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A member registered Aug 05, 2021

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Alright, so after playing around with the latest version a bit, there's only a couple things I would consider changing.

1). The Imps' capacity for projectile saturation is still too high imo. The only nerf I'd suggest is bringing their fireball multishot down to 2 max - I think that would go a LONG way in making them less oppressive.

2). Overall, I like how the Cacodemons feel like a major threat and not just a flying bullet sponge.I'm also a big fan of how their dashes cancel their recoil - so there's fewer Cacodemons flying off to a different postal code. However, I think their spread shot is a bit too much. On certain maps it becomes nearly undodgeable.

If I could give a couple suggestions, maybe you could replace it with a shotgun spread of projectiles that has a vertical spread - play into how it's often hovering above you. Or maybe a projectile that increases in size with travel time - taking advantage of the fights with Cacodemons at longer ranges. Or maybe give them a railgun-type the player can narrowly dodge. That keeps them threatening at every range. I saw something like that from the Arachnotrons in Strange Aeons.

3). The current Rocket Launcher feels like it might be a little *too* good. But rather than dialing back the damage, it could be an interesting spin on the weapon to make it a bit slower between shots. Give it a reload that dials back the dps that way...

4). As good as the Chaingun feels, I think that its fire rate is too high. It often breaks encounters with how quickly you can mow down a target. It may burn ammo fast, but that's not terribly relevant if a level that gives you bullets and expects the challenge to be the time spent focusing down targets.

Aside from that, everything's flawless to me. I love this mod a *lot*.

Was just checking in and I can't believe this WAD got updated! Fuck yeah!

I remember that my only serious complaint from the previous version of Babel was that the Imps were simply too aggressive - with close to Arachnotron levels of attack saturation making corridors horrid to face. Not sure if they've been nerfed, but I'm nonetheless excited to give the latest version a go!

What a wacky title, I'm loving it so far.

BUT - I'd like to see 2 things before release:

>Pressing crouch in midair to fastfall. It doesn't need to do extra damage to enemies or anything, but having the ability to land faster and more precisely would make chain stomps feel so much better. Maybe on the same cooldown as the dash.

>Kicking enemies into other enemies doing...anything to them. It doesn't seem like it has any effect atm. Having it deal a little damage to them or at least knock them over like the slide attack does would feel more impactful.

>Less of an outright concern, but trimping with the dash kick is alarmingly easy. You can get so much height that I used it to skip jump by just trimping into a wall instead. Don't get me wrong - I love it to death - but it might be worth keeping it in mind when designing levels if you aren't already.

I really love the adjustments made to the formula here. Using Quake rules for hitscans makes the game feel much faster an frenetic, while the faster switch speeds encourage a more flexible use of them.

>The Shotgun being a starter instead of Pistol is great for fluidity. I wasn't a big fan of the spread at first, but once I noticed that even a little strafing avoids hitscans completely, I had no problem getting up in their face.

(Still kinda wish it had one accurate pellet at least)

>The Chaingun feels so much chunkier in this game. I always felt it was kinda weedy in vanilla. And it's an excellent compliment to the Shotgun's inaccuracy at the cost of some mobility.

>Making the Plasma Rifle slower while maintaining its superior dps leaves the right kind of openings and I rather enjoy that.

>Rockets honestly were kinda underwhelming. Didn't kill like you'd expect em to. Maybe if they got their damage and maybe splash radius upped at the cost of fire rate, they could find a stronger niche, but it's level 5 by the time they become relevant and everything else felt so great that I can't really say I was disappointed.

Most of all, I like how the changes made were subtle enough that someone not thoroughly familiar with Doom's balancing would likely miss them. I wouldn't mind seeing something more drastic, but that attention to detail in not overstepping the source material is an exceptional touch.

Love this, would love to see more. I wouldn't mind seeing an enemy and weapon rebalance in GZDoom that takes after this. I'd probably use it all the time.

