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Despite some flaws, Sunrise7 is a good game for $5.

I'll be honest, I harped on this game hard. Maybe it's because I tend to judge 2D side-scrollers hard. Maybe it's because I've played a lot of Super Metroid in my off time.

Sunrise7 is not a bad game by any stretch. Despite some flaws, it's a good pick up for $5.

The graphics are hit & miss, wanting to be somewhere between neon vectorish and HD pixellated. More in the video, but the drastic change of quality from the background to the foreground is jarring to me.

The controls are alright for KB/M, but I would like to see some sort of controller compatibility. Gameplay isn't bad per-se, but I feel the beginning-game balancing and the upgrades do need some tweaking.

The music and sound is pretty good, so there's that.

Again, yes, there's some issues I have with this game. For five dollars? I can live with those issues. Definitely worth checking out!

In games and cards, it sometimes comes down to blind luck...

Not a big fan of card games, but this one drew me in. From the melancholy atmosphere to the delightful art style, this is a more artsy casual experience one can get lost in.

Graphically, the art style works; it's pretty, even if a tad stereotypical of indie games. The soundtrack and voice acting are enjoyable. The gameplay is simple, but is reliant on luck as much as skill. Replayability is up there, given the random nature and several difficulties.

Overall, a very solid game that's easy to pick up for anybody. Fantastic work!

A rail fighter that's a bit rough around the edges, but has great potential.

For an early demo, Bound By Blades is a pretty good play. I didn't know what to expect going in. I didn't expect what was delivered. I didn't expect I'd like this game, despite its flaws.

Gameplay-wise.. I'm on the fence about it. On one hand, the "rail fighter" system does make things interesting. It does take a lot of getting used to and is not intuitive for a fantasy-style game. I'm more of a fan of freedom-of-movement, but the concept does work for this game.

Graphically, I dig the art style. While the animations aren't 100% polished, they're absolutely fine for an early demo.

The soundtrack is beautiful. I can't gush over the sound effects as much, but there's nothing offensive about them, neither.

The controller inputs are straight-forward. However, I must complain that the game switched around input notifications between the controller and the keyboard. It should be locked on one or the other, depending on if a controller is active. I've been having a ton of trouble with this on Spyro Reignited Trilogy as well, so perhaps this is more of a problem with PC games in general. Or, perhaps my rig's haunted. Who knows?

I can't comment on replayability, considering this is just a very short demo.

Overall, Bound By Blades is a little rough around the edges. However, despite its flaws, I see great potential in this game.

From references to profanity to gratuitous violence, Indiecalypse delivers without going too over-the-top.

Ah, high school. Carrying around my own special keyboard to class, bringing fresh two liter bottles of Mountain Dew every day, fighting my way out of the cafeteria in a difficult top-down roguelite shooter... those were the glory days.

Reminiscing aside, the Indiecalypse demo is a great first chapter of what could be a fantastic tribute to both indie game devs and nerds alike. It perfectly balances withing in the realm of the South Park games where this is definitely not a game for kiddos, while not going too overboard. At least, not yet.

The gameplay is traditional point-and-click affair with controller support. At first glance, that is. Each section is a mashup of the greatest games of different generations. In this demo's case, both Guitar Hero (although, I maintain my argument it's more Dance Dance Revolution) and Enter The Gungeon. These tributes don't feel like cheap imitations or carbon-copy knockoffs. While the Coding Hero bit was a bit underwhelming for a first level, the Enter The Gungeon part (which name I forget right now) felt like I was playing the actual game.

Graphically, it passes with flying colors. The cartoon animation is done with great care, accentuated by the studio-quality cutscenes. Each section hits its theme somewhere between okay and perfectly, depending on the minigame.

The soundtrack is equally on par. Nothing really to complain about.

The controls are good enough for what this game needs. Nothing's bad about them, but they really don't stand out in this demo.

In conclusion, despite the short length of the demo, I'm impressed by the high quality and amount of work put into it. This is highly recommended for  everyone to give this a try. I'm keeping Indiecalypse on my radar, can't wait to see what the future holds!

Undertale meets Final Fantasy meets Legend of Zelda. This is one demo that has to be played to be believed.

