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A member registered Feb 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Attacking was a very important mechanic i didn't get to add. I even had to change the texts in the "tutorial" area, and i didn't know what else to write there. Initially it was going to tell you, you can attack them

Thank you for playing! I made the hitboxes 1 pixel smaller than the actual traps but maybe i should make them 2 pixels smaller. But it's probably because of the scale, i didn't have much time to design the level more around the scaling mechanic

Extremely underrated game, very polished and with lots of mechanics! Even has cutscenes and a bit of story!

I really admire the fact you had time for lil animations and cutscenes!
I really like the lil happy animation the robot does when you win a level, and the music.

Thank you for playing! Didn't think anyone would compliment the controls, since i forgot to add coyote time and jump buffer

You managed to add way more things than i did 😅
You guys used your time very wisely!

Awesome level design that really sells the concept! The music, sound effects and art really fit together!

(1 edit)

This game has EVERYTHING, an epic sound track, awesome level design, good sound design, very good artstyle. And everything fits together nicely!

I also like the mini puzzles, and the fact areas reset when you enter them, so you can't soft-lock yourself

Also, would've been a really fun idea if, for the ending we can just use the big gun and destroy the entire map!

Thank you for playing!

I thought i was quite generous with the hitbox size 😅

I kept forgetting to add coyote time and jump buffer as i prioritized other things. But after the gamejam ends i will definetly add those alongside tweaking the acceleration and deceleration and adding some game juice!

You gave me an idea, i might actually add the ability to go into the pipes if you're small enough!

As for the hidden lives cave, it was intentional. But i should've added a text like "Don't be greedy", since if you grab a few you can still leave, but if you try grabbing them all, you get stuck.

Thank you! Most of the art comes from Kenney's website, i only made the characters myself. 

I didn't think someone would aknowledge my options menu 😅

The options actually save even if you close the game. I <3 Godot

I didn't have time to implement all the features, you we're supposed to be able to get health by killing enemies, also attacking takes consumes a tiny bit of HP, so if you we're too big to fit somewhere, you could just attack a few times to lose some size.
I will add all the mechanics and make a better level after the GameJam is over

(2 edits)

This is my favorite game so far in this gamejam! With some improvements i can see this becoming a full steam release! It also gives Ultimate Chiken Horse vibes.

So much content and possibilities, and so many parts, packed into a lil jam game. You did an amazing job!
You should definetly work on this more after the gamejam ends

Also, imagine how a multiplayer mode would be!

I've also enjoyed the chaotic mess i made:

Incredibly polished and fun game! Amazing for a 4 day gamejam

Very nice platformer, the growing mechanic is used very nicely with the level design! This game is a bit similar to mine but i didn't get to use the scaling mechanic in the level design since i didn't have enough time to implement the other mechanics, so i just made the level design a bit universal 😅

Awesome puzzle game! Very polished too

Very fun and simple game! It feels very polished for a jam game

Very fun and well executed idea! And the fact you had time to make a mini cutscene is also awesome. I also love the artstyle and sillyness of devouring entire planets, and your own ship in the end. Not what i expected 😅

This was the original plan, sizing was supposed to affect attack damage, speed, and jump height, but unfortunately i didn't have time to implement it

Ironically enough, this is the first project where i DIDN'T add it. I wanted to, but i really wanted to get other things done and forgot about it

(1 edit)

Thank you, i could've designed the map better if i had enough time 😅
I made the whole thing in the last 2 hours

The scaling mechanic is confusing, but i like the style of the game and idea! You probably faced a lot of annoying bugs

Everything about this game is perfect. The art, the music, UI, gameplay.
Very relaxing and well thought out game!

AMAZING game! Really well thought out. I can really see this becoming a full game!
You should make nonograms randomised because you can memorise the patterns

Awesome game, i like the aesthetic of it! The camera controls are a bit confusing until you learn them

I really enjoy the stealth mechanics, and i adore the artstyle. Great game!

I like the idea of this one, though i find it a  bit difficult

I wonder how it would play out if you could move freely with WASD 🤔

I love the level design, this game has huge potential!

It's a bit similar to mine 😅 At one point i also had slimes in mind, but i changed something more COOL 🥶(pun intended)

Exactly! 😅

I like the concept, i like automation!
Some things should cost a bit less though, like rows

If i had more time, i would've designed the level with more ways to utilize that mechanic. I also wanted to make an attack that consumes HP, so if you need to get smaller to go somewhere, you could just attack a bit!

I like the idea, but its a bit confusing 😅
The game needs a bit of tutorial.

I like the sound design, its very silly!

I also switched from Unity to Godot at about the same time. Godot is so much better than Unity. MUCH MUCH more responsive, loads faster, has more actual useful features AND most importantly YOU DONT HAVE TO WAIT 3 YEARS FOR THE SCRIPTS TO RECOMPILE!

This is so creative! I love the concept.
Kinda puts my game to shame 😅

You should add more buttons to move, or make use of WASD,  but that's up for the player's preference

It's extremly unfinished and didn't turn out how i hoped but i still posted it

AMAZING GAME, extremly scary and well made, the fact that you introduce an enemy to combat players just spraying everywhere is genius. My friends like to call this game "Bust a nut everywhere until you find coin"

Really good presentation, cool concept, i love the mechanic that lets you test moves ahead, i wish the camera moved smoothly tho, and also maybe it should be more fast paced, maybe you could add so you can move faster and be able to hold down buttons to keep moving! :D

Really good graphics and presentation, pretty fun to play too, though a bit confusing at fist. This game would benefit a lot if it had a tutorial

Very good concept and story. With a little more work on the visuals and gameplay it could be a really fun game