Fuck yeah! I haven't seen your level design, but just looking at what you've been doing with HND and HAB it's obvious you have an eye for the stuff. Whenever you get around to it, I'd be pleased to see it.

Hey Terminus, have you considered designing your own TC wads to match your characters? It'd be really nice to have one for Booster in particular, since she has such a dynamic moveset that you don't really get to fully explore with most other WADs, and regular Doom enemies don't quite push the limits of her abilities.

Excellent game. Short for 10 levels, but punchy and action-packed.

Simplicity was definitely leveraged here for a more arcadey action experience, but I do hope you expand on the mechanics at play in future episodes/installments. For example, the lack of jumping and crouching was an obvious limiter to force the player to deal with projectiles on the same plane, but I've always hoped to see more FPS titles that take more advantage of jumping and sliding with attack patterns that encourage it.

Alternatively, using the kick as a reflector - or even absorber - for projectiles could create a number of interesting options for the player. Those early robot sentinels fire constantly enough that it's extremely difficult to cross them up, but timing a kick to create an opening could add an extra layer of challenge.

Maybe something more could be done with the weapons too...being able to hold an offhand or having special altfires...but I could see that one bogging down the simplicity of the game without adding too much to the experience.

So update I found the company that lets you mark cells. So it is a feature, but I don't think it should be exclusively locked behind one company. It's too much of a nice QoL to only have in 1 of 6 playstlyes.

Also the method you use is a bit awkward - just bumping into cells to mark them. It would be nice to be able to hover over a cell and press/hold a button for marking. One last small thing is that the current marking mask can somewhat blur the lines between cells. It'd be nice if there was a marking method that kept the borders more distinct? But that isn't nearly as much of an issue. All you have to do if you're unsure is unmark one of your cells real quick.

Lastly, upon a complete playthrough, the virus molecules could definitely use some more spice. The Gray, White, Red, and Pink variants in particular are very simple to defeat unless they're hybridized with another type. Perhaps having a cluster of three or more of the same color will grant a molecule new abilities within its own variant.

Also the type rarity is a bit strange too. Calcium and Phosphorus are Rare despite being pretty harmless while Helium is Uncommon and Nitrogen and Oxygen are Common. Of course I imagine that may be moreso for variety than challenge, in which case fair enough.

I absolutely love Minesweeper, but it's had its limitations as a game. Having some true zero-sum games where you have literally no choice but to guess. Here, that inevitability becomes part of the play experience instead - blending methodical logic puzzling with the occasional burst of intense shmup action! I love it.

I would like to see more going forward though. Expand on both mechanics.

>For one, a tool to "mark" suspected infected cells would be MASSIVELY appreciated. Especially in this self-looping spacially dynamic layout, it can get confusing sometimes which cells you've deemed unsafe.

>Shield cells are a bit obnoxious, really slow the pace of a fight to a crawl. It'd be nice if they worked in a way that discouraged aggression instead of outright rejecting it. Like if they returned projectiles for every projectile you shot at them, or charged a powerful projectile of their own with each successive shot, or had an explosive nova attack on death.

>Having more than just one factor in a vaxxine when selecting a company would make for more compelling replays. Like for example one giving you a shotgun spray of weak shots - encouraging more close-quarters (high risk, high reward) play in combat, while also asking you to be real close to a cell when you destroy it - making mistakes much riskier. Or another company giving their vaxxine the ability to scan a few cells each level to determine if they're infected or not - but having a weaker weapon, encouraging much more focus on not opening infected cells. Some alt-fires specific to the company like rocket-adjacents that can shred clusters of microbes, but can also open cells easily if not aimed away from them, or a slowing miasma that gives you room to breathe in a tense fight. Things that play into both the search and the destroy elements of the game.

>Some secondary features for some microbes. Microbes like the red and gray are a bit bland in a fight. Perhaps pure molecules could have additional functions for being unblended like their hybrids.

Overall, I just wanna see more of this. I really like what I'm seeing, and I hope to see more of it in the future,