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A member registered Dec 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)



Thanks for playing! Controlling the projectiles definitely seems to be the part people struggle with the most, so if I update this I'm going to spend some more time fiddling with it. From the feedback I've gotten I think it might help to indicate the direction that the projectile is moving, even if it's just a single pixel dot that points in the direction.

This is a creative idea! I think the slow acceleration and deceleration movement works well for this you really have to commit in order to ram into your friends and save them. It would be nice to have a little more control over the character though because currently it is very floaty. Also I noticed that I kept getting stuck on the sides, which I realize now is because all of the velocity I gained was still pushing my into the wall after I already hit it. But other than the issues I had with the player controls, it's a fun game and I like the idea of trying your best to help your friends from getting clicked :)

(1 edit)

Going in to this I was not expecting that it would be probably my favourite game from this jam gameplay wise, but wow this game is really good. It became really fun once I found that you can do some really weird midair movement and skip large portions of the map.

I did some speedrun attempts and got this time using some tricks :)

The only thing I found slightly inconvenient is that the car often spins out a lot after landing (which slows it down a lot), and starts rapidly spinning after being midair for a while. It'd be nice if the car was a little more glued to the track maybe.

I like the idea and the art is cute. I wish the explosion radius was a little bigger because often I try to blow up the humans but then they're slightly too far away and I get stepped on instead

The mechanics of this game are pretty fun, though currently there doesn't seem to be much challenge with murdering the hunters (it's always the trees that are the problem). Maybe it'd be interesting if you could only hide for a certain amount of time so you had to use that ability sparingly. Well done though, it's fun :)

woahh really good mechanics and art!! I feel like Ina accelerates a little slowly which makes it harder to do precise movement around bullets

Thank you! Yeah the resolution is tiny so the graphics would be pixel perfect, but I should have made it automatically go fullscreen

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! This is really helpful since I was fiddling with the projectiles controls for a while, and it seems like that's what people have the most trouble with. Having more of an indicator for the direction is actually a really good idea.

Weally fun an cweativ game!!!! :3  

I wuv the soumnds and moosic! The bweakbeats in the music, the twumpet souwnd when ur weady to stawt, and the "go!!!!!!!!!!" and "OW!!!!" sownds giv the game a [whatever year jungle and drum and bass music was popular] vibe which is weaalllly cool an fun uwu. 

I feew wike sum of the wevels could cut Down on th amount of spiwkes that you're reawisticawwy nevawr gonna touch that ur fowrced to place anywways *growls*...

The game cwrashed during "da last snek" levewl wen I twied to ewrase sum spikes which was weally sad *starts crying*:(

the music has been playing in the background this whole time and it has greatly improved my writing experience 5/5 amazing

Also if anyone actually wants to read this here's the original message:

Really fun and creative game! 

I love the sounds and music. The breakbeats in the music, the trumpet sound when you're ready to start, and the "go!" and "ow!" sounds give the game a [whatever year jungle and drum and bass music was popular] vibe which is really cool and fun. 

I feel like some of the levels could cut down on the amount of spikes that you're realistically never going to touch, but that you're forced to place anyways.

The game crashed during "da last snek" level when I tried to erase some spikes which was sad

Cool game, I liked it. I think it would be nice to be able to look around the level before going through it or maybe have control of the camera because for one level (the third last one I think) it was a little annoying to reach the end only to realize that I needed to save on of my short-circuits (also that makes sense because you're the lookout). But that's not a huge problem, so great job!

noooooooooo the frogs D: good game

This is a fun idea, I love how there's still the options buttons so you can accidentally turn off the sound and then it's just gone for a while lol

This is a really charming game that I enjoyed a lot. I love the character's spin when you finish a level :) The only thing I didn't like is how you die from the bottom of spikes when you try to move the level downwards and the spikes are above you, but that's a very minor thing.

One of my favourites so far :) the puzzle design is great. I accidentally cheated on level 8 because you are able to go into the water at the back of the level

I like the music and the art a lot. The boss fish looks cool :) I was kind of confused at what I was supposed to do as the warrior because with the timer it didn't seem like I had time to kill all the enemies (and it didn't seem like there was a reason why I should kill them). But still, cool polished game!

This is a fun implementation of the theme :) the 2d art looks really nice, and I love how the objects gradually revert to the present versions, it looks cool and is a good way of showing your time left in the past. I had some problems trying to bite the enemies (seemed like the hitbox was pretty specific), and when I switched between the times I seemed to get stuck for a couple seconds, nothing game breaking though. Great game!