Tl;dr - I freakin' love this game.

I'm bombarded by tons of inspiration when playing this: UndertaleFinal Fantasy. OG Legend of Zelda. And yet, this has an identity all its own.

The game plays like a mix of Undertale and Final Fantasy. You have the overworld which can shift between top-down to a pseudo-2D perspective. Encounters happen like Zelda II: The Adventure of Link where you have to touch the enemies; you can also hit them with an axe to gain an advantage on your first turn. The actual battles play out in a mix of the three games: you choose actions like UT and FF, you attack and evade like Zelda II. Throw in some puzzles and everything meshes surprisingly well. 

Graphically, it looks like a retro 8-bit game, somewhere between Shovel Knight and Deltarune.

The soundtrack is great, but I feel like it jumps between 8-bit NES and 16-bit Genesis/Mega Drive too willy-nilly.  On paper, this isn't an issue for me as I love both sound fonts. I would like to see either a better transition between the two or have the game begin 8-bit and work its way to 16-bit. That's just me nit-picking.

O:HLE controls just like a retro RPG would - move out of battle on the cardinal plane, in battle like a platformer. This game deserves to be played with a good D-Pad, and I suspect it would be good on KB/M as well.

While I've only made it through the first part of the demo, I have the sneaking suspicion that there's much more than what meets the eye. I'm awaiting further demos and information about this game with giddy anticipation.

(2 edits)

A fun arcade-style shooter with disappointing default controls.

I have a love/hate relationship with Nova Drift. On one hand, I like arcade-style shooters. On the other, the controls almost make me want to not recommend this game. Especially if you play on keyboard.

The gameplay is more Asteroids than the more modern style of twin-stick shooter. On paper, that's not a problem for me. Others who didn't grow up playing classic arcade games will find it a very jarring, perhaps even unenjoyable, experience.

Nova Drift does make up for its gameplay style with otherwise fun mechanics. The action turns from slow-and-methodical to a fight for survival at a moment's notice. RPG elements are added in, allowing for customization and entertaining progression.

Graphically, Nova Drift is vividly colorful without going overboard . It's not in-your-face with cyberpunk neon and more lens flare than a Michael Bay summer blockbuster. The only complaint I have is that there are enemies and bosses who are the same color of the player. I mistook an enemy as a power-up during my first game. While a similar color would suffice, the exact same color does not.

The audio is great. Nothing to complain about.

Now to the elephant in the room: the controls. The keyboard controls, to be quite frank, suck. At least on the default config. They're unintuitive and, while I could get used to them, it felt like I was playing an old DOS game rather than a modern indie game. Granted, you can change the keyboard controls in the settings, but you shouldn't have to.

The controller worked and felt so much better out-of-the-box in comparison. However, to bring up an earlier point, the Asteroids style of gameplay doesn't translate well to a modern game. A twin-stick style of controls would've worked much better. All this coming from a student of the classic arcade cabinets.

To Nova Drift's credit, the game isn't unplayable. Quite the contrary. It's a very fun arcade-style shooter that's looks great and is addictive. Despite its flaws, it's still worth checking out for a gamer looking for a new casual game.

(1 edit)

Adulting is hard. Sometimes, it's absolutely mental...

Simple in premise, simple in gameplay, far better than first impressions led me to believe. "A game literally about doing taxes? This can't be all!" Oh, how right I was.

I enjoyed the progression of the game, both in content and pacing. Subtle at first, then more in-your-face the deeper in I went. The details in certain things were also a nice touch, all the way to the end.

Oh, and the chiptune Dave Brubek was a fun touch!

Overall, damn fine showing for a 48 hour project!

A glorious demo of what's shaping up to be a possible breakout title.

Although it starts off a bit slow, Arietta of Spirits is a fantastic top-down action adventure game in the making. It evokes several games in its execution: Stardew ValleyThe Legend of ZeldaCrossCode, and every 2D game with the Dark Souls dodge roll, among others. Yet, it keeps its own distinct feel and charm that sets it apart from other games.

Graphically, it does have that Stardew Valley feel, and it works without feeling like a blatant rip-off.

