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A member registered May 03, 2024 · View creator page →

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My favorite so far!

Well done!

Magnifique! Pretty cool, well done.

Cool :)

Completion: 47.7777777777778%  ;)

cool concept!

Really cool game! hilarious

the music is pretty awesome, it's so simple but it's inoffensive, nice,
the graphics are pretty nice. um.. the background could use more contrast. Just add some more darkness, ez. But it doesn't affect gameplay, just pointing it out.
It's hard... hitting the keys at the right time makes it quite challenging

Wow, this game is hard, and really cool! well done

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pretty dang cool. kept me playing till the end. my finger is kinda sore from so much movement lol. 

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I like it, but i got softlocked on the room with the three targets on conveyors. After knocking down the targets for a bit, I flipped the switch a second time, and when that happened, the camera went to the right, and the game refused to let me leave after that. (edit: oh, but pressing start to bring up the pause menu fixed it)
Another bug (or is it intentional?) I found was, once a gold coin would cause me damage, rather than let me pick it up. the game looks great though

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I can appreciate how a single word can fail to present anything meaningful in terms of feedback.

The polish I speak of is in terms of something that looks like it has had a good amount of attention paid to its parts. The sprites, the animated background, and the fact that the game is quite playable and therefore it functions as a demonstration of someone's capability.

In many ways it is the opposite of a game that has more going on, but lacks overall presentation.
So it's good but it could be a bit deeper, and a bit better of a game. There is quite a lot of polish, but it feels unfinished also. Did the game come out to be what you had expected, or wanted, of it? also, do  you plan to work on it further?

edit: I now notice that you are the artist. I think you did a really good job

Thanks! I am glad to be in the jam.

The music is so chill, and vibey, it's definitely a "mood" this game

so  I survived until the end, hopefully you can add a fullscreen option and give it a bigger play window when the jam ends and you are allowed to update it

The color palette is really great, and the art assets as well! Overall a pretty good competitor in this jam, it's too bad it's so small =/

No problem :) what are your plans after the jam?

Yeah, the art is quite acceptable, even pretty good. The low resolution is Exactly what you're looking for in this jam. In terms of improving the art, I would not even change things, but rather learn about scrolling backgrounds, also called a "parallax" effect. My game uses that.. and my game is also very low resolution for the most part

I actually managed to finish the game. part of me felt like it was a bit tedious .. but, mostly I was happy for just a kinda meditative experience. 

the controls were a little challenging, once I got the sticky boots. Mainly because when standing next to a wall, you will grab the wall and maybe just wait until you can slide down it before you can regain traction. Maybe there's a way to check-if-close-to-the-ground, and if so, de-activate the wall. If doing it in the code isn't easy, you can also do it by having a wall tile that looks the same, but, doesn't "stick," and use that tile only on the bottom parts of the walls. Other than that, I also kinda would get jump and dash mixed up, but that's pretty minor.

The level is kinda easy to get lost in. For one thing, the checkpoints stay lit even when you activate a different checkpoint. Have it so that when you activate a checkpoint, it de-activates all the active checkpoints, including primarily their "burning" animation. I would die and then go back to a different checkpoint than I expected. 

If you're like me, you probably won't do a lot more to this project, but focus on the next one instead, but in that case this is just feedback to apply to that next project. 

Oh, and it's kinda minor, but the music was irritating sometimes. I know it sounds wierd, but, the music was Too cheerful haha. It's good though, really good first game!

ok, that is cool. I wasn't even aware that those kinds of games were on itch, like at all.
I only just made a profile recently. I've never used scratch, but I have seen some youtube about it

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I'm thrilled that you found so much to appreciate here! Yes I am proud of it myself too. I can now say I feel this has gone better than I thought it would. I have also learned how to make this web-playable.. I just hadn't looked into it prior, and that's because I assumed it would be too much to learn in a short span of time, and figured that the downloadable version was sufficient. And mostly that's true... I mean, I focused my attention on making the game, and there were a lot of things to do to get it to this point. The python tool pygbag is mainly how it's converted to be a web game, if anyone is interested to know how to make a Python build web playable. pygbag is a work in progress, so it doesn't know how to compile some stuff into web assembly, but, that is what it is doing. So, what this means is, my next game jam, I'll definitely be planning for it to be web playable. It really isn't a difficult extra step... if you look at my Frogger game page, I already have made that one web playable. Altering the code is required.. there is a python asyncio library you have to utilize, and then, the game engine has to fit with an asynchronous main loop, which means that program flow has to come back to this main loop regularly in order to update the screen. 

