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A member registered Mar 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Key send via email. 

I know. I had been trying to fix it but with no avail. I can send you a key.


Full bundle. 4 Alice MAG sales by Mia Blais-Côté -

Only for DLCs DLC only bundle. by Mia Blais-Côté -

Hi. The package you talk about is a bundle I can create. I could make 2 of them. One with everything, one for the dlcs.

I had once a customer who did not receive their key. If this happens to you, send me a email via support and I'll send a key manually. My apologizes for the trouble. 

I had once a customer who did not receive their key. If this happens to you, send me a email via support and I'll send a key manually.

Thank you. Yes, I am aware this is not easy. The market is saturated with new games every day and, even when I was selling them on Steam, I wasn't making much plus I was in the red with the dumb idea I had back then. Releasing 1 game every month with almost no budget. I tried one last time with 4 Alice MAG and with a much bigger budget from my own pocket and I don't even know if I'll be able to recoup everything. 

Steam Curator : DaRevieweD

"Life As An Orange..."

Many "bad" points work to its advantage. Art style may be simplistic, but grows on you... By far way better than if I had attempted~

Here's The Thing:
You peer into the life of 16-year-old Alice Lorange, a girl on the spectrum and this is how she copes with things in her daily routine. Social situations, being out in public; scenarios that people may find “easy” or “come naturally”. This is a story about her, people like her, the Others… oh and you too I guess~

[+] PROS;

The gameplay is pretty standard of the not-choice-based visual novels. So, no complicated calculative, mechanical demeanor of saving and loading is required, although you are more than welcome to. BUT you do have to tune into your emotional quotient and reevaluate how Alice would be feeling.

With immediate “premature ends” being displayed almost instantaneously for failing to read the situation. Turns out, I am abysmal at this myself! But all jokes aside, I think it ticks the checklist for an excellent VN in terms of navigation, text-skipping and what have you.

It can be finished in one hour or so, depending on your reading speed and whether you’re up to dying “on purpose” to unlock a plethora of optional achievements. There are also the complimentary gallery and music player to give you some respite~

1) For choices; I find that settling on the opposite of what you’d normally think to do helps… kinda!
2) One achievement rests on you having to play it on two separate occasions. If you’re at 29/30 achievements, that may be why~

The backgrounds are uneven, inconsistent and “simple-looking” which could be attributed to budgetary reasons. But I chose to believe that it worked to its favor instead in illustrating a disconnect between Alice and her environment. It’s also apparent in the way those around her lose color when not in focus…

Audio design on the other hand is finely selected and simply magnifique! Shifting between panic, somber and relaxation fairly regularly. The one-woman voice of French YouTuber Chloé Guerin fit terrifically well, sounding both exasperated and a calm thunderous tone in her delivery, the latter never too far behind. Theme song is moving, but that’s no surprise because I am biased toward the French language~

The story resonated very thoroughly with me, I felt a pit in my stomach whenever Alice goes on to describe everyday items and places in a troubling fashion. The words clung to my mind and I let out a whimper as I got more tongue-tied. There were even times where I retreated into myself because it got all too real. And despite having been in near-identical situations; I can’t even imagine what being autistic is like nor will I pretend to know everything about it.

After playing it however, I feel like I could understand it clearer, never mind how little or how much- raising awareness is really the best sought out outcome and value proposition of this game. While Alice Lorange is the protagonist, the three Alices have just as much a presence with their signature colors, nationality to name a few faultlessly illustrate what the “spectrum” could encompass.

Don’t be tricked by the anime-style dressing and sparkles, because it can get raw when you least expect it. Dark thoughts plague just about anyone and in this VN, they surface anytime and anywhere. At school, at home and in her dreams. The despair of ceasing to function and “nobody gets me” mentality emerges all too often. But is that always necessarily the case?

The magical elements to the game are debatable, but I think they are short for “magical realism” in that the Sailor Moon cosplay represents their pure and secret desire to assert a fearless, strong-willed image. The inner voices are their conscience and essentially snapping themselves out of their frozen moments.

