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A member registered Jan 16, 2020

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Wahhh the new art looks stunning! :D I can't wait to see what Liam's new sprite/cgs look like, he's my absolute favorite boy :> 

(2 edits)

Of course!! Personally I think your art is super stunning and I love how you draw the characters' gentle small smiles and smug grins :D I think Sei looks especially cute in the scene where he smiles at Shizu after she catches him reading a book (and you already know how I feel about Liam's smile haha)

Also this is a bit unrelated but I think it's really nice that Shizu is older than both Sei and Liam haha - even though ages aren't directly mentioned in the story (other than setting Sei/Shizu's dynamic). It wish more otome games have older heroines!

=== Spoilers ===

I'm looking forward a lot to the future drama! I can't wait to see where the rug pulls goes too!  I'd be super cool if Shizu and Sei become escapees/fugitives and we ended up seeing more of the world, rather than the story being centered around living in and pleasing the noble court which was what I was originally expecting from the demo's beginning.

Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback :D I shall add your twitter to the list of ones I check regularly for updates >w<

(9 edits)

Ahh I just finished the demo and I'm super excited to see where this game will go! I love the visual animations and I don't think I've ever played an otome game in this format before. I will definitely be following along with its updates and buying Liam's route the moment it comes out!!

I think it's interesting how the heroine is a "side character" of what is typically a story about a hero and his quest to defeat the big evil that's wrecking havoc on the world. The set up reminds me a bit of April was Fool where an innocent bartender gets swept up in the aftermath of a group's quest to defeat a villain, as well as a Heart of Tales which picks up after the heroine, the "hero" has finished her quest and decides to settle down. Both games were some of my favorites because of the premise and I think this one is sure to be as wonderful and as exciting! *w* Thank you very much for creating and sharing this wonderful game!

I put some of my thoughts to critique the plot and the characters below, and I hope my words aren't too harsh as I don't mean them to be discouraging and it was just how I felt about the story.

____ spoilers underneath ___

I really enjoyed playing through the game but I felt there were times the plot was a bit cliche. There could be a chance I am misunderstanding but I felt from the first few scenes of the game, Sei was more or less in love with the Shizu, who was completely oblivious to his feelings and every time he tried to express them the timing was awful. I felt that was a little bit obvious - but I can't seem to decide if Shizu is also in love with him back (because she mentions feeling sad on multiple occasions when he's cold to her) or whether she sees him as family and fears the day he realizes how "different" their standings are and no longer wants her there? I'm a big fan of angst so honestly that *would* be a very interesting dynamic, however I feel as if Sei is too pure to do that to her and I wish Shizu would realize how much he cares about her. So I suppose I'm not a big fan of the miscommunication between the two and I think it's a bit cliche but that's just my personal view on it!

Moving on to Liam, I think he's my favorite character thus far! When showed up in the first scene where they defeat the King Nightmare the smile he gave Shizu won my heart :') and I'm definitely really excited for his route! I really like the fact that Shizu can basically flirt with him back and make him flustered  instead. Their interactions feel extremely natural and I loved seeing them bond. I think there's also lots of potential for drama considering the fact that Shizu and him are from different "classes". How will they reconcile their relationship with both nobility (Liam's father for example), especially when Shizu seems to look down on herself thinking that she's only a "common girl" with "no title" that no one would want? I like how Liam refutes Shizu when she puts down herself and I find it really sweet - and I find it interesting that even though he seems to like her as a person he (realistically) is also torn between his duties and his family. He knows what's proper and what's not (considering the double bed scene) and even though he seems rebellious and nonchalant, I think there's definitely a part of him that still cares about social decorum and perhaps pleasing his father (but uh like all things I could be wrong about that too!)

For my closing thoughts, I originally thought the story would be easily predictable, one where Shizu distances away from Sei (who might or might not love her) due to miscommunication, and then Sei, who thinks Shizu doesn't feel the same, gets swept away by a manipulative rival female lead who acts to drive a wedge between the characters. For example, when Shizu points out the poison and how the princess healed Sei immediately, I thought her wickedness/manipulativeness and her role as a villain was extremely obvious.