The main example is, like, when one implements an upgrades screen,
before, you would perhaps have a while loop that waits until you are done on that upgrades screen, but that keeps the flow inside a smaller loop, and prevents it from returning to the main loop until you close that screen.
to work in the browser, though, I had to flatten the flow per-se, and make it so the upgrades screen does its thing while the program flow still does the things in the main loop as well. So that isn't difficult to do, but it's just like ironing out wrinkles in a shirt. sometimes,... pressing on one wrinkle reveals more wrinkles. And things kinda broke at first that I had to un-break. Not that that is relevant to the game that exists at the moment, but, the modified game which runs in the browser has no noticeable difference, and to me that is really fantastic. There Is a performance hit, between browser and downloadable, but it's not enough to affect it on my end, and that is very encouraging. (This browser version only exists on my computer at the moment, waiting until the jam judge rating period ends)
if, down the road, something does require too much power to run in a browser, then I still think a reduced version to be web playable would be good. I feel like scalability is pretty good... even if a game is fully released, because, some people play the game on a potato, and the question is, can this work with simplified graphics etc?

Does this require running in something such as scratch, like your other game does? Also, the text on this page is entirely unreadable, you should make it brighter :)

This looks suuuper slick! Ver Monkeh Island yeah!

On my second game, though, I got just shy of 800$, and discovered one more bug. which is, in the shop menu, if you drag items to the left and let them go, they duplicate, hehe. eeee zzz infinite money glitch achievement! anyway, luck runs out too quickly IMO. might I suggest, when you do your fixing up, have the luck run out more slowly the less you have. So, going from 40 to 30 luck happens within like, 30 seconds, but going from 10 to 0 takes a couple of minutes. Great jam entry. Sometimes the time limit screws things up, but, IMO the best part of the jam aside from the exposure is like.. demonstrating to one's self what  you can make in only a few days

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really sweet graphics, and really great implementation of the concept of fishing. My only complaint is that the game sorta froze up when I switched to fullscreen, and like, scrolled down to see the controls. But on restart it was fine. But then, I had a fish on the line, and that got interrupted by the shop transition screen. it just came outta nowhere. and because I was reeling the fish in, and pressing spacebar a lot, I skipped right past the shop screen and didn't get to buy anything. So, you really should make it so people can't skip the shop even before they realize it's shopping time. So, just some tidying up is needed. the water looks so good, and the fish look so neat... I was really into it.  Oh, .. I also have no idea how to use the items in my inventory

great visual style, though the theme is unpleasant lol. It has those crunchy pixel graphics so that's good. It needs some balancing imo. shooting to push the pieces, the fire rate is uncomfortably slow, it just feels quite difficult. much more difficult than actual tetris, since you can't turn the pieces, and you can have garbage that never goes away. So it could be easier.. And, another direction of change would be to like, have the garbage only show up as the game progresses to become more difficult. I also think that rather than having a tetris-like line clear, it would be cool if groups of the same color would disappear. You would have to change around the pieces some, but, for reference of what concept I am thinking of, watch a Dr. Mario video. Matching colors, which then might release parts which might match colors again, would lead to combos.

Great iteration of an upgrades-based game. Similar to my own submission in that way. I did experience a game crash. I had upgraded a few times.. ... I would estimate that I had racked up maybe 2000 gold (but not all at once, i spent it along the way), and anyway while the hook was coming back one time, the game kinda froze. the music still played. I could not do anything... I clicked on the upgrade harpoon button and the music stopped too. But anyway, the way the hook feels when you shoot, and catch fish, all feels pretty good

The art is great, and the controls feel solid, and the sounds are satisfying, if quite muted, even sedate, which makes for a sleepy feeling, a completely relaxing experience. Attention to the little things separates this entry from most of all the others. There being more than just five or so levels is good stuff. The couple of levels I consider to be a bit harder add quite a bit to the game, and, I am glad the whole game is not that hard. I felt like some rooms are unnecessarily large, requiring dull time spent getting places. Which is, perhaps, my impatience speaking

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While of course it's simple, it's "enough" in its own way. Though I have a request. Have an upgrade system, such that even though you eventually hit something, there is something you keep with you... money or experience. Then with these, maybe you purchase like, a speed upgrade so the next run doesn't start out as slow. or a double-jump ability, so you can avoid obstacles. Or a more-obstacles upgrade, which, though it makes it harder, boosts your score more. That's to say, while some may say add more "stuff" to it, I'm saying that you Could have it start very simple like this, but become more the more someone keeps playing it.

