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A member registered Jul 15, 2021

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Ok, yeah i've been doing some reading up on what was supposed to be in this last update. Either the dev uploaded the wrong version as 0.2, or he's just straight up lying for no reason. It literally just ends after the quiz and there is no "quest" or anything new dialog after it tells you to check your messages. You're just stuck. DEV PLS FIX. I really liked the look of this game and it's a shame that there just isn't even a game rn.

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I cant tell if i bugged it or thats the entire demo. What was that a demo of, if thats it? I don't understand what to do after the quiz.

If you do things in the wrong order you softlock yourself in the cave.

Do you still have to use joiplay to play this on android? I constantly had issues with joiplay crashing the last time i tried and kept losing my progress every 10 minutes. It cant be that hard to separate an rpa file from the apk so you can download it separately. It's how literally everyone else is getting around the file size limit for apks.

Yes, so far.

if i hit ignore which sometimes works I'm met with another error and the only option is to rollback prior to that choice.

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im not having issues with the blue options at all yet. I'm wondering if it's an issue with not the update itself but the update process maybe breaking something? 

The "maybe, is it sexy?" Option with allison is bugged.

that's nice at least

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Ffs can you stop moving the save location? It's annoying as hell to have to either start over or back up my save everytime I want to update the game. Especially when dealing with the android data folder. Just let us update the game normally and leave it alone. I'm actually so done with this game because of this crap. I guess I'll re-install when you make up ur damn mind and i'll have to start all over... again...

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Super slow compared to older version and it crashes constantly. Brother, i dont think Godot was the play. Its seriously overhyped and still pretty new. This was a huge gamble and its falling apart.

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Where is the report during naruto's mission? Cant seem to find it and i feel like i checked everything but it doesnt let me leave.

Nvm, I found it. I clicked on it several times and wasn't working for some reason. Finally got it to work.

Crafting not work on mobile?

Crashing when attempting to load my save. Worked fine yesterday and now it just freezes and crashes after a few seconds.

Android port soon?

Storage room at school. How'd you get the one to left of it?

Has the new android download been fixed? Last i checked it wasnt the right version.

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Are we being pranked or am I just blind? Can't find the last egg...

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Still 0.3.13 after update. 

Edit:you cannot update from the old version. Only on reinstall does the it download the correct version. Surely this isn't intentional and is being looked into, yes? But for anyone having trouble with the update on android, back up your saves if you can and reinstall. Only way I've found to get it working. Hopefully ya'll don't end up like me and have to start over since I can't get access to where the files are stored to back up my saves. Pls don't let this be a common occurrence in the future, devs.

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if its already compressed then i guess there's not much that can be done about file size. But either way joiplay is prone to crashing in my experience and I lost a ton of progress the last time I tried playing your game to a crash. Since then I unistalled and just refuse to use it.

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Most do it by seperating the rpa file inside the "game" folder and having the apk install everything else. As long as the file location isn't inside android's data folder and somewhere else like the document folder (which is how most devs are doing it now since android is denying access to data files) it's fairly easy for the users to just move or copy the rpa file into the game folder themselves. Just zip the apk and the rpa files together with maybe a txt document for installation instructions and post it up on itch to download. Although I'm not sure specifically how to do any of that since I've never personally done it myself, the method is there you just might need to ask around a bit.

any chance this game gets a port as an apk? I hate using joiplay since it takes up way too much space.

They might be. The dates are the exact same as the last update's, but if its not then that could mean the dev wants to keep his release dates consistent.

Idk if its just android or what but this game is literally unplayable for me. Its a 50/50 gamble everytime i select anything whether or not the game locks up. Reloading saves doesnt work, it just locks up even earlier. I just dont get it. The game looks great, the animations are great, and the story is pretty interesting. I just cant get it working consistently enough to enjoy it.

So far there are 2 events with them revolving around shuya, but it appears that they'll be "conquerable" in future updates. As for right now I believe the events were just introductory? Again, unless I'm missing something.

How did you get the event to trigger?

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The drama club event pops up after your morning event with your familiar. Just head to the school Saturday morning after that. As for the 4 new girls I'm still clueless, and not sure if there actually was anything in this update for them. Pretty sure what it meant by "will appear" is that maybe they will have content in the near future? But since people are mentioning names such as "Vivien" which I can't seem to find anywhere I'm assuming there's something we're missing. Idk, would really appreciate it if the devs would shed some light on the subject. 

