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A member registered Dec 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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(Apologies for the extreme necropost; Itch rarely ever informs me of comments/posts (*sweating*)

(Official) Answer to Aoi and Hinata's relationship.

From the official guidebook:

[Q: What was it that attracted you to Aoi?

Hinata: Was I even attracted to Aoi to begin with? I mean, I do like him, and I guess it would be a total lie to say I wasn't attracted to him at all! Well, uh... I guess what people really want to ask is; "Was your relationship really a romantic one?". But if you ask me that, then I can't give you an answer. Because neither I nor Aoi knew what love is. For Aoi, who couldn't accept himself, and I, who didn't even know who I was meant to be, what we needed first and foremost was to love ourselves. That's what our route is about: self-discovery and self-acceptance. So in that way, our story is fundamentally very different from the story of Sakura and Itsuki. Aoi and I weren't even in a place where we could fall in love yet.]

The terminology used in game for 'falling in love' between them in the JP version is used for explicitly romantic love, but like mentioned, Aoi and Hinata both have a very confused sense of what love is due to their upbringings. I do think what Itsuki says about them being tied together with the red string is true and that they would have genuinely loved each other had they the chance, if only things hadn't worked out as they had, and regardless of the complicated nature of their relationship.

Thank you very much! Currently  I'm waiting on their next project to be released, while I will hopefully be able to work on translating too ^^

The author just has an affinity for using foreign characters in most of their work haha

Yes, I like how it comes off quite unnatural, it certainly makes the reveal feel less like 'oh wow, surprise!' and more just a sad confirmation of something you've likely already realised.

The original is Japanese, yes, as linked at the bottom of the page under 'Other Versions' ^^. Colonel's Twitter is written in the game readme, so feel free to drop them a message if you liked their game!

Sorry for the late reply!

All of the + affection points are as follow:

  • Do not apologise to Chinamu on day 2 (Stay silent). = +1
  • Salt > vinegar > mustard on day 3 for the cooking event.  = +3
  • Antifever meds > (Take it yourself first) on day 4 = +2
  • Choosing 'Mother Goose' on day 5 = +1
  • (Try to find something stimulating) on day 6 = +1
  • Taking a book off the shelf instead of giving Chinamu sleep medication on day 7= +1

As long as you've also thrown Chinamu's ring into the trash on day 4 or 5 and picked it back up with Flow on day 6 (and rejected Flow's proposal on day 5), this should lead you straight to the true ending (as you only need 7 points).

Thanks a lot for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Oh man, I'd thought I'd managed to patch out that sort of thing. There wasn't appropriate flagging in the original to make the minigame's event reset after playing, so I had added those in myself, but it seems something slipped through. I'm very sorry, but thank you for reporting this I'll try to fix it ASAP!

Hi there! If it crashes after the window, that means your computer isn't running the game in Japanese locale. The Livemaker engine only runs on computers in Japanese locale, which is rather annoying, and sadly something I am unable to rectify. Here is a helpful link on changing the locale of your computer! I hope this works and you're able to keep playing!