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A member registered Jan 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Neat cozy game! Doing all the times must have took a while :D

I found movement to be a bit weird, getting stuck on terrain i guess? 

Now that is tricky genre to do in a jam! Good job! Could use a bit more feedback when you gather stuff

Neat idea! No clue how can you click fast enough to do it in 60 seconds :d

Fun lil puzzle! Executed well

Very cool! Randomized map would be quite near, if tricky to execute. The middle part was hardest ;d

Pretty cool concept! And well executed

When it works, is quite fun! 

Ah good point! Ill add few alternative keybinds in addition to gamepad in an update. Though you cant attack up, it is just whatever the player is facing, left or right. The hitbox is pretty tall. But perhaps Ill add more directional attacks in combat update! Thanks!

Cool puzzle game! Tutorials sure a pita :D

Very stylish!

I think it would be useful to know wtf a doku is :D

Cool concept!

Well made, if a bit one note ;) Got a bit more interesting by wave 9. Perhaps it could be made more interesting  with more complex paths, so its not just attack whatever is closest, Or more directions opening up.

Pretty nice! But quite tight for 64x64 :D

This goes hard!


Yeah no clue lol! Dont think if anyone would mind a written tutorial on the page :)

The instruction image is pretty hard to read, with black stylised text on dark background. Fun though!

Pretty neat! Quite hard :D Could use more juice!

Looks nice! But a bit lacking in the gameplay department ;)

Cool but quite confusing :D

Cool idea! Works well

Seems unhappy for me on a mac in chrome, screen is black with some sounds :( 

USER WARNING: res://assets/enemy/zombie_beheadable.tscn: In external resource #5, invalid UID: uid://bj8v4k6375p2e - using text path instead: res://sound/enemy/ZombieHitBeheadable.wav

index.js:474 at: open (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1086)

index.js:474 USER WARNING: res://assets/enemy/zombie_head.tscn: In external resource #5, invalid UID: uid://bj8v4k6375p2e - using text path instead: res://sound/enemy/ZombieHitBeheadable.wav

index.js:474 at: open (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1086)

index.js:474 USER WARNING: res://assets/enemy/zombie_head.tscn: In external resource #6, invalid UID: uid://cu27lcra5yd42 - using text path instead: res://sound/enemy/ZombieDeathBeheadable.wav

index.js:474 at: open (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1086)

index.js:474 USER WARNING: res://assets/enemy/zombie_gunner.tscn: In external resource #5, invalid UID: uid://btmq1jdm6q15k - using text path instead: res://sound/enemy/ZombieHitGunner.wav

index.js:474 at: open (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1086)

index.js:474 USER WARNING: res://assets/enemy/zombie_gunner.tscn: In external resource #6, invalid UID: uid://chxeloeeqx385 - using text path instead: res://sound/enemy/ZombieDeathGunner.wav

index.js:474 at: open (core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1086)

Neat! 3 pixel font is pretty hardcore :D

Great execution! 

Fantastic job! 

Very cute! Wish it had some extra mechanics :d

You can press the button, it works!

Really could use some info in description!

Could use a bit more of an explanation! But works well

Good effort! I think it crashed when I died?

Now thats a proper game! 

Damn that took a lot of effort! Agree with the single line text, kinda annoying!

Looks pretty nice and I liked the double jump costing you health! But I certainly didnt how floaty the character controls, not my kind of difficulty. 

Pretty fun!

Really sweet idea! Drop on pedestal was a bit jank

Really cool! Run out of HP eventually. 

(1 edit)

Pretty fun! I too had issue with enemies riding on my head xd. A slight delay before `is_on_floor()` takes effect would make jumping more pleasant!