A lil buggy
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I know it would add a lot of extra work, but if there were a few paths or side exploration, it would help a lot. Everything felt like it was on rails and I was more of a passenger than a player. The only things I found that seemed like extra elements were going into the garden for two extra scares, escaping the killer for a few rooms, getting caught by mother, and finding the motor oil, which I never found a use for. Some puzzle solving could get me more invested. Good atmosphere though.
Not a fan. The design and use of the female characters coupled with you pretending your misogyny is somehow liberating is as clearly immature as your game design. I thought it was going to parody the objectification of women in horror media, but you just amplified it and claimed it as bold.
Bad writing. Lousy art. Long drawn out sections of walking. Bare bones puzzle solving. The monster's attack pattern makes no sense. Reloading takes forever because you're kicked back to the main menu. Twist ending is telegraphed a thousand yards away.
Played through ti a few times. Very clever, but the paths didn't branch very much. Many times you're given a false sense of choice only to be forced to end up taking the path the game wants you to take. It seems like there should be multiple endings. Maybe a way for you to actually pay off your loans. Not entirely sure what upgrading the kitchen did. Not really sure how advertising helped either. I started paying hundreds and hundred of dollars for advertising expecting more customers, but it didn't seem to have much of an impact. Planets don't seem to pay a premium for the items they want. They'll generally just go with whatever is cheapest, so setting prices seemed sort of useless. In the post game I started getting to planets that wouldn't buy anything, but I didn't know why. I tried not working any weekends until I had plenty of supplies, but then I was already dangerously exhausted. Wasn't sure what crew moral did or how it changed from week to week.
I don't understand a lot of the stats. Many of them don't even display when you're upgrading things. Some weapons nerf your stats even though it doesn't mention it in the weapon description.
The Hemoglobic add-on (or whatever it's called) that's supposed to give you health when you kill an enemy actually takes away your health. Many of the upgrades don't seem to do anything or actually effect you in a different way.