried downloading the game, but when I executed it I got an error. From what I saw in the tutorial it seems like a nice game, you can switch between 2 character states with different movements, and you also have these "shellectables" which seemed funny. 

I hope I can play more when it doesn't crash so regularly. Keep it up! 

I loved this game! I'm an MSc aerospace engineer so any game related to the space topic is a hype to me. I really liked it, the game flow is great, I did no see programming bugs and the UI functionality was fine. 

I do not believe you need to improve this "trial and error" thing, I think the game is just right in its difficulty and you have to play around to see how gravity and mass are affecting your ship movement. What you can do, is add a very short tutorial explaining to people how gravity works. Obviously, my opinion is biased becuase I know pretty well how gravity should work and to me it was no difficult to figure out the game.

Regarding gravity physics, I didn't get the right sensation. Why the asteroids that are so small pull so much of the ship? It really felt that the asteroids pull was very similar to the planets gravitational pull. This does not make sense to me, as obviously bigger volume usually mean bigger mass (unless they're very very gassy planets). I got a similar sensation with the black hole (too low pull compared to asteroids for such a big size), I think that right now the gravitational pull of other objects to the ship is not well balanced.

Also regarding the black hole, I could observe that the ship warped its shape when nearby it, that's a nice one, well done! Finally, I missed that you showed in which level you were during the gameplay. I was playing around and passing levels, but had no idea if I was on Sector A,B,C or D, or if I was within the sectors at level1, 2 and so on. 

Overall an amazing game that needs to be polished at some points. Looking forward to seeing more of it and that you create a mobile game :)     

Really cool level and game concept. I like this games where you have several waves of enemies and you have to defend. As of the game itself it works fine, the music is pretty good, I liked the possibility to upgrade towers, link an element to it and even combine elements. 

At this state, I think you need either add more different levels, or increase the game difficulty with each wave. The game itself is nice and beatiful, but it's boring because there is no challenge. Once you position the towers, that's it you've won the game basically.

Keep it up because the game concept itself is good, and the game works. Now maybe just strive towards making the gameplay more fun by means of being a bit more challenging.

Thanks a lot for your comment, and happy that you liked the music. The language feature is something that I had to add for sure as I'm not a native english speaker. Actually, I grew up in Spain and here you have in the same country multiple languages, and it is such a political topic, that I just wanted that anyone from anywhere in the world could play it in its language. 

At the moment only 4 are available, but I plan to add if possible all of the. Also I will separate the USA english and the UK english, and also Spanish castillian and Spanish latinamerica. Still a lot to do in that sense, but at some point I want to add at least 10 or so of the most spoken languages in the world.

Also very happy that you think the game is fun! this is my objective overall, at the end, as I gamer myself I loved platformers and wanted to create a game that people could love as well

I do apologize for that bug. In the new release I think I had solved it, but still will have to wait for feedback. I am struggling working around the canvas, and how it re-scales with screen size. Still, I see that you tried playing around so thanks for that and your comment. 

I'm happy that despite that horrible bug you found it kind of enjoyable. I will keep working on it for sure!

I'm very glad that you found it enjoyable. I released a new update with changes in the gameplay mechanics so the game is less punisher. I introduced a hearts system, that if you get hit, you lose a heart instead of directly dying. You can also gain hearts. I also added the collectables to make the game more dynamic, and if you get them all you get an extra life. 

Thanks for the Big Journey game reference. I watched some gameplays and I believe I will introduce some elements in CvA. Thanks again for your comment, and I hope you like the new update if you play it :)

Thanks for your comments! yeah the edges movement is still so so, at some point I will see how to improve that.  

So glad you enjoyed the game! I've used opengameart in the past, the ant that you see in the game is from that website. However, when it came to music, I did not found much useful tracks or sound FX. At the moment, the music is from NCS, most of it and the sound FX are from Pixabay. I find Pixabay library and sound FX much wider and user-friendly.

I really enjoyed the game! Awesome mix of Tetris and RPGs, never expected it and it turns out to be very fun. A lot of details to polish but that's one step at a time. Most of the suggestions I had were already commented, and I saw your reply that you will improve the combat system based on the Tetris match so well done! 

