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A member registered Jun 30, 2021

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danggg that hurted and hit a little bit too close to home. great job!!

(1 edit)

some of the lines really hit close to home. thank you for this, it was a bit cathartic

(4 edits)

I loved this VN so much!! Everything from the various sprites for all situations (even one-off ones), the writing of the supporting characters and Egen and MC, the GUI, the background CGs, it was all really polished!! This could very well have been a commercial game instead!

I know nothing about programming but the puzzle bits seemed especially complicated so kudos to that alsoo!

Gosh all this content done in just 2 months? I'm so amazed

I really love the MC for being so sensible and warm and I love their dynamic with Egen! Egen was so great! He's so earnest and considerate and sweet, I didn't expect to be this attached to him. 

For only 44k words, y'all were able to characterize everyone from the cast so well that I went straight to AO3 to look for fanfics only to realize that this is too newly released for it to have them yet. (Just you wait!! You have a gem here, I'm sure this game will be more popular in the future).

Looking forward to what you make next, though I really hope it's more Egen content! 


Can I just say that that make-out session was so hot?? I didn't expect him to go along with it and I already finished the game but my gosh I'm still blushing over how he lied about the hidden zippers to tease the MC. So, great job in infusing so much personality in that scene that it was so uniquely Egen!

incredibly polished and heartfelt <33

very endearing game with the meddling narrator and cute interactions

I didn't expect to find myself so invested in less than 1k words!!

(3 edits)

I love this so much: the characters, the art, the music, but I especially wanted to appreciate that yummy yummy GUI!! It's so polished and cool (really loved the ticket stub-look of the dialogue box) and the little animations when opening the menu or when making choices are so great.

Also, I know the symbolism is probs unintentional given how far-reaching it is. But when Micah talked about not wanting to leave out of fear of what's waiting for him out there, that hits me hard unexpectedly because it is so similar to my worries as someone currently inflicted with one of those major illness with a low survival rate. It got me stuck at home for the better part of the year and while cognitively, anyone would want to be cured, I can't help but worry about what's waiting for me after survival, like if I stop dissociating from the real world, with its shitty and frustrating politics and climate crisis, etc.

So yeah!! A really big tangent but I guess thank you specifically for making a character I can relate to. It kinda help made my fears feel normal since a lot of people I'd confide to can't understand because, who wouldn't want to live, right? Things like that

I hope that's not too awkward!! I just wanted to show how such a minor thing can connect deeply with the right person SDNFKANFK

interesting and fun premise! excited to see where it leads!

(1 edit)

ohh that was beautiful. The way you characterized Seleos really made him feel like a deity/god, with how at every single turn of conversation, [SPOILER] you have to stay vigilant and not be lulled to doing what he wants (which was validated by all the existing bad ends when you tried taking the easy way out).

At first, I thought this was your regular romance VN, so I was putting a lot of trust in him despite making the indecisive choices (I initially just wanted MC to make the best possible wish), and yet at the back of my head, my mind was mulling over little red flags such as, 'why was he specifically targeting desperate people on their last shred of hope?' and then the ending answered that wonderfully.  


How I wish there's more, you really created a good world here and Kore is so levelheaded I wanted to see more of her.

Anyway, mygod Seleos is so hot though. I keep staring at him. 10/10 would have freed him if only [SPOILER] he wouldn't leave me behind.[END OF SPOILER]. 

that character design and dialogue <3

(3 edits)

This is so great and I gotta say, I love Seren so muchhh. They're so cute I love all their sprites and microexpressions (especially the one where the only difference is the eyebrow movement). Their interactions with himbo Dex is so cutee. (also, I love how the platonic ending is given equal weight!)

Loved the Captain too! That "My sides better be fully split by the time you're done telling it" line is just topnotch lmfaoo!!

(just noticed that you also made Fetch Quest and Red-Handed Robin, both of which I also enjoyed!)

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The premise alone is already incredibly interesting so being able to execute it well and create such a thoroughly non-linear game is such a feat !! I love the writing and GUI and the art direction in general. I'm in suspense every time I play it

the character and costume designs were Immaculate, I keep staring at them. Also,, really loved and appreciate the friendship endingss!! I love how the friendship paths felt so wholesome that I didn't feel like I'm getting less content <33

love it!! the bad endings were hilarious and seeing the characters break the 4th wall by bickering on who didn't do their character creation was really fun and really got into the spirit of D&D 

Cupid's character design and personality is immaculate

awww they're so cute together I love them, I wish them both a happily ever after (can't help but also imagine a future where Azram is not able to protect MC and MC got killed or badly hurt, goshh the angst)

aww that was cute and sweet, had me giggling a lot

so cute and wholesome and the art is so pretty

such a short, sweet, comforting gem

(1 edit)

the art and character designs are so good. the endings were so interesting it feels like a prequel to a much potentially longer story (edit: just read the postmortem, it really was a prequel!)

Didn't expect the feels to be this angsty T^T. Especially that last section, all those unsaid words hit hard!