Whether the events actually took place or not isn’t the big concern- it’s what the girls were able to achieve as a result of them projecting those facades which are just as much them still. Not being held back or brought down by ill perceptions from the Others. Alice discovering that there are individuals just like her and gradually shattering that “fish out of water” wall she has put up all her life. Finding common ground in humanity that extends beyond borders of race, language barriers was the cherry on top…

Hence, I think 4MA is significant as a videogame precisely because of these empowering and insightful notions. In just one hour, it was able to instill a lifelong amount of sympathy which then grew towards compassion, before manifesting in the form of increased sensitivity and understanding of people on the spectrum. Giving representation to people with autism that they can be superheroes! There’s even a new game+ with a unique twist on rectifying almost all the hurt it had you go through~
I thought I had found the most relatable video game character before... But now it's clear. There is no other contender besides Alice~ 

[-] “♥♥♥♥”;

I could see why some fixated on the story getting derailed or “worse” with the inclusion of more fictional bits as it progressed. And to a certain extent I agree with that. I found it distracting definitely but it never strayed from the core message to takeaway, to which I only respect it more.

Would I have loved for it to have a straight face beginning to end? Yes, but we can’t always get what we want… In fact, because it did it like that, it was able to distinguish itself with its dark humor and ability to poke fun at the VN genre while being very shrewd in delivering the material on autism~

I guess one thing that did send me reeling back was its price point (which has since been cut down), particularly for the length it stood which is shorter than those of feature films. I understand that a more expensive figure on Steam would denote game as being higher in quality and “worth it”.

But I think it may have a direct correlation to its lukewarm and stagnant reception. For instance, I was similarly dismayed when Blak3 The VN decided on a similar stance, albeit well after launch but even then, it was twice the length of this one~


x Not actually bugs but some nuances in text is too Google-translatey. Really isn’t too bad~


~ I think having English subtitles for the theme song would be lovely!

"-Sometimes It's Bitter, Other Times Gets Better~"

The narration makes you out to be a bystander or even worse- in Alice's shoes in the face of danger... I can't tell which is worse! 

Last Words?
VN that not only steals hearts, changes them too… Fantasy elements flesh out autism as a very misguided phenomenon. Price bit steep, falters as it goes on but stands its ground with an OPTIMISTIC end~

If you want to learn more about autism in an accessible and magically real manner. If you would like to advocate and support it as a worthy cause… This short but provoking VN would make for a phenomenal start~

8.5 / 10

A wholehearted backing and thanks towards Mia for the key! Please cheer up, you did great~

Don't forget to follow my curator DaRevieweD for more games!!!

I didn't see a topic about that. 

If I change one game from paid to pay-what-you-want (or paid to free) would the peoples that brought the game before still have access to it? 

(2 edits)

I've started the project of publishing all my stories as "original fiction" on Archive of our own, while improving some stuffs. If that also directs people to my, all the better.

Mermaid Coralie is completed, both in French and English.

Sirène Coralie ~ Amour et Folie - MiaBlaisCote - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]

Mermaid Coralie ~ Love and Madness - MiaBlaisCote - Original Work [Archive of Our Own]

4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls and its dlc does. The others are delisted from steam so no keys.

4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls by Mia Blais-Côté (

A huge thanks to everyone.

This topic is to also credits all the artists that worked on 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls. They are also credited in the visual novel. All artists had links to social media if you wish to follow them there.


He did the Mia image used with the splash screen logo. Also the "animated teaser" video.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)

Arting_chidiaa (Shhrutirustagi)

She did some CG images + 2 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



He’s the one that created the splash screens and the main menu videos.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)


She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.


Chloé Guérin

The talented voice actress that brings the four Alice to life. 


HARTART2020 (Tarekalkhaldi)

They did all backgrounds images, some CG, the characters sprites + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.





Kevin Macleod



The soundtrack comes from them.

Martha Helen

She did the Theme Song.



He did the UI design. 



While he didn’t do art for the game, he did create minor characters’ concepts. (Melane, Rayelle, Ethel etc)



She did the game main logo and design the splash screen logo.


A huge thanks to everyone.

This topic is to also credits all the artists that worked on 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls. They are also credited in the visual novel. All artists had links to social media if you wish to follow them there.


