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A member registered May 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think the level was perfectly fine for the game jam. I would personally first work on making the tail mechanic more interesting - like being able to lure enemies. After all, that's why autotomy exists. This can be further used for interesting mechanics - lure enemies to press buttons, for example.

The download button is on this page, so it might make sense to add it here too.

It looks like you might have uploaded the project files instead of an executable.

(1 edit)

Damn, that's basically two games in one. Must have been quite the effort, well done! Could use a scoring system though, to reward fast driving. 

I got my trophy of flies and I will eat it

Thanks for your feedback, glad you like the idea! :)

Impressive, especially if you made most of the art yourself. Would have been fun if you were able to swing enemies around like a flail.

Thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, the pickup mechanic was definitely intended to induce some kind of chaotic/frantic game play, where the player has to decide quickly which one to pick up and where to place. I could still improve the pickup system though.

At the beginning of the jam I planned to make the experience more controlled, but it takes a lot of effort and repeated testing to get it right at the cost of other features. The intention definitely was to make it go overboard at some point, with different turrets, more effects etc., but it's difficult to do so much in 48 hours :D

Thanks for your feedback!

Yeah, the controls are definitely a little finicky. Who knows, if enough people are interested, I might make another version.

Yes, thank you for the feedback!

A grid would have been nice, but alas, I didn't have the time to further improve the attachment system. It was already a pain to make the attachments work with the collisions, moving wagons and all that (in fact, it's probably still buggy).

Also true regarding the shading. The trees are also one of the few assets I didn't make myself, just to break up the green monotone background a little bit. Definitely something to improve.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, the attachment system could definitely be improved. In fact, it was a mistake adding it in this jam exactly because of the time constraint. :D

I should have just kept it on the wagon level, and instead added more variety there. Oh well, something to learn.

I am always amazed by games that manage to add a story line in this short time frame. Well done!

Very good game. I love the art style - simple yet fitting together nicely. Also the game's idea is kinda similar to mine, where you have to continuously add parts to survive. Your scope is much better for this jam than mine though :D

Good work!

Thanks for your feedback!

I definitely would have added some kind of element to reduce the randomness of it if I have had more time, e.g. in the form of a station with upgrades.

I love it (probably because I also enjoy games with physics based maces like yours). Had some bugs though, like my mace got stuck once when trying to restart.

Overall very well done though - graphics fit together, effects are nice, and even some deeper game play elements with the upgrades. Nicely done!

Actually a wonderful idea, and I like the simplistic art style. More levels would have been great, especially to give the player the chance to learn the mechanics.

Game works for me, and the idea is very creative. Good job!

Thanks for your feedback!

It does increase in difficulty, but it takes some time to be noticeable (probably too much for this jam).

The problem with short jams like this is that the vast majority of people will probably play the game less than a minute - so consideration which features are added in the short development time frame is crucial. If I've had more time, I would definitely add something like stations and better difficulty curve.

Thanks for the feedback! It's definitely something I would have improved with more time.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree, I definitely wanted to make the attachment system clearer, but sadly I didn't have the time.

Sadly this game doesn't seem to run on my system (Win 10 64 bit). I just see the title image.

I love this, especially since you took the effort to create a tutorial for it. Nicely done!

Actually not a bad idea, although the controls can be exploited by spam clicking. If you fix that and maybe add a resource meter to force more tactical decision making, you'll have a nice concept for a puzzle game.