That's very fairytale-like, I love it! The writing made it really stood out, very poetic and beautiful, masterfully crafted! I love the music played the mystical, enchanting tone, but that made me very cautious with the faeries as they can be very dangerous and deceptive as they're very enticing. I like we can choose how we answer the Deer Queen's riddles. I choose the type first then multi choices when failed, and it's fun.
Deer Queen's first riddle:
Me: Oh, that's easy. *typed tree seed*
Multi choices: An acorn.
Me: Yes, that's what I meant ( ̄▽ ̄)"
Love the characters' sprite too, very pleasing to look at. The UI is nice too, NVL-style made this like a storybook. Although I would like an option for bigger font as I couldn't read well with smaller font, I think it's very nicely put together. Great job!