The sound and music is phenomenal. The sound effects do resemble those of Zelda, but the music sets itself apart. Save the boss battles and dramatic moments, the music is surprisingly chill.

The gameplay is alright, mixing Zelda and Souls-like into a fluid affair. I am a little turned off at the slow attacking; I feel, with a game like this, a faster attack would greatly improve the playability.

Overall, Arietta of Spirits is a game to watch in 2020. If the devs continue to improve an already great demo, there's no doubt in my mind that this will be a possible breakout indie title when it's released.

As a 2D platformer junkie, this exceeded my expectations.

First off, if this is a demo for a larger project... wow. I can only imagine what the full version's going to be.

This game plays amazing. The physics are on-point - not too floaty, not overbearing. While the difficulty is a tad easy on my end, I don't think this game needs to be balls-to-the-cheese-grater difficult.

Graphically, it's right up my alley. I feel the Yoshi's Island-esque art style suits this game well. While I wouldn't call it straight-up pixelated, the character sprites gives this a late 16-bit era feel.

The sound is in the same boat as well. Crunchy chip tunes are bomb.

The controls are simple, crisp, and hit the sweet spot between too responsive and absolutely sluggish.

Overall, I regret not getting this video out sooner. I'm stoked to see how this concept evolves into its final product. Impressive work!

For a demo, Dreamscaper is very polished. If I didn't know any better, I would think this was already a small finished release.

Gameplay-wise, it's a nice take on the roguelite genre. The concept of the game is a great choice. Peering into the mind of a teenager dealing with depression, fighting her inner demons and mental issues in the dreamworld hits home to me personally. As someone who deals with depression, anxiety, and other mental issues, I used (and still use) video games and fantasy as a protection and therapy mechanism.

Graphically, I dig the style; simple, yet effective. The tutorial threw me off a bit, as I was not a fan of the pixellated 3D style. But, once the main game kicked in, I was sold. Keeping the main character faceless was a very good choice, if intentional, given the concept of the game.

The controls are fluid. The flashing combo multiplier mechanic is a mixed bag for me. For the ranged attacks, it makes perfect sense and plays wonderfully. On melee attacks, however, I never could get the hang of pulling it off.

The star of the game thus far is easily the soundtrack. Once I got past the intro, I was hit in the face with some of the best music I've heard playing games all year. It's a wise move releasing the OST as a Kickstarter perk. I seriously can't quit gushing over the music.

As of now, the only thing I've really got to complain about is that I had a softlock loading the second stage in the demo. After restarting the game, I had no further issues.

Superb job, and good luck with the rest of the Kickstarter campaign!

This is a rogue-lite amongst rogue-lites.

I say this because, while it keeps to the standards of the genre, it adds so much to the gameplay that it practically stands on its own.

Graphically, the pixelated style holds up. Nothing groundbreaking, but it holds its own. The sound effects were on par, although I really wish we could get some background music soon. The controls take a bit to get used to, otherwise it plays beautifully. The gameplay, however, is where Streets of Rogue takes off. With so much customization and potential builds/play styles, it does have the feel of bigger-name games.

I can't think of very many cons off the top of my head, which is strikingly odd when playing alpha builds.

Overall, this is a damn fine start to what could be a sleep hit next year. Good luck on development!

I refuse to believe this is a demo. Yes, it's short, but it plays so solid that there's no way this is only a demo!

Okay, focus on the review. The concept of this game is pretty straight forward, but the complexities of having to calculate moves while not getting hit makes this as much a puzzle game as it is an action game. The graphics are stunning; the amount of detail and quality of the models is very impressive. The sound effects and music are great, the controls obviously easy to learn.

Good luck on funding, I think this game's going to be a hit!

For a demo, this is pretty damn polished! It's not without its flaws, but it's still a solid showing.

Graphics and sound effects are good. The gameplay is interesting and very fun; I'm shocked this concept hasn't been more fully explored. The controls are good; although I love controller support, I wish keyboard support would be implemented.

The attacks seem like they don't hit often, which is my only complaint. I would say the speed of food/water drops too quickly, but then again maybe I just need to get good.

