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A member registered Nov 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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this was amazing! FYI after reinstalling it to check it out again I think it won't start a new game? it's just opening and I think it's the game ending and closing again.

this so funny - what a great idea for a game! really fun to play too - keep up the amazing work! keep making unique fun games!

wellp 90 minutes in i'm still stuck on the 2nd puzzle lol. I got the hints, no idea what i'm missing. Amazing game tho, i'm totally hooked and will NEVER beat it :)

this is so fucking cool!!! would love a campaign to go with it - excellent art and vibes, really fun gameplay.

great art and very cool puzzles! is there an end? i got what i guess is probly a bad ending cuz the puzzles are harddd and i had a level at the end that just loops?

goddamn that was fucking good!!!! fuck!!!! the writing, the plot, music, the art, just fucking excellent work all around. Really amazing.

fun idea and well done! when the lyrics kicked in I cracked the hell up lol lotta fun

that was soooooo good!!! i love stuff like this

hey gonna download and play this for sure, but FYI for some reason it doesn't install in the itch app, "no compatible downloads were found"

that was really amazing, loved it. Excellent writing. I love the characters, they all felt different but also all connected in their search for meaning and mystery.

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oh i tried! haha I figured out how to play, i just have a TERRIBLE memory and immediately forget where I find traps and never have enough traffic cones :)

oh my god this is so freaking hard lol i simply can not beat it. I mean maybe if i played for 30 hours but goddamn. Really like the puzzle design. If I wanted an easier game I'd love for it to permanently mark where you find a trap, that would help sooo much. But I get that's not what it's going for.

I have to agree. I absolutely love the games vibes - art, music, writing, the concept of the mechanics, are all pretty amazing but the game is wayyyyyyy too hard and unforgiving for a game based primarily on randomness.

amazing game, way harder than demon of hatred in Sekiro

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Can't seem to play it - click enter, it loads the next screen and nothing happens after --------- wait nvm haha just hit the arrow keys

hell yes that was good

I love the vibes and style put into this. The gameplay is simple and quick and generally works but I think some deeper structure to balance out the randomness would help, plus some UI changes. Make it clear that when you take armor/weapons it replaces what you have. Also maybe add something that makes it clear what outcomes events could possibly have? I haven't run into anything that heals me...or am I supposed to heal myself somehow?? but I just kept eventually dying because even with good armor and weapon 10 health is not a lot. Cool idea though and I love the look, definitely could grow into something really good!

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ah man...i unlocked past the last hole and i went to walk my dog and quit to the main menu and it kicks me back to hole 9 :( amazing game tho! I turned off enemies so I could finish it, couldn't deal with those last holes again haha toooo scary

hey there seems to be some bug - when the laugh bar fills it becomes impossible to lower it any more and it just gets stuck there and nothing happens

truly the only skill that matters

this is freakin awesome - and wow that song by The Onset is sick????

damn...and I thought Sekiro was hard...

this was awesome!!! just finished it, really great! the combat was pretty fun and a solid challenge but not too hard, really enjoyed it! And I loved all the different environments for each section of the tower and all the fun enemies and the party members. Also loved the themes obviously! I'm curious I found some kinda secret items, is there a secret ending or anything like that

absolutely brilliant wow

absolutely incredible

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haha ok ignore all my comments below, i won at 11 :)

i got a score of 7 but i'm unclear how to get higher than that? it stops scoring once you get an X right? very cool idea

thanks! and this is gonna sound silly do you reach the credits page? I can't do anything but select levels when the launcher is open. In fact there's no menu at all or option to exit or anything, I thought that was intentional but maybe it's a bug?

It would be really helpful to include on this page a list of all the games and the itch pages for all the devs, for whoever has them, so we can follow/support folks. Looking forward to going through these!

this is awesome! great idea. Love adding towers to a survivors game. Is there a final boss or anything? I got to wave 10 and my eyes started crossing haha

oof that was rough. Really well done.

damn.... that was really good

really cool! love the art and the whole resonance mechanic is really interesting. I was missing something in the second area though and couldn't progress. I feel like maybe I missed an entire area because I looked around for a while back and forth.

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so funny lol i was laughing a lot, great throwback writing and the core mechanic is amazing

I just finished! THIS GAME IS AMAZING!!!! I'm telling everyone to play it - loooooved the ending!

i'm in the same place! i've made it up to 45 without trying to get help from anyone else but i'm soooo stuck now. I've only got a couple things marked with numbers and I've been searching them for an hour and can not figure it outtttt aaaaa!! gonna try again tomorrow

have been playing all day off and on, about 6 or 7 hours total. Completely hooked, this game is AMAZING and definitely one of my fave this year. So much fun!!!!

that was really really good. 

Hi - this won't install in the itch app? not sure why, will that be fixed or should I just download it?

so good! I can not beat the last level tho haha it's sooooo hard! really great idea for a game! super fun