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A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and leaving a review! unfortunately we ran out of time and could not add proper tutorials or instructions.  I'm glad you enjoyed some aspects of the game anyways :D

thanks for playing and giving feedback! the slow movement was a last minuet bug  that we could not fix but I'm glad you found it somewhat beneficial. you make a good point with the laser obstacles, there isn't much difference between the elements in the level.

thanks for playing and giving feedback! we had a major build issue and we could not fix it properly in time so the game runs in slow motion :(

I do agree with you. having a general idea of where the baby is would help.

thanks for playing! yep a few bugs managed to slip in unfortunately. 

im a fan of hunting games.
would be nice if there where more enemies to shoot at.

Thanks for playing and giving your feedback on the mechanics and your experience!
I'm glad we almost gave you a heart attack (not literally) and its great to see that someone who has previous experience with horror games has enjoyed our game so much, this really means a lot to us. we have gotten a lot of comments on our enemy AI so we know where to improve on it if/when we develop the game further. I will take note of your fog hue suggestion and play around with the colors during development.
thanks again!

Thanks for playing and giving feedback!

Yep, jumping mechanics can be a whole subject on its own , GMTK has some really good videos on this. GameMaker is especially good for jams like this.

yeah that's alright, we also had to cut out a lot of mechanics because of time :(  who knew game jams would be so unforgiving

this is a very good game!
the way that it introduces the mechanics and progresses in difficulty is perfect. The main mechanic and its implementation was done well. I loved the short story that you integrated smoothly into the gameplay. The puzzles where a decent challenge although it was sometimes hard to tell what was going on with the bridges. the only issues I had was with the jumping. there's a mechanic called 'coyote time' that is often added to games of this type, its basically a few frames of grace where the player is no longer on the ground but can still jump. I think if you add that, the movement will be a whole lot more satisfying.
the character sprites look great and it pays off because the focus is on the player. the environment could have been a little bit more decorated but that's not a big issue. the music is perfect for this game.
well done on completing your first game jam! I hope you do more jams because you have a good understanding of game design and you are only going to get better :)

+1 star for using my fav game engine.

I love me a fun and juicy first person shooter, this game was fun!
10/10 for having such a good menu system and having all those settings. the movement and shooting is smooth and satisfying and I love the feedback you get from doing certain actions. The enemies where a bit all over the place but they where fun target practice anyways so its not a big issue. I think if the map had some textures, the game could have looked a lot more polished but you only had 3 days so I cant blame you. I really enjoyed the different types of guns, they all had their own playstyle and feel. I was really exited when I saw that shiny golden figure 8 boss but I managed to run around it in a circle and not get hit once. I have had this issue before when coding enemies and the only way around this problem would be to add in different movement patterns or make the enemy predict your location and shoot there instead. 
I didn't encounter any bugs apart from the already mentioned one with the menu. 
very solid game you guys made, well done!

awesome, glad to hear


why the 800mb download?

(1 edit)

the concept of this game is really cool and the mechanic technically works.
there where a few issues that made the game unplayable for me (not Shure if I was doing something wrong or if they where bugs)
> There where no instructions or controls in the game or game description apart from stating the main mechanic. this made it very confusing to play. I did understand it in the end but its always good to at least add this information in the description.
>The music buttons where bugged (I assume) after my second try, when I clicked either one, only the red one activated. 
>When I lost and played again, my old block layout was overlayed onto a new level, also not Shure if its random levels or if I somehow progressed by accident.
>The musical notes seemed to do the same thing.
one nitpick would be that the reflector blocks are a default cube, If it had some sort of design I think the game could have been a lot more polished.

I don't want to be harsh but this game could be a whole lot better if these issues are addressed.
overall a good concept and props for adding a cool menu and audio.
well done for submitting! 

(cutting it close with the deadline XD)

10/10 for adding a menu and sound, I would rate your game higher than a good game with no UI. as for the game it was very simple and I enjoyed the challenge. I think the mechanic is quite interesting and I would have loved to see the game lean more into the puzzle genre instead of making it a basic platformer. the graphics where cute but you could have made a separate sprite for the wide arrow block so it doesn't look out of place when its stretched like that.

I'm not Shure how the game fits the theme but that's not a train smash.

overall a good lil game and well done for finishing!

thanks for playing and giving feedback!
yeah there's a good chance you just missed the enemy because the AI isn't the best unfortunately, but we are planning on improving it.

Thanks for playing and giving feedback!
yep the enemy has a few issues and we are planning on making some major changes to it. I'm glad you think this game has potential because we are planning on polishing it into a more complete experience.

Thanks for playing and giving a lot of good feedback, its greatly appreciated!
I cant add much to what Alex already said, but I will say that I advocated to make the enemy easier, that was a mistake on my part :(

thanks for playing and giving feedback!
did you read the description? what did you not understand?

 XD,  glad you got shit scared :) thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

This was a short and sweet game and I enjoyed playing it.

Its very polished and that's amazing for a game jam entry. The story was a bit hard to follow but I still understood it in the end. The audio design and visuals are great. The mechanics are clever and I like how the scene slowly changes as you play, it makes for a more immersive experience. My favorite part of this game was the TV sequences.  overall a very neat entry and well done!

Thanks for playing and giving your feedback!
the key and player do have random spawn locations, they probably spawned twice in the same location :(  I didn't code the enemy ai but my teammate was putting a lot of work into it, unfortunately we had to move our focus to other things. glad you had fun :)

thanks for playing and giving your feedback! i might polish it up and release a new version(if i have enough energy and motivation)

yeah you are definitely not wrong, some variation would have been a lot better than the 2 textures i have for the dungeon structures. thanks for playing!

yeah i wasn't too happy with the ladder generation either, and i was planning on adding some 'aim assist' for the boss but i figured not everyone will be a well seasoned gamer so i decided to leave him as is so more people can finnish the game. but thanks for playing and giving your feedback, really appreciate it!

im glad you enjoyed it! i might have been inspired by my childhood gaming experiences when i made this game.

thanks for playing!

im glad you where able to play, thanks for the feedback aswell!

yeah i agree with the hit feedback and the items carrying through.  i didn't manage to add those features in time though but that's just bad time management on my part. but thanks for playing and giving your feedback!

for those who are confused as to how to play the game, go to the scratch website, click create, click on file and click on 'load from your computer' and choose the downloaded .sb3 file.

nice game, it gets a quite difficult a bit too quickly but I'm sure it gets easier with practice. the visuals and audio where great and its always nice to have a proper tutorial and not a wall of text explaining the game. well done, I like this game.

(1 edit)

hey man sorry to hear that, that would be because of the lighting system, it needs a decent computer to run unfortunately. but thanks for playing anyways.

edit: i uploaded a version without the lighting system so you can play that version instead. I'm sure it will run fine. 


(1 edit)

the boss is an exact copy of your player(a clone) and I suppose you didn't read the  game description because it tells you how to dash, but i agree with you, there's a lot more I can add. I was thinking of improving the minimap like you suggested as well as adding weapon abilities. I might develop this game further after the jam. but thanks for playing and giving your feedback. i appreciate it.

i wish i had that confidence lmao

dang, summitted 48 seconds before deadline. you're cutting it close there!

this is a nice spin on classic pinball, the only thing I have to say about it is the spikes. sometimes i would start the game and my player just dies without me even doing anything. it took me a while to get a good run. but its a nice little game, well done.

cant seem to download game :(  I get a message saying : key must be provided

same here

i dont think i can take this game seriously lmao. but its a funny concept anyways and it was well executed(the humor part).  gameplay was a bit floaty and hard to control. its a good game for what it is, well done!