*However* I was very excited about the plot twist that ended the demo! Seeing that made me so surprised and makes me wonder if I mistook the story for what it would be completely??? I can't wait to see where the story goes and how "the hero" might not be a hero! c:

This looks so cute! The previews definitely really interested me adn I'll definitely give it a try :D

There’s something about this game with I really adore, and I think I’ve figured it out! I love how mnemonic devices features an established love triangle, which I don’t see often in otome games/interactive fiction! ;w; No matter which route you choose or what you go on I get the feeling that both Alto and Caeser love the MC and I can’t get over that dynamic >w< That being said Alto is definitely my favorite and this has to be one of my top favorite games!

(1 edit)

The demo was great and the story was honestly unlike anything I've seen before! I loved the morally grey heroine - you don't see a lot of those in otome games! Also I'm a huge fan of The Knight - I think the way his relationship was written was very genuine and I'm love characters who are extremely devoted to the heroine!  I also absolutely loved the musical transitions - I felt they made the game so much more grand and emotional. Unfortunately I discovered this project after the kickstarter deadline but I'm stoked for the relaunch and will definitely support it! :D

This game looks so cute! :D Al reminds me of someone I used to know except he staunchly liked math more than me lol

(2 edits)

Ahhh I just finished the game and read some of the extra scenes! :DD

I have a spoiler comment below!








I knew Liam was a werewolf! That's so cute and he's such a puppy it fits him so well ;w;

My gosh Liam is such a puppy! >w< This is one of the most well written games I've played and it makes me smile so much!

Oh I remember it a bit better now! It was definitely my mistake for not reading into the scenario properly as I was under the impression it was a thank you gift for her xD I'm so excited for the remastered version! ;w; The sprites look really nice and Lana is so pretty gosh ;w; You really did her justice! I kind of miss Paz's old skin tone and palette as I thought the cool tones fit well with his gentle and quiet personality. However, I think the sprite itself is still really well done and I'll definitely be following along!

I'm playing Aurore for the second time and I have a tiny question I've been wondering about for a while! In the game Cain says vampires are carnivores but I think I remember Desmonda receiving a fruit basket as a present. I was wondering if that was an in game inconsistency or if she was just being polite and accepting it because if was a gift?

(1 edit)

I added my feedback on the google forms after I finished James route, but I also wanted to put it here as well just in case there's a lot of feedback to go through xD

I really adored James route and the world building was one of my favorite things! :D The backgrounds were stunning and I love the asian touch some of them had, for example the line pattern that decorated the windows and the MC's bed. I really loved the care and time put into all of the side characters and Kaleb was absolutely my favorite out of them all. I like him even  though he didn't even blink when Vartius told him to kill me :') I think he's a really interesting character and both the two sides of him caught my interest. The caring and blushy one when he first met the MC made my heart melt and it really took me by surprise when he was shown to be extremely loyal to Vartius that the threat of the MC's life didn't make him stumble.  (That scene made my heart crumble and feel things though especially since I had given him my Makoet) James route was amazing in all of its delicious slow burn glory but Kaleb is definitely my favorite sibling :> Another thing I really liked was everyone's outfit designs! Caine's superhero costume was so cool and Lana's dress for the dance was breathtaking! Actually the entire festival scene is probably my favorite as it let me experience the culture and the characters in depth.

I think I ended up spotting an inconsistency at the very end? (although I could just be reading the scene wrong and feel free to correct me if so) During the festival the MC was given a Makoet and there was a choice later on that let me choose who to give it to - I ended up giving it to Kaleb because he stole my heart (I'm sorry James :') ) but I think the game treated it as if I gave it to Eeyok, because at the very end when he and the MC is about to part he tells her he'll treasure  her Makoet. I was under the impression he was talking about something he received from the MC and not the one he gave her, but I could definitely be mistaken!

P.S. I know it'll take a long time but I'll definitely be following Tailor Tales for Eeyok's route in the future! He is very sweet and definitely second favorite side character!

