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Keyboard Kirby

A member registered Jan 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ahh gotcha, I'll have to fiddle around with it, ty

When I launch I only see a black screen and white bar. Assumed this was some cold open fourth-wall-breaky stuff (I'm used to that by now), but I can't seem to get past it :(

Shivers. Very lovely

(1 edit)

im having issues with custom pets stuttering when i upload them, usually getting stuck in one place? not sure what's up

edit: while im on the topic of reporting bugs, i guess when you delete pets, save, then load, it doesnt save that the pets were deleted. i cant seem to do any less than all 5 pets at a time now on startup :(

Not going to reveal anything, might be what's mentioned in the 2020 patch notes tho...

love it swee 

Love the art style and the amount of things you can interact with, that's always been an important part of RPGMaker (or RPGMaker-esque, no idea what this was made in) games. If I could voice one complaint it would be a personal pet peeve of mine: no diagonal movement. Limiting it to 4 directions makes it a bit harder to maneuver imo

I doubt the devs have received a lot of downloads from Itch compared to other sites, so most likely it's been completely forgotten about :/

I have the same exact question

I am looking for the worst of the worst, broken, weird, and messy. Do your worst