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A member registered Feb 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love you Screaming Brain Studios 🤭

You should not be allowed to make a game this addicting and live to tell the tale...

It is amazing.

There is so much happening on screen.

No sane member of a functioning society could have made this...


I took a shot at this one and I have some good things to say. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this one, I liked the lore you wrote for the game and the concept of manipulating luck. The character portraits are also really nice to look at. This was very cool, I hope it doesn't get slept on.

I was thinking the same thing, there isn't really any solid gameplay loop. The reason? I panicked lol. I just knew that if I had to implement anything it was going to be storing characters online and all that.

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You happen to be in luck then ;). I used Godot 4 to make my game, and host a plugin/online service for storing leaderboards and other sort of data. (I should also mention that this service is completely free, somehow...)

Its got that signature Katamari vibe. 10/10

Seija :)

I can tell you put a lot of love into this game, it really shows. The pixel art is super nice and clean, the gameplay feels very cohesive and speedy the way you can clear sectors quickly. I love this.

Double loves cheese, and in the event he falls to the dungeon, all he has to say is a simple "Goodbye." ;)

The Vampire Survivor's formula is very addictive. This is a perfect game (Bonus points for attractive vampire lady)

I am sure you are hearing a lot of this but it does feel very Baba Is You inspired, and I like that. Very innovative.

Fremdy Fazbears

Adding the poison swamp was possibly the biggest mistake I could have made. I am glad you are keeping that legacy alive though.

One day, I hope I can be Inner Mongolia Information Park my Mother and Father wanted me to be.

They are stored in the cloud. If you tell me your character name I can tell you everything about them.

Yes. The dungeon claims more victims than it allows to escape. They are either lost forever and awaiting judgement, dead, or freed by some very kind person.

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Your character is lost in the dungeon, and is waiting to be judged by someone else. (Admittedly this isn't very apparent, my bad sorry.)

I didn't realize I could move the slime until after I finished reading the text, that is to say I really like the slime lore :). I hope they recover from their magic-induced illnesses soon...

I really really really like the art style. The small details like the animation firing the gun before the game starts or zooming in on where you fell really add a lot.

I love to see another frogger enthusiast :)

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I started with a cow, then ended with an impossibly large abominations and a need for 5 years of counseling. Very cool!

I think this had a lot of potential as it has a really nice and consistent artstyle. Unfortunately, could only get as far as the second dungeon because UI elements kept disappearing, and when I went to purchase the 3rd dungeon it would just take my funds without starting.

I am working overtime for that stupid child, I will make sure his computer turns into a nuclear reactor and he dies a slow and agonizing death.

I am actually starstruck, absolutely confused. This has the quality of a game I would pick up, this is exceptional, I love this. This game makes me want to ooze compliments. 

Being able to tell the world about my love for anime and GILFs (Grandmothers I Love veryFreaking much) was a very cathartic moment. Thank you very much.

I really like the concept and visuals behind this. Certified very cool

Randy was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, he breaks his legs, and every afternoon, he breaks his arms. At night, Randy lies awake in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep.

I really liked what you did here. I would have never expected to be the spirit :)

Thank you for informing us about the daily struggle of the so called, "Camera Man." I will make sure this mystical "Camera Man" has to suffer no more :).

I really do like the art.

I am not sure if it is scaling correctly to the window though, I can see alot of gray space outside of the grass.

Overall I think it is pretty solid.


This game is a masterpiece. Its like Five Nights At Freddys but 10 times better and for fish. Bill Gates probably tosses and turns in his sleep imagining that he could have been the proud creator of "Game where you play as fish." I am crying right now because i know this game will be slept on. I will make sure to tell all my friends.

It reminds me of Little Alchemy. I really like the art for this.

I absolutely love Dankmaku. This is very cool.

As I promised I would check this one. I love to see a fellow Frogger enthusiast. I like it.

It is beautiful. When Mario got drafted to the potato fields I felt his pain. 


The controls were nice and responsive.

I felt this a little too much. The idea is brilliant, the arts done well, and the voiceovers? My favorite part. It has a lot of charm.