Hello! Are there any updates to the game? I really liked checking your Development Logs, but no pressure if you're busy <3

Ahh absolutely no rush but I was wondering if you had a release date planned for this project or estimated time it might take? I've been following it on twitter for quite a while (I think back in February haha) and it's really cool seeing your updates from time to time! :> 

Wow this looks so interesting and cool! I love the colors, so vibrant!

(2 edits)

Ahh I just finished Ace's route and it was absolutely amazing!

To begin, this was a really wonderful game. I wasn't surprised by the twist but had lots of fun nonetheless! I really love Ace's jokes/teasing and his tendency to call Ariel by a nickname. Princess was very cute but when he called her doll (my favorite nickname(?)) for a brief moment I almost squealed hehe xD He was the perfect mix of charming and respectful! :> The voice actor for him also did a really wonderful job. The line where he says he's fallen for her was so sweet and well done.

In terms of critique, I think the ending/ final battle felt a little rushed, but that's understandable considering the game had to be finished under a time limit. The beginning was very strong though, and Ariel's interaction with Ace interested me enough to pursue his route even though she's known Michael longer and he seems like the most logical choice, so wonderful job on building his character :D 

I'm super excited for this game and will play it JUST FOR THE ROOM FULL OF CATS YES.

Thank you! I was playing the game again and I ended up with another question - Pandora wants us to craft an Enhancer for her by October 30th, but I asked Oleander and it seems like the recipe requires one to be level 2 in potion making. However it seems like the bar for stats moves very  very slowly and I  was a bit confused on how one would reach level 2 by the deadline?

Another question I had is if there is a way to craft better weapons to use again the monsters Saskia encounters in battle? c:

Oh that's sounds really helpful to know, thank you! :D If it's alright for me to make some more quality of life comments I think a note about where to buy snacks would be really helpful as I didn't realize they were in Liang's shop until much much later! The grimoire is really helpful thank you for telling me. I was also having trouble finding Vervain and I was wondering if it was avaliable during certain weather like stardust?

Ah this was really really fun! :D Can't wait for the full game to come out, I love the crafting portion of the game and how the pinked item turns into a full image once you craft it! I adore all the characters and Saskia has such a fun and cute personality! One thing I wish there was is a back button when you click what you plan on doing for your schedule! It seems like you can't go back which is unfortunate. I also wish there were little notes about the items added when you learn information from Johnny 0: There was also one typo - enrol instead of enroll but overall this was a really great demo!

Ahh I love this game so much! I found it via and I'm so glad I gave it a try 0: The writing is immaculate and I love that you can name your hog ;-; I called her Kokoro and every time she showed up I felt such a big personal attachment to her. I really feared there was a chance she'd die based on all the action that was going on and her squeals. But I remember the comment about no animal deaths and I felt silly for being so scared.

Tammi and Tommy were great side characters and  even thought they didn't have sprites I loved how much character they had (which really show cases how great of a writer you are!) 

(1 edit)

This was a super fun game, thank you so much for making it! I loved Bakugo's route the most, and I think you captured his personality so well through the texts :')) Kirishima's emojis made me laugh so much - Using emojis as expressions in textboxes was a great idea 'v'!

(3 edits)

Crimson Spires is an amazing game! The world building is stunning and detailed. I'm captivated by each and every one of these characters, even Charlotte as they're all written with so much depth. Erika has to be my favorite since her personality and intelligence really stood out to me in the realm of otome game  MCs. I especially enjoyed reading her banter and dynamic with August. My favorite line is where she says "Don't insult both of us by pretending you had some reason to be skulking behind me and then act like I'll believe you." xD

The voice acting and music are very immersive, and while I was playing it really felt as if I was part of this world and discovering more alongside it with Erika, who was just as confused as I. I don't think I've ever played a game that's captured so much of my interest before or made me think so much!