Also, regarding the combat system most RPGs introduce the weakness concept. For example maybe the alligators should be weak to lightning and thus the spell cause double damage? Another interesting idea is that when you full completely the grid, you unleash a secret power that deals masssive damage. 

These are just suggestions, your idea itself is unique. Keep it up! 

It was a really fun game. I would add as some other comments that you add something for the player to dodge. Otherwise there is no challenge. Keep it up it is a really fun idea!

I really liked the game. This games where you can choose your own adventure are always very interesting and intriguing. I played two times and both times I starved to death. 

I agree with the other players regarding the text. Sometimes it goes to fast and plus the images in between, you do not get enough time to read all of it. Other times the text moved slow and I could not speed it up.

Overall I think it's a great idea. Keep it up!

Hi, I liked your game it was pretty fun! The idea of switching sizes to advance was enjoyable. I also found it difficult, specially since you die at one touch, but still very fun. I could beat the three levels. I found it interesting that the difficulty gets higher with each level, and that it includes puzzles and exploration. 

I think you got the basics, you just need to build up. Some suggestions:
 - Add a boss fight
 - Add some character evolution, a new ability or something like that has to be discovered
 - Add more levels.

Overall it was very fun to play your game. Keep it up!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate your comments, it helps a lot to improve my game. This is also my first developed game.
Going through yourpoints:

 - Noted. I will improve that aspect of the game so the jumping vs not jumping parts of the scene balance and match with puzzles and exploration.

 - Do you have any suggestions to improve that (the box dissapearing)? maybe I made my game in a way that it punished too much the players. Another comment said that if my game was supposed to be rage-platformer it shoud be clearly stated. But my idea is not a rage-platformer itself, but to incorporate some elements of it like the moving spikes or the box that if mess too much you have to die to restart the level. As I said to him, I plan to find a better balance of this added difficulty and game fun. And I thank you for letting me know.

- I may add a checkpoint just before the first spikes move. It can be noticed, specially compared to rage-platformes, that it is not all the time. It is just that in some parts of the levels, you have more difficult traps to avoid. Some parts of the levels are very simple

- I plan to give it a re-think to the music. A lot of improvements are pending in this area.

 - Artstyle: totally agree. I plan to have consistent artstyle by the end of the month or begginning of the other.

 - I'm so sorry about that bug :(. It was supposed to be solved. I'll look around it, that animation when switching scenes have given me quite the headache. I think it has something to do with canvas scaling, if you start the game and quickly switch to full screen it should not happen.

 - Ants: with the cotton they are the core of the game. I really worked a looot in the jumping and moving algorithm, so I'm happy that some people are appreciating that. It adds the difficulty I wanted for the game. And yes, I know, when they come from above you are mostly fucked (you still have options to overcome them). But in my opinion, that added difficulty makes my game stand out of the crowd. I can make the ants a bit smaller, but I want them to project fear to the player. They are the adversary to beat in the story.

So thanks also to you for playing my game and giving me your feedback! I'm very happy that despite the art inconsistencies, people are finding the gameplay to be enjoyable.

Thanks so much for playing my game and for your words and feedback! I'm so glad that you liked the cotton character and that you perceived the game as fun. I plan to upload an even cuter cotton in the next releases :).

Thanks for letting me know about the controls issue, I will make a workaround so that if you are moving right and press left, it automatically moves left, and vice-versa. I'm used to play releasing the key when I don't intend to move in that direction, thus never realized of that bug. Real thanks as I need this kind of comments to improve my game. The collision boxes might be too big indeed. I recently changed all maps and maybe some colliders are not set properly. Do you remember which object gave you that impression?

I plan to release future updates of the game in this month. I could like to have a stable product by the first days of October.  Stay tuned as I will implement some of the improvements that other users as you indicate.

A very well done game! Have to say I'm personally not that much into side-scrollers, and never played that much the velociraptor game in Chrome. But, I enjoyed playing your game thousand times more that the Chrome game. 

I found the animations very very fluid, I really liked the animation at the start of the gameplay (it made me feel a bit sad, but it is the kind of dark humour I like), and from animation point of view it's perfect. 

I had an issue with the main menu screen, as the Logo Images were on top of the menu and I could not see the contents of the menu. At the end I pressed enter or clicked around and the game started (but I could not change the music settings). Maybe it's just my computer but wanted to let you know. Overall, the UI elements design is awesome.

