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A member registered Apr 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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MarAPAT is not your standard zine. In fact, it is a Filipino-language mini-mag which covers both the known and the underrated, especially those made by Filipinos themselves. In this particular issue, there is a tribute to Unus Annus, a step-by-step guide on building a simple bitcrusher patch in Caustic, a review of Reese Lansangan's new Playing Pretend EP, and a few more! This mini-mag is a work of love and dedication, and a hats-off to the legend that is K-Zone Philippines, by JWPH, a budding solo zinester. Be sure to check out our past issues and drop by our official Discord, whether you are an avid reader, or just want to help out in the zine's production!

Our Discord server (currently half-empty):

Short yet fun, in the age of this menacedemic.

No spoken words on this... Here's to hoping that person who stole your game will recieve his due*.

* fined for his cyber-crime he commited

Quite short, yet superbly-written take on that Scottish folktale!

Caustic is also a great app to make music upon, though in the Android (and iOS, maybe) versions, you need to have an unlocking key installed to unleash all the remaining features. Moving on to the next, this DAW-in-an-app is good for live gigs, and if you want to experiment with natural and unconventional sounds without the hassle of having to install external plugins, as everything you need in music production, from vocoder to modular synthesizer to supersaws, are all self-contained.

This alone makes for great scenery porn, and appeals well to me, as a traditional artist. The warm hues really make it pleasing for the eyes who embark on it, even old people.

I felt the same abritrary moving-backwards movement too, although it didn't annoy me for once.

me too. the thing about that is... well, there are no two mice in one bus.

Woah... really digging the art style and music of this game, which as of right now is a "taster" for the full experience.

Agreed with you on this one. Definitely felt my chest react to the scenes that followed whilst in the MC's story; plus the bluish hues emphasize her longing for her parents and the feelings she had harbored until the very end.

This game impacted me in a small way that I experienced what it is to really lose someone beyond your reach, especially if it's a person you really love and care. All with a carefully-chosen color palette, and with convincingly peaceful music, which all reflects the themes this 670MB-heck of a title delivers.

Anyone feeling bored and craving for a mind refresh from all the clusterfork this world has become should try immersing in this game themselves, if only at least once in their lives.

Never knew this was intentionally directed at me. Not bad for a small project about growing up.

More than an okay platformer for me. Got frustrated on the seventh though. Such precise timing on the shell creatures just to get through the other sub-area.

all of my RAM, it was enjoyable. Kudos to ya!Played this through last night, and despite my web browser hogging almost o