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A member registered Jan 15, 2022

Recent community posts

(15 edits)

Hey, does passing a chest count as landing on it? For example, if a chest is right in front of me and I move two spaces instead of one meaning my player is behind the chest, I passed by the chest while going behind it. Does that mean I can draw an item? Also, can you draw an item from the same chest twice? Like, you get an item from a chest, move on to somewhere else, and then a few turns later you go back, does that mean you get to draw another item? And if a player gets an item from a chest, can other players also get an item from that same chest? I'd like to know everything about how chest and obtaining items works, because it seems strange that there are so many items and that there is an item maximum that you can hold and that it says in the rulebook what to do if the item pile runs out, and there only being a few chest tiles that you can print.

Does passing spike/slime count as landing on the spike/slime or is it just like if you end your turn on a spike or slime, on your next turn you roll the die?

And does the blue jazz's ranged attack ignore defense or not

Does blue jazz's ability add onto it's current attack? Blue jazz has 1 atk, if someone is 5 tiles away from you and you shoot, do you deal 6 damage because 5 + 1 is 6?

Does Big Look's ability only activate when it moves onto an empty space or does it activate whenever, and does it get to put the tile card it gets on any empty space it wants?

Can you get a key from a chest?

Does Klepto-mari's turn end when it uses its steal ability or can it still use its speed to get away?

Can Slip Kid use its ability at any time or only at the start of its turn? Can it walk and THEN use its ability?

Can you use an ability and item on the same turn and if so, in what order?

Are surprise tiles only found once per game or do they go back into the tile pile after used

What does the Switch item do? Does it let you turn into another keeypling, and if so, does it restore your health to 6? Or does it swap your position with another player? Do you become another player and if so, does it turn your health to the player you swap into?