The music and sounds match the entire game and is consistent. The gameplay, which to me is the core of games, is very original. Never expected someone would see the velociraptor as a projected shadow. I liked the change size feature and that depending on the size you jump more or less high. Also, the meteorites make the game very dynamic as you have to check both the projection and the 3D. 

At the end, I could make until a very sad 350 points of score. The new elements make the game quite more difficult that the original velociraptor. I had tons of fun playing your game. 

Suggestion for improvement: add a story mode in addition to free running mode. This story mode would focus on passing levels (reaching certain score for example) and having story between levels. You can even add boss fight levels. You already created a very funny animation and story at the beginning, I think it would be just build on top of that.


I really appreciate your feedback, it is the kind that helps me improve my game :). I intend to remove all pixel art artstyle and replace with realistic artstyle. At the moment I have as pixel art: the statues that triggers teleport, the checkpoint, the chain and the fire at level3. Probably I will have to do some work around the portal itself as well. Regarding music not quite sure yet what to do. A lot of people really liked for example the song of the first level. I will try to listen to everyone and come up with a balanced solution.

Thanks for the movement comment!! I will sort the climbing around the boxes (and other objects), but I like the boxes as they are elements that can be used to solve puzzles. Regarding animations, I plan to add a dying animation for the cotton as well as improve the dying animation for the ants. 

The gameplay: I had to google it and play some games to understand what a rageplatformer was. And here, as you could notice, my intentions and ideas are still unclear. My initial idea was not to create a rage-platformer. I based myself a little in games like supermario and sonic, and built from there. As I was making the game, I felt it was too easy, and started incorporating elements of rage-platformers (without knowing this was indeed a genre). And so the result, a game that by definition is a platformer, but it also has a story, it has large maps to explore and solve puzzles, it has a lot of traps (I plan to add more as the player advances throught the levels), and it has the ant enemies (more kinds of ants to be added as well). 

I wanted to create an original, different gameplay. At the end, I'm a very good programmer, but have no idea of graphic and sound creation. So the art is not mine, but the gameplay is. So I decided that the differencing factor for my game is gameplay. I will also improve music and graphic elements as I go, but gameplay is the key for me. I want to create a challenge for the players in a fun environment. But this will require several iterations and feedback from gamers like you.

The story is improvised, it can change at any point. For sure, it will include a magical world, combined with some post-apocaliptic features. The idea is that the world is so contaminated that it created life out of cotton fibers (thus the name polusan), and it mutated ants (and more stuff). Again, the idea is not to make a rageplatformer, but a platformer that incorporates some elements from rage-platformers. 

So, thanks so much again for your feedback. I wanted to explain my ideas so people can understand a bit the game concept. It's my first game and I'm still new into game development. I will work towards finding a better balance of the vision I have.

Very interesting game. I liked the atmosphere and how it is set. However, I found unconfortable that you could not speed up the dialogues (like if you click or touch a button the dialogue text completes). Once the dialogue ended and I could play the game I enjoyed it. It sets a mysterious atmosphere around this company the character works for. 

I made until the end of the demo. I really wanted to know what was going to happen. I think that if you can make the gameplay a bit faster specially for dialogues and also when walking around the office it will improve the gameplay.

Regarding art, I really enjoyed it and it felt as an inmersive experience. The sound of the keyboard typing matches  the dialogue. The art is simple but it matches the whole game. Same for music, simple but it accomplish its goal. I also liked the story and hope I can see more of it.

Amazing game! I could make it until the first boss fight and really really enjoyed it! It reminds me a bit of megaman. I think the game design execution has been done perfectly. The music, graphic elements and gameplay match perfectly.
The gameplay offers a wide variety of options to advance: gravity change, jump, open/close gates, move around the map up/down. 

I think the overall idea of the game is very very good. You just need to add more levels, in a way that makes the game interesting. You can implement also character evolution so after each boss fight you get a new power (like in megaman). 

I liked your game! I enjoyed pretty much the story introduction and how it is developing at the begginning, everything seemed so mysterious. I also liked the part where you had to investigate around and that gave hints of what the story was going to be like. 