Overall, I can't wait to see what happens from here! Good work!

For a demo, this is pretty damn solid!

Usually, I'm not a logic person, the antithesis of Spock. However, the puzzles on this game are difficult enough to be a challenge, but not enough to make one rage.

The graphics are great, the music and sound effects as well. The controls... well, it's point and click, not much to talk about. The gameplay, as described above, allows enough of a difficulty curve to get the hang of things without hitting a brick wall.

I'm definitely supporting this on Steam Greenlight. I can tell this game is going to go places if it gets in the right hands! Good work, can't wait to see the final product!

I've seen turkey cannons, but turkey slingshots are next-level devices for delivering food down people's thank holes!

Translation: this is a damn fun game.

The voxel-style graphics style fits well with this type of game, as do the chiptune bgm and sound effects. The controls are simple... I mean, you're slingshotting birds into people; it's kinda hard to mess up a point-and-drag control scheme. The gameplay is great, although I wonder if the bird's speed is a bit too fast out of the gate. The only thing I would change is the addition of extra objectives/challenges/achievements in upcoming releases.

Overall, it's a great game that has potential to be a big hit. Looking forward to seeing future updates!

Note: Video above is part one of a three-part miniseries.

Coming off of Mystic Messenger, I've been itching to do another visual novel. I decided to take a chance on To Libertad, and I'm thankful I did.

The graphics are very well done, from the art style to the animations. The music choices were great, although going from intense rock to fantasy market strings within a few minutes was a bit odd. The story's short & a bit cheesy at the end, yet it does its job very well without going overboard. It paces itself appropriately and has the right amount of tension when needed.

In closing, I rather enjoyed this. Really looking forward to seeing future games from Studio Camelot!

As I've stated before, I'm a sucker for old-school platformers from the 8/16-bit eras. Thankfully, this game scratches my everlasting itch for games from those classic times. It even has that Kirby's Dream Land feel, which is a guilty pleasure of mine.

The gameplay is pretty good, although I would like to have seen a time limit or score functions. The graphics are well-made, the music and sound effects on-point for an 8-bit style game. The controls are a bit odd, specifically the jump button (which made my ring finger cramp. Controller support or use of WASD for movement & other keys for jump/attack/bag (JKL, for example) would've been amazing.

The only thing I have steep criticism for is the death transition. It's WAY too fast. I barely had enough time between my final hit and the title screen to process that I actually died.

Despite everything, this is still a pretty good game. A little bit of tweaking and this will feel exactly like a Game Boy game. Superb job!

When I have to quit a horror game because of anxiety, you know it's a damn good game.

I'll keep this review short. The graphics are pretty damn good. The audio, from the sound effects to the music cues, is spot on. While I don't necessarily like the lack of a sprint function, the rest of the controls are basic but expertly done.

The gameplay is well-polished. While this isn't the first "find the hidden X in the room while trying not to die" game ever made, this game does a very good job pacing the tension. And the monster is damn scary as well.

If I could grow the balls to finish this game, I would. Unfortunately, I am not that brave of a man. Still, very good job guys!

I'm usually not big into horror games, especially those that abuse jump scares and monsters constantly tailing you. I'm more into atmospheric horror, borderline mindfucks.

Thankfully, Human falls within the latter.

From the word go, you know some serious shit's gone down. It's not the scariest game ever, but it does its job by keeping the atmosphere dark and tense. What lies around the next corner? The further you go, the more tense it gets.

I do think it dials it in a bit early right before the end, dropping the climax a little too soon. However, the ending isn't disappointing.

Overall, it's a great experience. It has one simple goal and it achieves it well, even despite my only criticism. Very well done!

Having grown up on the OG Castlevania, this remake brings back all those memories.

It's definitely not without its flaws. I couldn't figure out any of the attack buttons on the XB1 controller, my character froze several times, & the animations do need a little more work on.

Overall, it's still an enjoyable experience. I hope you can perfect it and release the entire game in the Unreal engine!

The Aftermath is basically like Papers, Please. Granted, it's a stripped-down version of the game, but that's partially why I like it so much.