And yeah the art style works. It feels intentional

I got 1485. It's fun. The speed up really works to feed into the feeling of lasting as long as possible, knowing your score is going up faster and faster. 

A bug.. pressing pause took me back to the menu, and reset the game? maybe I clicked the wrong thing

Theme: Ice? ok. it's technically water
Fun: Sure. It's kinda like, a specific kind of fun. And that's fine cuz that's what all games are.
Mechanics: Solid
Music n sound: pretty good!

Well, Doctor Jones is a very terrestrial vibe, you know, it's in a jungle, and involves the infatuations of gendered relationship
nah nah,
I actualy had no idea of any Aqua until the last few days when I was like, "I really want to listen to a bunch of Aqua's songs because I had this idea I didn't run with of... finding an Aqua song to make my game around." And while listening to Aqua I was impressed. I'm like wow, they have a lot of good bops. I was under this false impression that Barbie Girl was some kind of one hit wonder. When really, Cartoon Heroes is also a real banger.

So if I had heard Dr Jones before hearing Cartoon Heroes, I may have still had room for it.
Though, for your game, I think Major Tom by David Bowie is a far better fit. I really like that song, it really does help me imagine floating in space. Like, maybe they'll put me on a spaceship with internet, and I'll be even happier, because it means even more time being the universe's biggest video game nerd.
But also, the Barbie movie is pretty goated. women are pretty great

Thank you, that is something I might do. Which server would I find you on? I'm not that discord aware yet.
Also, DaFluffyPotato is exactly the person I learned from!

While I did use Unity back in January to start my (really, to reboot my) programming learning path, and game-making learning path, I ended up giving Python a try when I started watching a tutorial series on game making in that language. I had previously done some stuff in Javascript (very minor little bit), and Python, around the time I was getting my college degree.
So since about Feb, I've been working in Python. The two games on my profile are done in python, and each day I'm learning new things. In fact, I just learned how to make a web-playable version of both of my itch games... Skippers isn't updated yet, because it was a game jam submission and the judging period hasn't ended, but the web-playable version is already ready to go.

I see a lot of things done with Unity, and I expect to go there again later

Theme: Yep, very water, gj
Fun: Seems ok, but the music was very loud
Mechanics: It seems to run ok except, for some reason, the music volume was set permanently to max. I could change it in the beginning to lower it, but then the game forgot and kept it at max. The slider won't work for me.
Music and Sounds: I only heard the music, which was too loud. 

The visual design is superb. I love the UI elements, they're pretty and the colors feel good. But yeah, the audio kinda messed it up for me

Theme: Yes, absolutely. The gorgeous graphics is one thing, and the watery sound effect is the other.
Fun: Um, I gotta tell ya, it's a grind. The 4th plant, which you place in a new tank, takes sooo many clicks to grow. I didn't even know that it grows passively, until reading the game page's "how to play." The bar never even moves for me. Maybe that's not intentional? So, the game is an insane clicker-game with very little reward to incentivize all that clicking.
Mechanics: It's mechanically sound, as in there's no noticable bugs. But there is a lot of room for growth.
Music & Sounds: Sounds great!

