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Jupiter Lighthouse

A member registered Apr 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

It is sort of an RTS.

So when my buddy and I were brainstorming I noticed a lot of ideas we'd come up with were already games in and of themselves. Because the idea of reversing a role in a game honestly isn't that wild of an idea and is a good way to come up with new game mechanics. So instead we decided to just lean into that.

Cause at the end of the day, a game is going to feel like... a game.

So where we landed was one of our fave genres, Survival-Horror. One of our fave games, Silent Hill. And were like "Silent Hill, but you're the town." That's the role reversal.

And if you were the town... what would you do? Well, it might very well play like an RTS. (we originally went in with a pikmin idea, but landed more on C&C red alert, cause time crunch)

What is Tetris but you move the screen? It's still just a puzzle game. The genre didn't shift, but the role did. Where as a mario style action platformer where you move the ground, the role reversed and the genre shifted to a autoscroll platform puzzler. We didn't really think the genre was really the important part, but rather the role which was reversed.

[edit] it also helps that we usually do take liberties with game jam ideas. We once did a jam years ago where the prompt was just a few words you had to choose from. The only 2 words I remember were "beguile", and "deceit". So we made a game called "Be Guile, sit in Da Seat" where you were Guile from Street Fighter going on a date and you show up at a restaurant and have to get out to the balcony and sit in a seat.

Our philosophy is generally... it's a game jam, have fun with it.

Same here, feels like it's got some solid bones.

Happy you got it!

I just checked and there are keys still available on this. Try following these instructions:

If that doesn't work e-mail us at with your order details (your email address you ordered with, and the date you purchased, and we can figure something out for you.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sure thing!
Unfortunately though it'll have to wait until after Christmas.

If you purchased the game here on, you should be able to claim a key here. Just come to the Prototype Mansion page and you should find a 'Claim Steam Key' button below the download links for the executables.

Also we've updated the executables here to the latest version as well.

It is the same price on Steam and

The download links, and claim steam key buttons should be visible on the itch store page for the game if you've purchased it.

If you're having problems using the itch website please contact itch support.

Oh, and lastly.

The itch version is available right here on the itch website for download. Once you've purchased the download link should appear on the store page in your browser.

(1 edit)

Also note that the Steam release is an updated version of the game as well which includes several new features in the main game, as well as an 'Overtime' mode. These features are not found in the current version found here on itch. A new itch build with these features will also be released here on Itch shortly after the Steam release.

Keep in mind, we're a 2 man team, so please bare with us as we try to get these builds done in a timely manner.

We also need to get our Mac repaired so we can get the OSX build out... that probably won't happen until next week unfortunately.

As was stated in the devlog we'll be releasing steam keys once we've gone live on Steam. We're going live on Steam tonight at Midnight PST. We hope to have the keys available by this weekend.

More specifically:

 Tomorrow I'll be getting the keys from Steam and sharing them to purchasers on here. The process is done through where you can claim a key. I'll send out a bulk e-mail to all people who have purchased the game (as long as your e-mail was included in your purchasing receipt) which will include instructions on how to get that key through the itch website.

Because this is our first Steam release, and I've never set this steam key handout through itch before, there may be a learning curve I'm unaware of. So please be patient as we try to get them out over the next couple days. I want to have it all set up by this weekend.

I'm not sure.

The purchasing authentication goes through Maybe their support can assist you?

Are 'Analogue Aim' and 'Analogue Right Joystick X' set to the same values?

If not, there might be an issue with your R-stick. PS4 controllers often will read values from the R-stick oddly I've found. They don't zero out correctly. Try disconnecting the gamepad and reconnecting with the sticks in the center (as best you can). Also make sure you don't have any secondary remapping software running. And then in game once it's started waggle the stick slightly which should zero it out.

If that doesn't work, there's not a whole lot more I can do for ya as I don't know your controller setup.

As stated before we are going to be releasing an update soon that has upgraded controllers support. Although if your problem is related to a remapping tool or anything, there isn't a lot I can do about that even in the newer version as it's related to the controller and not the game.

Either way, expect a beta version of this update in the next week or so. The artist is currently doing a polish pass on the lighting.

So here's what I did to get somewhat suitable controls with PS4 controller in the current released version.

When you start the game in the settings window select input settings. For all the inputs double click the entries and set it to what you prefer.