The endings are a little unclear (I've only play August's and Liam's) which  was frustrating for a while (but in a good way!) They made me wonder "what did I just read???" It felt as if there was a big revelation to be found but I simply couldn't understand it, or maybe I didn't understood the characters/world well enough to know what the endings meant about the world around them. Honestly I think the game left me with more questions and I wish someone had a long detailed analysis of the characters and/or story so I could get some answers haha xD

In the end, I realize I actually really enjoy the openendedness since it leaves a lot to for you to interpret and  encourages readers to play the other routes to see different sides to the characters/story. Which I definitely will be doing in when I have time! c:

P.S. I really hope there'll be a sequel!

(16 edits)

I -  I thought it couldn't be better but that table top extra scenes game???? With all the amazing VA? Cain's line : "you're dead. Would you like to be dead, or would you like to be in the inn" - He just deadpans it and it's GREAT.


I had some time to play today and I absolutely adore the story! Here's what I thought for the brief section I saw:

The scene where the MC is softly smiling while petting Paz in his dragon form is so cute. I think it might turn into one of my favorite scenes in the game, I have to see – there was just this instant connection I felt while looking at the CG. I think I’m definitely going to go for his route first. I love the brief but very clear world building! The ways things are set up – it slowly lets the reader discover more about this new world. It doesn't drown the reader with too much info and I really felt as if I was figuring things out with the MC. Things like the LO (except Ilma) all being princes makes a lot of sense – since the MC is the heir to faerie. I love her personality – she’s very cunning + smart. I originally thought Mira was mute but when the MC figured out that sirens didn’t speak because of their voices, I was like OH 0w0!

I adore all the slow and natural world building! Like Paz describing dragon society bit by bit or sirens looking at tuna like rats and lobsters as chicken omg xDDD.  And wow that plot twist!! OwO I would have never figured it out xD

I found some details that didn't quite make sense with the lore: such as when the MC tells Ilma to give Desmonada a fruit basket as a thank you? I thought that was a little contradictory since vampires are carnivores?

I'm so happy Dyson turned out to be a tailor! 0: He was always nicely dressed and it's such a pleasant surprise he made the MC's coronation dress! I also really liked everyone's formal attire and the MC's crown is beautifully drawn and described <3

About the routes:

I adored Paz's route and his epilogue was very sweet! I think Drakhi is a beautiful language (reminds me a bit of like Russian/Mongolian?) and Chazka's voice actor did a wonderful job displaying the language! Something I was curious about: did Paz ever describe how heirs were chosen? I know on his profile it say he was adopted by Kanzlatan. Since he does not know his mother, is it safe to assume all eggs are combined together and the dragons collectively nurse them as a society - thus not keeping track of bloodlines at all? I think the dragon's lore and faith are very poetic - how they cherish the stars for example, and "you make my spirit bright". I was a bit surprised that his Zodiac was Aries. Paz seems so intuitive and sweet that  I would've thought he was a Pisces.


I played Adrien's route next and absolutely adore his playfulness >:3 He's so cute and smug it makes me very happy seeing his interactions with the MC and the rest of the princes! He's got so much personality to him despite being most mute (before the MC learns sign language) and I loved how you showed that! When using sign language I really like how he refers to the MC with a letter. It feels very natural! C: Oh wait! We share the same ENFP personality, that makes sense hehe


I actually liked Cain's route A LOT more than I expected. He's such a great fleshed out character and I love how his coldness/condescening air is balanced out with his passion, his love for books and RPGs as the MC knows him better. My favorite line in the game is definitely definintely when Daphne approaches Astaroth and he tries to woo her but she gives no shits and is like na, I'm here for your husband. And then the conversation that unfolds after is gold. The letters - her intellgence - wow! Couldn't have said it better my Eminence xD




The moment I first saw the plot twist I loved her character so so much. The way she would sacrifice herself so the MC would be safe - I know it was because of duty but to see that type of loyalty from someone I was supposed to dislike from the very start - that won my heart completely <3 Her sprite is so pretty - I love her red hair - and she always felt like a serious but honestly very genuine character <3 Super happy to go on her route!