(1 edit)

really cute and sweet, I still think about them after playing I really loved their dynamic. I know the sunshine-grump duo isn't new but the way you wrote them felt really fresh 

Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I'm really enjoying this solo RPG!

I'm still in the freshly brewed era with my first infuser and I'm already having such a blast! 

I like how the set-up is very minimal and quick while having enough structure with the prompts that I won't feel lost with thinking about what happens next.

Something that usually bogs me down with solo RPG's is when I feel pressured (mostly my personality's fault) to research a historical setting or set-up this elaborate worldbuilding first before being able to jump in. But here, because the scope of a teapot's perspective is so limited, I can get away with not knowing the full details of the world the teapot is in.

And it's so fun! I hope you don't mind my chattiness but I just want to share how with my teapot, its creator is an alchemist who wanted to see the connection between the plant's origin and how its soil and climate affect its magical properties in tea brewing. So figuring that out was their crowning achievement. And for the sake of controlling variables, they painstakingly used the same teapot for every treatment in all their experiments, which gave the teapot such a huge wealth of knowledge. 

Anyway, this alchemist's discovery made their empire prosperous, which attracted enemies from neighboring territories, causing a war to eventually erupt where the alchemist's children were drafted giving us our next infuser: the war veteran that inherited the teapot from their dear parent.

I stopped there for now because I needed to take a break but given that this is the first solo RPG I've played after literal years, I was surprised at how elaborate the plot can go and I was only beginning!

Thank you for creating this! :D

(2 edits)

the characters were all written so well and the VAs are so good!! 

I thought this game was just all about the smut but there were so many feelings and wholesome moments that I found myself actually getting invested with the plot and the burgeoning romance between Danya and Brahve :00

Alsoo the interactions with Juniper were so sweet their friendship is so cutee

Also the art!! I love everyone's character designs too!

Would def add the full game on my wishlist

(4 edits)

to the recent string of entitled comments (thankfully not all were such). this game is being provided FOR FREE and made from the dev's own free will and motivation. 

I don't think those type of comments will motivate them to actually continue the story. I know we all loved what was up so far, but they're not obligated to give us anything. Let them decide what to do with it and if they choose to return, let them do it at their own time.

I'm not saying to not leave a comment--I'm sure the dev appreciates them, but at least be more mindful about it?? This is the game page go rant somewhere else


aww v cute!! 

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this was so nice!! it made me contemplate a bit, thanks for making this game! 🙆

really fun! I really wished it went the poly route since there was banter between the 3 of them during the dinner but I understand that the twins being related made that uncomfy for the dev

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great characters and very well-written!! love the prohibition era and having fantasy on top of it

(4 edits)

really enjoyed this!! I didn't expect to get so much content out of it (took me an entire afternoon)

I think it's really great that you also get such wholesome interactions with the side characters. I got attached to them even though usually I just focus on the LI 

(also as much as I liked sweet Mitra, my fav was Reksa even though all he did was hiss lmfaoo💀)

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very beautiful and heartfelt grabe the feels 🥹

great VAs, pretty art style. and the writing and dialogue!!! mwah ang galing how in just a short time, na-establish and maa-attach ka agad sa histories nila

omg omg omgg didn't expect a reply so soon! tysmmm <33 (i really appreciateee esp since i felt a bit weird disclosing my stuff but i also didn't want you to think that I feel entitled to community copies or smthgg sksksskskk)

hope you have a good day! and I'm looking forward to your next works 🙆🙆

Oh I just realized that there are an overwhelming amount of titles so here's some of the more mindship-centric free short stories! I hope you don't mind the rambling 🥲

The Shipmaker 

Ship's Brother

Heyy, the premise is really exciting, is it ok to ask for a community copy? This broke college person recently got diagnosed with cancer of all things and so is currently stuck at home with nothing but time to play indoors.


Also, not sure if you're familiar with her but this reminded me of Aliette de Bodard's Xuya universe!! (a series of space opera short stories where space ships are sentient and are naturally part of the family given that they're mainly based on Asian cultures). 

Her writing is soo good and atmospheric you might also enjoy reading them as much as I did! Some of her stories are published online for free:

(3 edits)

Jace/Adrian was so cuteeee!! It checks all the boxes for my favorite tropes (both are oblivious and the energetic/reserved duo and brat/acts-of-service-babygirl dynamic). I can't play any other routes now

Also, Jace and Hazel's sibling interactions and dynamic were so realistic and fun

(played through Steam but can't help but also leave a comment here)

also, i really liked how you wrote Alto! she's such a fun pov to be in

(2 edits)

really really cute!! Kisha is so hot and sweet, the 3rd route is quite fun, but they can't compare with how cute Sol was!! He's so fun to tease lmfaoo 😭😭

Great job for creating such distinct voices and characters for such a short story!

Being able to establish a character such as a childhood friend with lots of prior history such that the audience will also feel the feels is no easy feat!!

Also the art is very cute, my fav was the colors on that public market background

dang that epilogue on a certain ending was so tragic, well done!!

still playing and only on my 1st day but I AM!! kicking my feet and giggling as I chat with this beloved edgelord <33