I got stuck at the harmonica part, I did not know what notes to play nor where to find the notes. I did the foghorn part when the "ghost?" appeared, then played again the foghorn and said something like it likes it. Then found the harmonica and that's it, could not advance more.

I felt the game as polished and everything was neat. However, not being able to know what to do killed a bit my desire of keep playing. Maybe you could add some sort of hint after some minutes have elapsed to help the player?

I liked the game. It intuitive how to play it. It consist of crating dishes as if you worked in the kitchen of a restaurant. The music and sounds are good and are synchronised. The graphics and UI elements are also very well organized. The game flow is consistent and it is easy to understand what is happening.

The game is a prototype so that's what it is, until the development is pushed further. As an idea, I kind of like it. I had the same perception as other user regarding not knowing what to do. It was easy to go around the map, but the goal was not clear and you just went moving around with no target. 

However, I think that if you are supposed to either sneak in, or capture spies, the idea is good and I would like to play a game like that in the future. At the moment it is needed at least an introduction tutorial with some instructions.

Hi there, I played your game. I'm not too much into this kind of strategy turn based slow games, with a very simple task. But, I kind of enjoyed it, I could grow some plants but never did understand completely how it worked. I believe a strong tutorial is needed. Also, I suggest to speed up the exhibition process, I think it takes too much time.
Do not know if it was me, but no audio at all was detected

(1 edit)

hi there,

Sorry about the bug when you ran out of lives, it should be solved in this new release. 

The music is not mine, the main tracks are from NCS. 

I'm very happy you enjoyed the game. I uploaded a new release version if want to check it out

Thanks! So glad you liked it. As a gamer myself, it's an authentic pleasure to make other gamers enjoy playing my game :)

Thanks for your reply! I am already thinking on how to rework the art and I am looking to to collaborate with a graphic designer for that.

Hi I passed the 4 levels of the game and found it very enjoyable. I really like how you mix music and the gameplay. This is also encouraging for people to learn music so really well done. Keep up the nice work

I liked the idea of the game. I understand the game is still in a very early stage yet, but the idea of continiously feeding the bear keeps you entertained. I observed bugs in the movement of the cows. 

Great idea of game, but it needs a lot more of workaround. From my perspective, I think that what you can improve aside from assets quality and bugs:
 - Add ammunition to the game that has to be obtained instead of constant ammunition
 - Increase a bit the time it takes for the bear to be hungry. I would add something like the bear gets more hungry more quickly as you the playing time increases. You can also add something like waves, and after each wave the difficulty increases.
 - Add some story/lore to understand why you have to feed a bear.

Hope I could help you and keep up the good work!

Dear ant creator,

Thanks a ton for your feedback! I’ve got to admit, the game’s tough on purpose 😄, but there are definitely different ways to beat it. I really wanted to make sure it gives players a real challenge.

But more importantly, a huge thanks for sharing your art! As someone who's awesome at programming but terrible at drawing, your contribution made a big difference in bringing this game to life.

Keep up the awesome work!

Dear creator,

I really like the game design and mechanics. Also the combat system is fun enough. However, I am missing some storylines here, why are cats fighting each other? What is the purpose of the game?

Keep up the good work!

Dear creator,

I really enjoyed playing your game! I liked the puzzles and the idea you have implemented for them.  From my point of view, I would  add to the game: 
  - some enemies

 - A run functionality

Keep up the good work!

Dear creator,

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the awesome assets! I used them in a game I made called "Cotton vs Ants," and they really helped bring everything together. You can check it out here if you're interested:

Thanks again for sharing your work!

Dear creator,

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the awesome assets! I used them in a game I made called "Cotton vs Ants," and they really helped bring everything together. You can check it out here if you're interested:

Thanks again for sharing your work!

Dear creator

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the awesome assets! I used them in a game I made called "Cotton vs Ants," and they really helped bring everything together. You can check it out here if you're interested:

You can find the tilemap assets on level3. Thanks again for sharing your work!

Dear creator,

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the awesome portals assets! I used them in a game I made called "Cotton vs Ants," and they really helped bring everything together. You can check it out here if you're interested:

Thanks again for sharing your work!

Dear creator,

Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the awesome assets! I used them in a game I made called "Cotton vs Ants," and they really helped bring everything together. You can check it out here if you're interested:

Thanks again for sharing your work!