Hi! I'm going to ask a super embarrassing question but I've been really wondering for a while - if this is labeled as a dating sim, who can I date? xD The art looks really nice and I absolutely adore your logo too ^w^

(1 edit)

Hello! I think this game looks super interesting and I can't wait to try it out! The art is so pretty, and you can really see each characters' emotions in the cut scenes like a photograph of a happy moment :D I was also super impressed by the trailer. The CGs and character profiles just flowed so well into each other and the background song was so catchy and beautiful I had to find out where it was from! I love the MC's design so much too. I usually don't see a lot of main characters with short hair or heterochromia eyes so it set her apart wonderfully! She's so well done that I think at the end of the trailer I ended up falling in love with her as well as all the love interests xD

(2 edits)

Hello! I just wanted to say this game looks super interesting :D I can't wait to check it out! I've never seen a game where the MC and the LI are in different stories! I think I'm going to play the student route first but I just have a little comment - I find the text a little difficult to look at when reading, especially  because I think there's a dark text shadow underneath it? I was wondering if that could be disabled or if there could be different font choices to choose from? If not I'll just continue playing as it is!

(9 edits)

I finally, finally had time to sit down and enjoy the prologue yesterday and ahh ;-; It's lovely and completely surpassed my expectations! Honestly when I saw it was a "prologue", I expected it to be a couple of minutes long with maybe one vague mysterious scene  - but it's wonderfully fleshed out, with beautiful animations, beautiful details and multiple scenes that won my heart!

To anyone who might be holding back because it might be short, I promise it's not at all and extremely extremely satisfying. It's great meeting all the characters again! :D


First off, I think the writing is immaculate! I find Thyia's interactions with her child to be adorable - especially where Kayda asks for a cookie and how Thyia keeps it in mind and asks Sapphire if she has any for her child? The little detail was so sweet I broke into a smile >w< I also really adore that you can give her a nickname -  I called her Kokoro because she's my heart :D I originally romanced Raelan in Oathbreaker, so I imported those details into season II. The fact that he noticed the little details about Thyia's seat in the throne room, how it always made noise and how she'd swing up one leg: that felt so realistic and means so so much to me - to see him truly miss her and the little things she did.

And Theoren! I admit I'm a little rusty with the lore and couldn't remember what a Champion was - and how they compared to Warlocks?  But I adore him and his bluntness? and how he could match everything that Thyia threw at him. Throughout the story I always felt like he and Thyia had some chemistry going on, so I'm happy to know he's offered as a route OvO!  The way he treats Kayda too is just really nice. And I hope I can see more of his familiar!

One last comment, mostly about Virion, that scene where Thyia senses him and her first instinct is to run away, only to be TACKLED to the ground by a super angry and emotional elf - wow, it felt so in character and told me a lot about their dynamic :') His words to finding her were so powerful, first in half in disbelief,  then anger at her death and the fact that some might be dishonoring her - it was like I could feel the waves of pain and hurt that were radiating off of him. I went back to see if his reaction would've changed if Thyia had romanced him, and gosh ;-; it just it just swept me away, especially where he says - I don't care what you are, just please don't leave me again 0: I wanted to bawl too - and and his reaction to meeting his child - How dare you say that this isn't mine >:< - is just - really great xD And then he pouts?

Super looking forward to chapter 1, thank you for your hard work on the game! :D

0: I was browsing through and think I stumbled on something gold! This game looks super interesting with really cool characters; I can't wait to check it out!

(5 edits)

Yes, I agree. I also want to comment on the last paragraph: I think that's definitely another great angle to look at it and I'd love for it to be explored through maybe a few inner emotional thoughts and slip ups in the further episodes, kind of like "I'm not good enough to belong. You're so much more important.", maybe a scene where the MC completely breaks down and blames themselves for everything? Maybe survivor's guilt, a sort of "I'm nothing, why am I alive instead of my sister? You're right, I can't do anything - I should've been dead instead." I really want there to be some kind of emotional blow up 0: maybe from holding everything in? I guess I've been looking at things from an abandonment perspective, kind of like, if I grew up knowing I wasn't anyone's priority, I'd feel worthless, fearful of new relationships and act very passive because I simply don't matter. But maybe instead I'd seek emotional support, to not break/stay strong (like the MC?) and try my best to please everyone because they matter so much more than me ? Or maybe, kind of a, I'm the only survivor, I have to be strong when my family cannot.

