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Jeiel Aranal

A member registered Sep 15, 2014 · View creator page →

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I'm enjoying this! One suggestion would be to allow the clues to be viewed after solving the puzzle.

2.91 is the latest version I've run Sprytile in.

It hasn't been tested for 2.93 unfortunately. I'm unsure how to resolve that issue for now.

You can turn off the automatic work plane adjustment by locking the axis. Press it when the work plane works to how you want it to be:
Feature Reference - Sprytile Documentation

There might be unmerged vertices, try using Blender's merge by distance function. Go into edit mode, press Ctrl +A to select all and then run the operator. If successful, there should be message in the Blender status bar about how many verts got merged.

You'll need to make a material in Unity that is assigned to the model and uses the texture: Unity Settings - Sprytile Documentation

You can lock the view rotation by clicking the lock axis button, as shown here: Feature Reference - Sprytile Documentation

I like the effort in giving the cake layers visual interest!

I like the dimensionality of this.

I enjoy how readable and appealing this design is.

I'm really enjoying the entries that play with perspective in the animation!

Really great idea! I wonder how well it would translate to a discord emoji, but the animation showing the perspective trick is really fun.

I like how you used face colouring to get highlights!

birb emoji solidarity

Sprytile hasn't been tested yet with 2.92 which is the latest current version, so there may be issues.

If you only resize the sheet on the Y axis, this can easily be done with Blender's existing tools. In your image editor, resize the image upwards by 2x. For example if your sheet is 256x256, resize it to 256x512. In Blender load the resized sprite sheet and go to the UV editor.

In the UV editor, set the 2d cursor position in the 'n' key sidebar, by going to the view tab in the sidebar. Set the position to 0,0 and select all of your mesh faces. Set the pivot to the 2d cursor, and use the UV scale tool. Press Y to restrict the scale to the Y axis, and type in 0.5. This will restore your UV map to the original setup with the larger sheet.

Thanks for sharing this info! I'll consider adding this to the documentation.

Thanks for sharing your work here! Always great to hear about games made with Sprytile.

Does the tile preview and tile palette show up? The tile preview should be drawn with the same code as the work plane, so it would be really weird to me if the preview is drawing but not the work plane.

Just to make sure, what are the Sprytile workflow settings for the work plane?

N key should be working while you're in Build mode in 2.8.

The decals system isn't working in the 2.8 port, that will have to wait for a future version.

I consider the documentation outdated for now, especially with the 2.8 update.

Decal layers is not yet implemented in the Blender 2.8 version. The lastest version for Blender 2.79 has decals though.

In the sprytile build tool, holding down S will snap the 3d cursor to the vertex nearest to your mouse cursor.

You can configure it to snap to vertices or the virtual grid in the workflow panel.

Turning on cursor flow will make the 3d cursor follow along your tiles while you build.

Good point about delete face. In 2.79 Sprytile was integrated with geometry manipulation so you didn't have to exit out of build mode to delete things, but 2.8 changes the workflow so maybe its time to implement a delete shortcut.

Sprytile applies subpixel padding by default, you can adjust the amount of padding in the Sprytile panel, under Extra UV Grid Settings.

Thanks for your support. The lastest version that supports 2.79 is version 0.4.5 and you can download it from the GitHub releases:

Sprytile is an extension of Blender, so the answer is generally whatever Blender can work with and what it can export to.

There are a bunch of ways to do animated tiles in 3d, but there isn't any thing supported out of the box with Sprytile.  But because Sprytile is inside Blender, there is a lot of flexibility in how you can achieve animated tiles.The approach you take will mostly be dictated by where you'll use it.

I don't really have the time to elaborate on how to achieve sprite/tile animations for now though, sorry about that. Maybe some other people in the community might be able to help here.

Unfortunately not, there are some APIs that I've not figured out yet and might take some time to work it out. I've also been unable to find the time to work on Sprytile recently, which sets back the update further.

The fix is up, thanks for notifying me about the issue.

Ah right, someone sent me a patch to fix quick toggle on 2018.3, give me a bit to integrate it :)

Entire faces being deleted sounds like a bug, although I'm not sure how that would happen. If possible a video of the bug might be helpful.

Yes, I plan to update it for Blender 2.8, I'm starting to look into it now that the beta is out.

No plans for it at this time. If it ever becomes a stand alone program it would probably move to a paid model.

Since this is happening in the viewport, it looks like it might be a mipmaps issue. The quick start guide has instructions for how to turn off mipmaps

I have a ticket up for this feature, but I might make it higher in the priority since I'm getting more feedback for it. Thanks for the request.

Is filtering turned on for the texture? Try turning off any filtering on the texture, as well as mipmaps.

Hi. I'm not familiar with using Blender Game Engine, is there a way to turn off anti aliasing? Turning off anti aliasing fixes this problem in Unity.

Rotate the camera and work plane to your desired position and then press the axis lock button.

I position the camera in its initial position, create an empty object where I want the rotation to center around and parent the camera to the empty. The empty is then simply animated to do the rotation and I render the animation.

Hi Colstar. This is more of a Blender question, here's a topic that might guide you:

The general principle of Sprytile is to work with existing Blender workflows. If it's not something that exists in Sprytile, you can check if there is a guide for doing it in Blender.

Hope this helps!

Using the paint mode will give the most control, but it may still be down to hand tweaking the UVs to get the best results. You can try turning off pixel and edge snap in the painting options, so the UV won't try to stretch out over your selection.

Using edge hinting might also be a good way to guide how Sprytile places the UV. If you select an edge on the mesh, Sprytile will attempt to use that edge as the “bottom” of how it arranges the UV.

Turning off the stretch options in paint might be a good idea. The grid on the right side of the paint options determines the alignment of the UV island on your selected tile.