It's a game that isn't too serious. It has no deep political/social commentary like Papers, Please. You don't have to watch for a gorillion things while strategically keeping your family alive. It's a simple Heaven or Hell decision. That's it.

And that's why it's a good game.

The graphics aren't the best in the world, but in this case they don't have to be. The music is definitely inspired by Papers, Please, but it does give a good atmosphere without ripping off the game. The controls are as simple as the gameplay.

The only thing I would change would be the names. It seems like I'm looping through a limited database of names too frequently. A larger name bank would make it just a bit better.

A platformer with drawing mechanics. It's not the first game to come along with this mechanic, but Adventures of Stickman does a pretty good job keeping it minimalistic.

Because, let's face it, who didn't draw stick man cartoons back in school?

Anyway, the graphics are basic, as to be expected. The music's okay, but there's an awkward pause when it loops back around. The controls are good, with the drawing mechanics being pretty well programmed. The physics are a little off, but coming from a small indie game, it's not game-breaking in the least.

Overall, it's not the best platformer in the world. But, the drawing mechanics takes Adventures of Stickman from a good game a pretty damn good game.

Ophidia is a strange creature. Even stranger than a snake that eats itself to represent the ever-changing cycle of life.

I love the simplistic, ancient Norse theme with the graphics; it gives an atmosphere of ancient manuscripts. The music is beautiful, further adding to the atmosphere. The controls are easy, simply directing the snake with your mouse. It plays like the old school Snake game, but you have to eat your tail instead of enemies or dots on the screen.

In short, I freaking love this game. It's a new twist on the Snake concept. Plus, I love me some games based off of mythology.

Note: Played the prototype version.

I love me some games based off mythology, even the nastiest damn games on the planet. Not going to lie, I hate feet. With the fury of a thousand supernovas.

Personal anti-fetishes aside, this is a short, fun game. Graphics are decent, sound's good for what there is. The controls are simple, but the hit detection can be a bit frustrating at times. Also, I couldn't get any of the nastiness on top of the foot.

It's a quirky, fun short game. Very nice!

I like to throw around the "this game is an experience/work of art" card on this channel. It's not that I'm loose in throwing it out left and right, but because I mean it when I say it.

That said, Afterlight is an experience.

It's a refreshing game. It still presents a bit of a puzzle challenge, but it doesn't challenge you the way most puzzlers do. It's like yoga compared to wind sprints: you end up mentally refreshed instead of mentally wasted.

The graphics are minimalistic to the point it's almost art. The controls are basic, nothing to write home about by any means, but it works for a game like this. What makes this game is the music though. The ethereal piano of hitting the orbs mixed with the relaxing background music perfectly sets the atmosphere.

An escape from reality. That's Afterlight in a nutshell.

This is an interesting game to say the least, probably the first rock climbing game I've ever played.

Graphics are good, the industrial hum in the background can be annoying at times, and the keyboard controls are a little awkward until you get used to them.

Overall, pretty solid game jam game!

Breach & Clean is a simple game. It's one of those mindless entertainment games where the premise is simple, but it's still pretty fun.

The graphics remind me of the blocky, low poly style of Jazzpunk. The sounds and music are pretty good as well. The gameplay's simple... almost too simple. One you get the hang of things and breach your tenth hotel room with TNT, the novelty wears off relatively quickly.

There isn't much depth to Breach & Clean, but there isn't supposed to be. It's a quirky game that's worth the download, if even for the short-lived novelty of the concept. Nice job!

(1 edit)

Jank'N'Pon's first impression was a simple mobile game. However, the more I delved into it, the more potential I saw in this game. This really blew away my expectations.

It has an quasi-Metroidvania open world to explore. The keyboard controls are different than I had expected. While there is controller support, but I could never get it to work for some reason. Maybe my XBOne controller or USB cable is borked.

The cartoon-style graphics are cute, reminding me of Rayman Legends. I will say, however, that the sight of twerking pigs was... well... interesting. Apart from that, the soundtrack's amazing, the gameplay is as a platformer should be, and the difficulty is in a nice sweet spot.