That definitely is some intense layering of emotions though, and I feel it has to be very well written for it be conveyed 0:  Since at the very core no matter whether the MC pretends to be joyful or is seriously withdrawn, the MC still should show some sort of self depreciation from their past. Knowing that they never mattered and don't matter? Is that very cruel of me to expect or want? It can definitely still be done, and I hope it is shown somewhere if everything is a playful facade.

(6 edits)

Ah okay, I definitely see what you mean about the friendship choices playing a little bit more light and resolving the issue quickly. Perhaps the game wants to make us feel that Damon is not really an intense as a threat, and if being friends, he does seems to grow a liking to you and wants your help to sneak a cat on the ship together. 

It definitely isn't personal, but I can't see pas  that he would be okay with handing the MC over to Zovack, especially when the rest of the crew members also found out about their identity and decided that they were worth the risk. For example, Calderon was willing to have them on board even if the MC didn't know how to defend themselves.

I guess, the MC seems to be more understanding for Damon's choice of words, attributing them to his past? For me, Damon makes it blatantly obvious he doesn't really care about the MC and I found it odd that the MC seemed to care so much about Damon in return, but I understand how that would be a valid reaction for a MC with different priorities(?) and personality, one that is inherently caring and wants to have a positive relationship with everyone and prove themselves worthy of having around.

He definitely is. xD And I do hope he does find the MC worthy of protecting / having on board into his romance routes :) Ah, thank you for replying by the way

(3 edits)

Hi! I hope my comment doesn't come off a rude, but would it be okay to ask I guess, everyone what shows that the MC is suffering from shock or PSTD, particularly in the interaction with Damon? 

I replayed the game, in V3.1 and from what I saw the MC's interaction as, they seemed very quick to joke/smile (in the comment about cats) or their identity as a royal ("I could have your head" said jokingly) and they're very empathetic and considerate of Damon and his past/ why he chose to throw them to Zovack? Also, the MC seem to want to make a good impression on him, because even if the MC walks away, you can either flirt (gain his attention), or to befriend him. I think the way the MC is interacting with Damon, they feel a little bit outgoing (joking), and even understanding to his past and plight?

This is completely my own personal opinion, and I haven't experienced PTSD or anything like such, but when I analyze the MCs interactions, I can't really relate to what I've believe (I can definitely be wrong/ ignorant), are typical actions for a MC, suffering from shock/trauma from their past (  their entire family being killed for being royalty and being betrayed by Vexx, their only friend. Also knowing that Vexx wants them dead just the same.)  The MC seems to be really quick to bounce back and throw jokes, especially to Damon - who suggested what I see as one of the most shocking things that he could suggest - the MC dying just like her family. By the hands of their murderer in cold blood. The MC is satisfied with just knowing Damon changed his mind for now. There's nothing that I would really attribute to shock?

For example, knowing that my family is dead and that my best and only friend, also planned for me to be dead with themI wouldn't have forgiven Damon's comment, or want to befriend/flirt with another person would be okay with seeing me killed. How could I possibly want to interact or feel okay with socializing with someone like Damon if there was such a glaring fact that he'd stab me in the back just like Vexx, my only friend? 

  Personally, I feel like the MC resolved/ forgave Damon for his comment very quickly? In the way that if the MC were in shock/ PTSD they'd overthink, take his comment to the heart, have a huge fear of being betrayed/killed, rather than treat the comment as a "okay, he said it, but he doesn't mean it to do it now, so that's okay." I really don't want to offend anyone, so if you think that the MC's reactions were on point with shock/PTSD I'd really like to know and I promise I'll try my best to relate to their actions.

I just want to say, I do like the game, the characters, Damon too, and I'm excited to see where the plot line will go. I just have a lot of time on my hands I guess and really want to analyze the heck out of the MC.

(11 edits)

Hi! I hope my comment doesn't come off a rude, but would it be okay to ask how the MC seems to suffering from shock or PSTD, particularly in the interaction with Damon? 