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Theme: Yep, definitely watery
Fun: yeah, it was nifty and humorous
Mechanics: clunky or non-intuitive. I couldn't stop the water from running in the second "level," so the bathroom filled up with water. I spun the wheel for a long time in both directions, and it never turned off the water. Getting the plunger inside the shower was a weird puzzle... I had to drag it over the top. And it didn't seem to accomplish anything doing the plunging. so instead I just got clean, and then it did the whole "Hi Audrey, yes my husband is quite a catch" segment a second time. I thought this was part of the humor, but now i'm not sure, because, the game didn't progress. I was just sitting there, curled up, with X's on my eyes, confused lol
Sounds: The vocal aspect was cute and humorous

Theme: Yep, definitely watery
Fun: yeah, it was nifty and humorous
Mechanics: clunky or non-intuitive. I couldn't stop the water from running in the second "level," so the bathroom filled up with water. I spun the wheel for a long time in both directions, and it never turned off the water. so instead I just got clean, and then it did the whole "Hi Audrey, yes my husband is quite a catch" segment a second time. I thought this was part of the humor, but now i'm not sure, because, the game didn't progress. I was just sitting there, curled up, with X's on my eyes, confused lol
Sounds: The vocal aspect was cute and humorous

Theme: Yep. Definitely very water based. I have actually wondered what it would feel like to have an amphibious lifestyle. Like, I've always enjoyed swimming, maybe it's because as a child we could go to the public pool. And I swam in high school some. I was only on the swim team for a year, but it was quite a transforming experience. Anyway, good use of theme.
Fun: It's fun overall, but, it becomes very slow. It's only because I was not in a hurry that I didn't mind the simple meditative aspect. I mean, the main bottleneck, the thing that took so long, was growing trees one at a time, and hoping you get the wood type you need. I had lots of red wood and never enough white. It's a simple fix IMO, just have there be more tree propogation. Maybe let me build 3 seed spawners or something :)
Mechanics: It all works well and without any bugs, so good mechanics. But there is room for improvement, the game is a bit dull still.
Music and Sounds: Sounds great, good job

I doubt it. I barely have tried using unity itself. blender too

Thank you! Art is what I start with. It's like, when I make a game, I gotta see stuff. I used to try to write the code and get it working the right way, and just have rectangles and things to be stand-ins for the art, and I kinda floundered like that. So instead now I start drawing the things... Like, when making thie game, the first thing I did, aside from like, setting up a game loop that did nothing, was draw a fellow, and then make a throwing animation. I mean, I drew the beach as well, and some blue water n whatever... but my point is that the art Is the game to me, and I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it!

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very nice ideas, but it feels rushed. I died twice in ways I couldn't avoid.. so, that's not good lol. like, the trapped in the woods part, there were no water puddles. then on the second attempt, there just weren't enough. the enemies also pushed me around so I couldn't move, haha

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Well, being something of an ex-second-guesser myself, I would say that maybe it's good you didn't have time to try and make it more of an action game rather than interactive fiction.

Some people want to be reminded that things are predictable, and others are disappointed when they actually are. So to that extent, um, I'm just going in circles
I have just the thing, though, for the first part, (assuming you will work on this more, and if you are like me, you probably won't)
which is, have a thing, a text-history thing, where someone can re-read the things they either didn't catch or were interesting enough to look at again. Say if I wanted to look up what something was, but am not going to replay the game to see what it was called.

As we all know, Aqua's most popular song is probably Barbie Girl, and yet I didn't get much of a Barbie feel in this game. a lot of space for growth here. :P

I actually had to look away from the fun facts to handle angles and space debris, but that's ok,

it'll come around again. (badum-tiss)

I Sorta want to suggest making the second part of the game the main part, but no, because, the first part does matter, and it matters that it is first. For one thing, the first part helped me understand that I guide the satellite, either moving its trajectory toward or away from where it ought to be. The other thing is that this is not asteroids. It is something else. And if you were to make the second part the first part, then people would just be like whaaa, it's a bad asteroids game! Anyway, it's got some mystique. I'm like, did he simulate outer space, down to the atmospheric pressures of neighboring planets and radiation levels coming from nearby stars? Is this the new No-Man's Sky? I will say, you know, planet diversity in this game kinda sucked. There's just one kind of planet in this game.

Also, there is a lack of sharks. And I didn't even get a harpoon in case there were any. tsk. tsk...

Also, are you an alien? You know, aliens live in space, and, this is from a space perspective . . . 
And are you saying aliens are real? Don't do that. Don't give people nightmares and don't get their hopes up either. All these things creating a fictitious world involves, it's a lot isn't it. I don't even know how to spend my XP. 

Anyway, fun stuff! How did you make it?

I'm very proud of my performance. I got through both the basic game and the secret area on the first try. But just barely