In short, I'm super stoked to see future releases of Jank'N'Pon. This short demo, even with going after all the coins, was just enough to tease the tastebuds while not satisfying my hunger. This game's got my attention!

I've said this before, but it's hard to fuck up a multiplayer FPS. Ravenfield lays the foundation for a damn good game.

Graphically, it's a relatively simple looking game. The environment's decent quality, and the low-poly character models gives this a sort of Superhot feel.

Despite the lack of background music or ambient sounds, the audio isn't too bad. Obviously, I'm no firearms expert, but the sound effects seem true to a layman's ear.

The controls are on point for the most part, but one thing irked me. Twenty years ago, I could understand the need for keyboard controls for aiming and firing (ALT & CTRL respectively, if I remember correctly); however, everyone should have a mouse by now in 2016. I dunno, just didn't see the point of it.

Overall, I'll reiterate my previous statement that a solid foundation has been laid for this game. There's still a lot of work to be done, but it's still a very fun game. Now, all we need is the ability to beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker and I'll be happy.

The arcade was my Mecca when I was a kid. Hell, in some ways, it still is.

XYDONIA takes me back to my childhood experiences as an arcade junkie and a pinball wizard.

The gameplay blows me away as being as close to true to real arcade performance as possible. Even on an XBox One controller, the game controls and feels like I'm behind an arcade cabinet. Hey, if you make enough money on the Kickstarter, you should build an arcade cabinet build of this!

Graphically, it's absolutely beautiful. It's impossible to truly emulate the CRT experience, but y'all do an incredible job making this look as close to the real thing as possible. The same thing goes with the soundtrack.

In the end, XYDONIA's come a long away from an already amazing alpha a few months ago. It's going to be interesting how much higher y'all set the bar as they continue production on this game.

Doom meets Clustertruck. That pretty much describes SEUM: Speedrunners From Hell.

It's a remarkably fast-paced game that continuously changes the landscape. This constant metamorphosis will keep gamers on their toes as they progress through every level of Hell. From movement & fireballs, to secondary functions like teleportation & levitation, you'll need to drastically adapt from level to level.

Graphically, this is a damn beautiful game. Even in 1600x900 windowed, everything had that Doom vibe: hellish & demonic. The soundtrack consists of all-original metal tracks that sound 100% commercial.

Despite the lack of X360/XBone controller support, this game plays like a damn FPS. And rightfully so. The only thing I didn't like was the default mouse sensitivity - or, I should say, the lack thereof. Thankfully, you can change it to your appropriate level in the settings.

In the end, SEUM: Speedrunners From Hell is shaping up to be one damn fun game. I have a strong feeling that this game is going to make it big, coming off the heels of Doom & not too far after Clustertruck. Very good demo, IMO.

In short, this is a mindfrag of a puzzle game that pushes the limits of the third dimension.

Graphics are good, sound can be repetitive, and I couldn't get the Xbox One controller working properly.

While being another game in the long line of ultra-difficult platformers, Blake Strongflank does not disappoint in the least.

The difficulty creeps up on you. One moment you'll be cruising through some of these levels, the next you'll be throwing your controller against the wall for not getting the double-jump on the exact pixel you need to clear the acid.

Controls are good, graphics and sound are excellent, gameplay as well.

Overall, very good game! Gonna continue where I left off tonight!

Finally, I get to review this!

I'm not too big on point-and-clickers, but this game's the rare exception. It reminds me of old school P&C games in its presentation and execution.

Graphically, everything's bright and colorful. The soundtrack's easy on the ears, although it can get a bit repetitive after a while. Controls... well, it's a point-and-click game.

There's really not much I can say here that hasn't been said in the video. Very nice game!

I'm shocked at the quality of this game. Usually, I'm not into dating sims, but this one's pretty damn good.

All of the art's top-notch, the music and voice-acting's very well done, the presentation is spectacular.

So far, the story's well-written. There's no grammar issues, everything seems natural for a visual novel.

I'm not sure what else to say, amazing game.

This is I Am Bread levels of frustration. It's hard, it's quirky, it's fun as hell!

Short, fun, funny at times, head-asploding at others trying to decypher the Tem-speak. I enjoyed the hell out of it! Good game!