I replayed the game, in V3.1 and from what I saw the MC's interaction as, they seemed very quick to joke/smile (in the comment about cats) or their identity as a royal ("I could have your head" said jokingly in the non-flirt option) and they're very empathetic and considerate of Damon and his past/ why he chose to throw them to Zovack? Also, the MC seem to want to make a good impression on him, because even if the MC walks away, you can either flirt (gain his attention), or to befriend him. I think the way the MC is interacting with Damon, they feel a little bit outgoing (joking), and even understanding to his past and plight?

This is completely my own personal opinion, and I haven't experienced PTSD or anything like such, but when I analyze the MCs interactions, I can't really relate to what I've believe are typical actions for a MC, suffering from shock/trauma from their past (  their entire family being killed for being royalty and being betrayed by Vexx, their only friend. Also knowing that Vexx wants them dead just the same.)  The MC seems to be really quick to bounce back and throw jokes, especially to Damon - who suggested what I see as one of the most shocking things that he could suggest - the MC dying just like her family. By the hands of their murderer in cold blood. The MC is satisfied with just knowing Damon changed his mind for now. There's nothing that I would really attribute to shock?

For example, knowing that my family is dead and that my best and only friend, also planned for me to be dead with themI wouldn't have forgiven Damon's comment, or want to befriend/flirt with another person would be okay with seeing me killed. How could I possibly want to interact or feel okay with socializing with someone like Damon if there was such a glaring fact that he'd stab me in the back just like Vexx, my only friend? 

  Personally, I feel like the MC resolved/ forgave Damon for his comment very quickly? In the way that if the MC were in shock/ PTSD they'd overthink, take his comment to the heart, have a huge fear of being betrayed/killed, rather than treat the comment as a "okay, he said it, but he doesn't mean it to do it now, so that's okay." I really don't want to offend anyone, so if you think that the MC's reactions were on point with shock/PTSD I'd really like to know and I promise I'll try my best to relate to their actions.

(11 edits)

Hi! I hope it's okay to jump here and say, I think you kind of changed my opinion about Damon and the MC, or at least a different view of it ? I personally would not have wanted to, as the MC, interact with someone who would be willing to kill me to save his own skin, because of my personal opinions and priorities. I would rather go for someone who is trusting and values me even a little bit that they wouldn't want to see me murdered.

As for the MC, I think their actions are a lot easier to understand if they are the type of person to prioritize friendship, trust and understanding over self preservation(?). After  finding out Damon's opinions, the MC wants to befriend him or know more about him despite knowing he wants to kill them. Even if you walk away, your final choices are to either flirt (joke with him?) or to befriend him.

Maybe the MC is really curious to know his reasoning and their thoughts are - "Can he grow to trust me? Does he hate my family and that's why he wants me dead or is it something that I did and perhaps change?" Because, the MC seems to inherently want to leave a positive impression on Damon. Maybe the MC hopes that by constantly interacting with him, he can grow to "trust" them, or at least actually miss them they the flirty MC says. I feel like Damon is the type of person who doesn't chase at all, he's really detached so I think the MC probably will have to do the "chasing" in their relationship. (seeking him out, getting to know more of him)

It still does feel that for their relationship to work, the MC brushes the fact that there's a huge threat looming - potential death and betrayal, doesn't take them to heart (forgive Damon) and is willing to joke around, and befriend him. All the while knowing that he could possibly have killed you and honestly did not care too much about you being dead when you met.

Personally, I find it hard to stomach because the fact he wanted the MC dead (His first reaction to knowing the MC's past is "Let's hand them to Zovack and get the bounty off of us") and that ruins everything for me. I wish the MC could have more value and give themself some space before reaching out and cracking jokes (like the cat one?) I wish there could be a bigger "shock" reaction to what he said. But I suppose the MC is just really open and empathetic and wants to understand Damon as a person. Maybe they think he can be changed and he can grow to like them. So rather a "I won't speak to him because he's a jerk" maybe a "By speaking to him, maybe he'll be less of a jerk?" I don't really know.

