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A member registered Feb 25, 2019

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Another great game from you guys! It was kind of difficult or maybe I just sucked at it but the art and the story were really cute and precious.

I'm very intrigued now, the story so far is interesting and I can't wait to see how it develops. The art is really beautiful and the voice acting is excellent. Great job with this game. Will definitely play the rest of the game once it's finished.

This has been a rollercoaster of emotions, at first I was expecting something scary or disturbing but it was actually something much better. A good and endearing story. I´m going to be honest, I'll probably won´t get to the other ending just because of much I adored the good ending. Thanks for making this game ;)

absolutely stunning! I love the design of Mauro <3<3<3

Thank you so much!

I'm curious about the 2020 version, is there a link to the first game so that I can compare how different are both versions?

wow! This demo was really fun! Now I'm intrigued to know the full story, anxiously waiting for the full game :)

Once again Kathinka, you have done it! Another great game with beautiful characters design and a plot twist at the end that made me feel some type of way, almost crying at Olivia's dialogue in the true ending. 

Also, this game could have a prequel concentrating in both characters and their relationship, why Olivia wanted to reach THAT goal. It could be interesting tbh.

this game is too cute haha. Randy and the ghost are just too adorable <3

The art style, the storyline, the grotesque aspect of this game... everything is so well put together that I'm anxiously waiting for the second chapter guys :) 

Also thank you so much for letting us play this game for free, can't wait to see what happens with doctor and amari now that they have finally reunited 

This whole game was really cute! The only problem I have with it is that it was too short :( Loved the story and the art with the washi tapes :3

I liked the game and the art style reminds me of Scott Pilgrim vs the World, goes really well with the game and the story 

What can I say? 

This game was truly a masterpiece, every single detail was perfect here. The music, the animation, the story and artstyle, everything made me speechless by how well put together this game was. Kornelille and Almam, you guys did an excellent job with "The Railroad to Elsewhere" and hope to see more from Save Sloth Studios in the future!

Fun game!

Another excellent game by Algebra Falcon. Everything in this game was amazing. The storyline, the music and the artstyle. Such crudes but realistic endings as well. Loved every single bit of Cohabitation :)

Such a pretty and emotional game, it has such a nostalgic feeling to it. I loved every single bit of "Yuki" :')

This was a fun game!

this was surprisingly cute! Love the art :)

THE ARTSTYLE OF THIS GAME!!!! This is so precious, your artstyle is one of the prettiest I have ever seen and the game gives Ghibli vibes. I adore Violet and how cute and wholesome she is.I love everything about this game tbh haha. I hope to see more of you Daylieaf ;) 

This was a nice game. Some of May's dialogue were cringy but based on her personality I think that was the point, but Ember... Ember made me teary-eyed, at some point it made me cry just because of how beautiful and complex her dialogues were. The way she cares for May it's just so precious and the music goes well with Ember's perspective of the situation. The ending is obviously predictable but the way it reaches to that point and how it makes the player feel is something incredible. Glad I stumbled upon this game because it will certaintly be in my mind for a while just because of how it made me feel. 

Awesome job, guys ;)

Another masterpiece by you, Fulmen. There were some parts in the game that made me cry lol. The situation of the characters is so relatable specially the part of being scared of change and growing up and that's what made it so painful when you get the "bad endings" because you know that deep inside it's not really what the characters want. Overall an absolute gem of a game Fulmen :)

(1 edit)

This made me cry. I was stupid enough to even play it twice and ended up crying even harder. The dialogue between the scientist and the Homunculus really gets to you in the most emotional way. I have nothing more to say other than beautiful game natch.

This was such a fun game! I loved how unique the idea is and the overall aesthetic of the game. Great job Ema ;)

Even though I don´t understand the language, I loved every single piece of art in this game. Beautiful illustrations!

The art style is great! I loved this demo. Hope to play the full version someday ;)

Great game and really interesting topic

A fun game with a wholesome story and great character design!

The artstyle for this game was stunning. I loved Ari's character and the dialogue at the end made me sob lol. Great story and reallu fun game!

I love the art illustrations in this game, it's really cute!

Great game and lovely drawings ;)

Such an interesting game! I love the art and the storyline is pretty unique.  Great work! ;)

This was such a fun game! The humour on this was great and I love your artstyle, Beaford is such a cutie and Alicia is a whole mood lol. I hope to see more from you as I really love your art <3<3<3

Stunning game, it became one of my favorites already! This game has everything, from good storyline, good programming, good music choice and lovable characters. Nika made me cry a lot and makes me want to be her friend. The one thing that I enyojed the most though was the art, absolutely stunning! Really astonishing work, my friend ;) 

The characters are stunning! I hope that in the future we may have a complete game with these two <3<3

This was such a comforting game, as another user commented, this game gives a sense of nostalgia and some of the dialogues hits you in the feels. I'm grateful that I was able to find this game :')

The concept is so cute! I wish it could be longer ;D

Stunning game, I loved the art and the story hits me right in the feelings! The best part was Bao, a fluffy best boy lol 

The art in this game is just so pretty and the story is simple but goes well with the game. Still kinda sad about the bad ending lol. Short game but very well developed ;)

This was such a cute game!! The art style, the story and the music were all perfect for such a wholesome game ;') 

I know I'm asking too much but it would be great if we could also have an Elijah's POV just to see you pals creating something as heartwarming as "Just a Crush" 

Good job and amazing game 10/10 will play it again ;)