Very funny game, the contrast between the chill music and the dancing as well as the fact that you are murdering fishermen made me laugh lol. The feedback especially when pulling on the fishing line feels really good. I found it kinda tricky to bring the food down to the bottom without losing it though. Great game :)

Good idea, and I like the variety in obstacles. I feel like for this kind of game it would help the pacing a lot if you could restart the game instantly (I noticed there was a pause after pressing R and it would be nice if it put you back into the game instead of the menu). Also the music is good, but it played twice for me.

Congrats on finishing this game, the music and visuals make it feel pretty polished. I feel like the enemy projectiles could be bigger/slower to make them easy to shoot and I noticed that in the headlights level after jumping on the trampoline the center bean doesn't reach the ground fast enough to jump everyone over the spikes. Great game though, well done!

hehe i like the fake tutorial, that's a good way to show what the game is actually about

The game and level design is really good, I like how some of the levels make you think fast when trying to run past the knights.

This is a good idea and the game is pretty polished! It can get a little overwhelming when lots of enemies spawn. To help fix that I feel like the stunning action could last longer because currently I don't see much reason to use it and if it lasted longer it would give the player a chance to think. Great game though and I especially like having the ability to rotate the dungeon because it adds more strategy :)

Thank you very much for playing and for the feedback! Having complete control switch between the player character and the projectiles was part of my main idea for the game so that you would have to manage your time spent as the player and the projectiles, but I agree that it can sometimes be awkward. One idea I'm considering is just forcing (or encouraging somehow) the player to release the projectile early because that would make the player be in control more often. Also I think it's more fun to play that way because it's satisfying to hit the enemies from a distance.

I don't have much to say since it's not finished, but I like the idea! I noticed that the audio is clicky, turning bitrate up should fix that.

Strangely a very entertaining game despite it's simplicity. It would work well as minigame in a party game. Great job!

Thanks for playing!

And yeah I realized after submitting while watching someone else play it that it is a lot more difficult than I thought it was, so it's probably not your fault.

I liked this game a lot! The puzzle design is creative and feels pretty rewarding to get it right. I don't know if this is intentional but after day 2 it stopped giving a preview of what path they will take, which now after playing it, I think I actually enjoyed that because it made me try to do things one step at a time and see how things change every time which was fun. Also I think it's cool that there's probably more than one solution to some of the puzzles because I was able to finish the last level only using 2/3 of the stop signs. This is probably my favourite game that I've played so far :D

Nice idea! The art is nice too. I kinda wish the dash timer was slightly shorter because after missing a dash sometimes you don't get another opportunity to dash before you lose.

First, the music is really cool!! I love how the chromatic sounding piano comes in (I kinda wish it played more bass notes because they're cool), and the smoother second section is a great contrast.

I was kind of confused about the goal of the game though. I now assume that the goal is to survive as long as possible, but to make that more clear it'd be nice to have a timer (that would also give the player an idea of how well they did). Also it'd be nice if you weren't forced to face forwards at all times so that you could see the cat behind you.

Good job on finishing though :) the house looks nice and the music is my favourite part

Well done to everyone for making this during the time limit! This game has a nice vibe with the music and the fun writing. I had some problems with interacting with things - particularly when trying to place the laptop it didn't do anything until after many tries. Also I feel like all three of the interact buttons could be condensed into one button for simplicity. Those issues didn't hinder my enjoyment of the game though ^^ (probably because it looks and sounds nice)

Well... that was brutal... I really wanted to beat this (now that I think about it I don't even know if there is a win condition), but after trying for way too long, I could not.

So here's some ideas to help make it less painful:

- Add health

- Make enemy bullets slower

- Make enemies not notice you as quickly

- Add randomness to the enemy's aim

- More range with melee attack

- Add some sort of warning before enemies shoot

Despite how difficult it is, I still enjoyed playing it (which is why I played it for so long)! So congrats on submitting your first jam game!

Thank you! I'm quite pleased with the sounds :)

Thanks for playing!

I really like Hel's attack, I think it's interesting that it's like a trap that you set up. I wonder if it'd be interesting if other weapons behaved like this too. For example what if Lucifer's weapon continuously shot out spikes from where you first used it?

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!! Glad to hear about the balancing because my process for making levels was basically putting in random values that sounded like they could work, and then have no one test it lol

Lol, very creative take on the theme, and I enjoy the absurd humor. Too make the movement feel super smooth I think you could make it so you're able to jump right out of going into your shell so you don't have to stop pressing down first.

Well done everyone! I always enjoy this sort of progression in games. I think more contrast on the things you're supposed to avoid could help to make it feel less random.

Good art! I like how it feels like a kid's book... in which you ruin someone's health by making her drink too much alcohol, lol