I don't think their romance has the best beginning, but there have been stories out there, with a cold rebellious guy who doesn't have any connections and feelings, sometimes even wanting to kill the heroine's or is okay with seeing her dead because of her identity (say royalty) , but grows to love her in the end. (Like one of my favorite books, The Winner's Curse) There's a big difference in the dynamic I just described and Damon's, but maybe romance can work out despite the initial "I don't care about you being dead".   So I'll give Damon a chance. I hope he changes his value of the MC though because that's really how I think this romance can work, if he grows to like them enough and regrets the betrayal.

... idk maybe Vexx too?

(1 edit)

Hmmm , I hope you won't mind me throwing my input other there but it does make sense that they're trying to be diplomatic with how agreeable they're being .

I had a hard time stomaching the MC's actions towards Damon because it seemed so... weak and defenseless. I didn't really like how they were so happy to have spoken to him. In the friendship route, speaking to him makes them feel better. It really feels like the MC inherently sought Damon out. Even if you walk away, you end up flirting with him or befriending him, so in essence, the MC wants to know more about Damon, who wants to kill them. He literally wants to hand them over to save his team's skin. And the MC whether it be knowing his reasoning, or how he feels about their family, wants to talk to him more.

It feels wrong in my opinion because why would you ever want to befriend or joke with a person who has no qualms about you being dead? Maybe he likes you around right now, sure but if he could save the ship with your life, you'd be gone in an instant.

Maybe the MC is trying to not anger him, with the hopes that he can "trust" them and not want to throw them to the wolves? One reaction is certainly to get mad, but another could be to try to gain his trust. I feel like Damon is the type of person who doesn't chase at all, so I think the MC probably will have to do the "chasing" in their relationship... So I guess the only way for their relationship to work is if the MC brushes his threats off, doesn't take them to heart and is willing to joke, befriend and know Damon as a character all the while knowing that he can 100% kill you and honestly did not care too much about you being dead when you met.

Huh, I mean, I don't think it's completely healthy but there have been stories out there, the whole cold rebellious guy who doesn't have any connections/feelings who grows to love the hero/heroine has always been a trope?

(15 edits)

Oh wow, I didn't really pay attention to this part too much because it was very late and I was a bit tired listening to everyone's backstories after Aya :')

The friendship choice is actually sickening.  I feel like they're being brainwashed??? We can't stay mad at him, and the MC believes Damon has every right to his actions and thoughts. What did he ever do to earn the MC's trust? How are they so trusting and accepting of his attitude? Why are they even apologizing to him? I don't have this sort of empathy at all D: Actually, I wouldn't have any strength to joke with Damon or do anything after finding out about my past if I were the MC. Is the only reaction really to understand his point of view, accept everything, joke about potentially being betrayed and killed and try to be friends with him anyway?

(6 edits)

= lots of spoilers below! Sorry ;-; =

I agree. The more  I think about it, the MC, though they did live in wealth and luxury, suffered emotionally. The youngest child was probably kept away from all major events, they barely had any interactions with any of their siblings except for one, who being the eldest was probably super busy. I felt like the MC was neglected at least emotionally and desperately wanted someone to be there for them.

When they do find out they had someone, Vexx , suddenly a moment later, every happy memory they shared completely falls apart. At least to me it did, because how much do they matter if it was literally all a lie? They're left with no one and nothing from their past on their side. To have some members of the crew joke around and jab at them... I would've been destroyed :(

The MC is literally so brave, especially when facing June. I understand his anger, and I don't expect him to react any differently but it just made me terribly sad that the MC couldn't be more hurt by his words. I would've literally ran away and not spoke a word, but the MC has the bravery to reach out and talk and take his anger and accusations? At least it felt like accusations when he said that he didn't see any of the royal family lift a finger to stop the king. I took it to mean, it's hard for him to see the MC any different from the crimes the royal family committed.  He's angry at them, and the MC has the strength to shoulder HIS pain, and empathizes greatly with what he has to go through, but like what about them? :( The MC didn't live in luxury, at least by what I think the crew is picturing . It felt like fear and complacency and loneliness that I wish they could talk about.