Then for 'Digital Aim' make the secondary the R1 button (or L1 if you prefer).

Then for 'Analogue Aim' you need to set it to some analogue input that is 0 when not pressed. On the PS4 controller I went with the D-Pad Y-axis (up on the d-pad). Since I use the L-stick for movement, the d-pad doesn't do anything.

(1 edit)

So the PS4 controller's driver is really weird.

The L2 and R2 triggers read in the range of -1 to +1. Where -1 is depressed. And some inputs overlap.

This is completely different from ALL other controllers out there that read 0 to +1 or 0 to -1. Where 0 is depressed, and absolute(1) is pressed. 

This is why your character is spinning when you hold aim, it's registering it as a -1 to +1 input on the rstick which rotates your character.

I've since written a completely new input manager that recognizes PS3 and PS4 controllers and accomodates it. It's going to be in the update that is released later this month.

In the mean time I'd suggest mapping 'AIM' to something like R1 instead of R2. If you give me a moment I'll go grab a PS4 controller and try to come up with a mapping that works and post it here... it's my roommates controller though so I have to wait for him to get home.

It'll have its own page.

It's going to be called 'Garden Variety Body Horror', if you follow us you'll be alerted of its release.

(2 edits)

Oh you're not talking about the splash screen (where it says 'made with unity' on startup). You mean the configuration window that appears before the game starts.

Yeah, that's there because it's where you can configure the inputs for your controller.

Yeah, the update supports PS4 controller. And of course the config window will no longer be there since we've changed out the input manager. These are the profiles I've defined so far:

And yeah, we can't move version. We're on version lock since updating to Unity2017 would be a huge amount of work. There's no point in doing that, it doesn't have anything we need.

I love that there is more going on in the animated background of the webpage than there is going on in the 'game'.

(4 edits)

We're working on an updated version to be released near the end of the month.

It uses my newer input manager to replace the crappy Unity one. Currently it's configured for X360 controller and to modify it you have to use the garbo unity input manager when you start the game. The new input manager I wrote auto-detects most controllers, and has an in game menu to change inputs if you don't like the default.

We can not move to a newer version of Unity for this game. We will be moving to the newer Unity in our future games after this series is done.

Splash screen removal requires premium Unity. We are not currently at the budget level to afford doing so (this is a 2-man project done in our garage).

Inputs are defined in the title screen under 'Controls'. In the newer version that comes out later this month the controls screen will also appear in the pause menu. On keyboard/mouse you hold right click to aim, and left click to fire (if you're on mac with one button mouse, you're sort of shit out of luck in the current version).

Best. Game. Ever.

Programmer here - could you e-mail me at 'dev at jupiterlighthouse dot com'. I'll need to know:
Controller Used
Version of game (latest?)
As much detail as you're willing to give of the bugs in question, including how to recreate. If you're able to get images or even vids that'd be amazingly helpful.

That's a weird bug, I'll pass it on right now. Thanks for letting us know!

Ack! God no. This just means the update after this one will the be the last feature update for chapter 1.

We're definitely making more!

can do, ill be home from holiday this weekend when i plan to build a new version with some bug fixes. Ill be sure to make a 64 build.

(5 edits)

Added a .zip above, enjoy!

Down the line, maybe!

(1 edit)

I just finished your review. It was excellent. Thank you for playing and for taking the time to write it! We're taking many notes for the next episode (and future fixings of this one) -- so every bit helps. Stoked you enjoyed it!

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Artist here - thanks a lot! Unity gets a bad rap because of how many people use ONLY out-of-the-box visual features. But you can make just about any engine look any way you like if you just climb up under the hood for a bit.  

That being said, this look took a long time under the hood.

Linux build is now available.

Yes, it was done with Unity.

Unity 5.6.3f1 to be exact.

Thanks, Workster! We hope so too ;D

Last release v1.0.014 has checkpoints between each major section.
Adding 2 more checkpoints to the game now.
Episode 2 will introduce a more robust saving feature.

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Awesome! Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot to us.

That downstairs area can be a real pain in the ass, as there is no save until the [REDACTED]. We'll be updating the save system soon in a few important ways. Can't promise it'll make the enemies any easier though!

This week I'm working on OSX & Linux versions.

Just need to set up test environments.