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All of the scenes in the new version were this way for me. i tried reinstalling and starting over to see if it was an installation issue, but I noticed a TON of errors I hadn't experienced before throughout the previous versions as well.

all good man. You do you. I'd love to see this game cross the finish line as it was intended instead of eating shit at the halfway point and having to start from scratch.

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Could you maybe start monetizing on itch? Like have a payed early access? I've seen quite a few devs so far do something similar to get around guidelines and such on other platforms. Of course i dont know what the guidelines on itch are but I'd assume it's fine since they haven't kicked the thousands of adult game creaters off the platform yet with some being arguably much worse than what's involved with your game. I also dont know if itch takes a percentage of income or how much in that case either.

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Pls tell me the file location on android has been changed with the reinstall. I never wanna have to do this again where i have to access the files with my computer just to backup my save.

Thank you for fixing the apk issue, but now half the text is off screen. the game looks great so i wont be negative on that front, but functionality is a massive issue it seems. I dont like being overly negative about a game but I see promise in this one, so it's hard not to point out the problems when they're this bad. PC might run fine because it's being developed on a PC. You're automatically testing it for that platform while developing it. If you're unable to test on different platforms because you don't have access to them, I can understand. I unfortunately, however, have a bad first impression since the android port was released in a way that seemed like a band-aid solution. That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing that even after fixing the issue it still has more issues piled on top of it. Maybe I'm being overly critical but I've played a lot of VNs and you're having issues that I've never seen anyone else have even in the early builds. Even if they did, I wouldn't know because they waited and fixed the issues before releasing it to the public. If the game isn't even in a functional state, don't even bother releasing it until it's fixed. No one will complain because either way they end up not really being able to play it. It just leaves a better impression when people get their hands on something and it actually works. Haste makes waste, slow down and take the time to do it right. 

Was there an issue just porting it as an apk? AAB files suck. i had to pay for an aab downloader just to get the app installed, and sat for 15+ minutes staring at a "downloading assets" screen and it still didnt boot to the game. if you're gonna make an android port, do it right. Yikes.

I personally don't mind the chess because I'm aware that there isn't much content behind them, I was just adding it as something to be mindful of. There are a ton of other VN's that do similar things for players to unlock bonus content, which I like. The real issue is accessibility, is there really a reason to lock players behind unnecessarily long codes? If they are gonna have a feature like that it should be tied into optional content like the chess since it takes your focus away from the story since your trying to remember the code. There are people in the world who don't have that kind of memory retention. If your passionate and want to show people what you created, shouldn't you try to make it accessible to as many people as possible? But in all honesty, do you really need to whiteknight for the dev? It's feedback. Regardless of whether it's positive or negative, it's something for the developer to take in and reflect upon. THEY decide whether or not to listen. I'm not telling them how to make their game, I'm making a suggestion. THEY decide whether that suggestion is worth consideration. Not me, not you; them. It's ultimately their game to develop after all. I just felt that it was a waste of potential, since I genuinely think they did a great job on the visuals. It's just hard to appreciate them and understand what's going on when I'm distracted by meaningless puzzles and such that, to my knowledge, serve no purpose or have any relation to the story at all. 🤷‍♂️

I never said you had to play the chess to progress, but it is still content nonetheless that some people won't get to experience because they don't want go through all of that. all the juicy stuff in the game is locked behind annoying puzzles. In some games that might be alright, and some people might enjoy that, but I would assume I'm speaking for a fairly big majority when I say that a visual novel is supposed to be relaxing like reading a book. After all, they are just adult picture books in a way. No one wants to read a picture book where they can't turn the page until they do a really convoluted puzzle first. It's the main reason a lot of visual novels are letting the player choose between sandbox or a more traditional experience since sandbox even can be really tedious. 

Way too much effort. You should give people the option to choose a more traditional story experience. not everyone has good memory to remember long codes, and I doubt anyone wants to be taking notes while, well, you know. Not to mention, not everyone understands chess as well so those people are gated from that content since no one is gonna go through the effort to learn it for that. You're intentionally cutting off a huge player base when so many more people could enjoy your game if it wasn't a chore to play. I like parody games when they're done well, which visually this one is, but it's just an extremely annoying gameplay experience.

No i meant like the the back, skip, auto buttons that are usually at the bottom. Settings have an option for auto forward speed and skipping unread text etc, but there is no quick menu at the bottom when playing so the settings are pointless.

Is there a way to enable the quick menu on mobile?