He did the Mia image used with the splash screen logo. Also the "animated teaser" video.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)

Arting_chidiaa (Shhrutirustagi)

She did some CG images + 2 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



He’s the one that created the splash screens and the main menu videos.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)


She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.


Chloé Guérin

The talented voice actress that brings the four Alice to life. 


HARTART2020 (Tarekalkhaldi)

They did all backgrounds images, some CG, the characters sprites + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.





Kevin Macleod



The soundtrack comes from them.

Martha Helen

She did the Theme Song.



He did the UI design. 



While he didn’t do art for the game, he did create minor characters’ concepts. (Melane, Rayelle, Ethel etc)



She did the game main logo and design the splash screen logo.


The place to share Youtubers and Streamers videos about my visual novel.

Ooka Miette (French, show parts of CH1 and CH2, discovery video)

CG Plays (English, Demo let's play) 

Mister Topper Harley (English, Demo let's play) 

Sequelcast (Stream Archive)

FlareBlitzed (Let's Play part 1, CH1 and 2)

I'm open to fan/volunteer translations, so if you wish to see 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls on your language, you can do it.

(2 edits)

A huge thanks to everyone.

This topic is to also credits all the artists that worked on 4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls. They are also credited in the visual novel. All artists had links to social media if you wish to follow them there.


He did the Mia image used with the splash screen logo. Also the "animated teaser" video.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)

Arting_chidiaa (Shhrutirustagi)

She did some CG images + 2 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



He’s the one that created the splash screens and the main menu videos.

FaceBook (personal page, posted with permission)


She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.



She did some CG images + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.


Chloé Guérin

The talented voice actress that brings the four Alice to life. 


HARTART2020 (Tarekalkhaldi)

They did all backgrounds images, some CG, the characters sprites + 1 “Mia cameo avatar” image.





Kevin Macleod



The soundtrack comes from them.

Martha Helen

She did the Theme Song.



He did the UI design. 



While he didn’t do art for the game, he did create minor characters’ concepts. (Melane, Rayelle, Ethel etc)



She did the game main logo and design the splash screen logo.



Well, most of the games were fangames with copyrighted characters, and they were free. I choose to donate since I wanted them to show up in my library because free games don't. Now, I didn't give away a lot of money, and that not the issue for me. The issue is that the games are gone, but then I guess I should had backed them up. 

I had given a donation to all CureLovelyWarriors' games a while ago, but now none of the games appears in my library and the developer seem to be gone from What can be done about it? Nothing?

 Now this makes me relucent to give money to support indie devs in their pay-what-you-want games/books/what-have-you if they can just delete everything and I would lose the products.

The games I remember were “Lovely Warrior of Friendship”, “Hikaru Imagination Rebellion”, “Cagliostro on the Water”, ”Sakurako in Nightmare School”.

 I also send an email to the support since I don't know which is the preferable method for this situation.

(2 edits)

Hi again. No, Steam dosen't have a monthly fee, only the Steam Direct fee every time you put a game out. Since I released 1 every month, well, it looked like a monthly fee.  :D Plus the 30% cut + other cuts for taxes, money conversion fees, bank fees, etc.

Honestly, I don’t really know.

My first foray into the world of Hentai was with Slave Maker and then a brothel sim game. The slavery theme did turn me off, but the reason I played and enjoyed it back then was for the all the characters backstories and the princess maker-like gameplay. As for the brothel sim game, it was a stat raising game and I liked those.

Now, I did try clicker/dating sim-lite games that I liked in the end. Crush Crush and Blush Blush come to mind but the Hentai content in those is tame.

There are also Belgerum visual novels for their voice acting, art style and RPG battle elements, but they all got dark content in them. For some reason I didn’t really mind those. I guess I’m so “used” to see them in a lot of erotica works I get unaffected by them? Or, if it’s in a visual novel, I just skip the scene and move on with the plot?

That’s what I did with my own works thus I can understand the person saying my writing is "terrible". I was rushing the dark content scenes to move on with the plot, but there was barely a plot in there to begin with. Can’t write good stuff in less than 2 weeks after all. Me and my dumb idea to “live off” my works on Steam by putting 1 visual novel-lite out every month to get 100$ minimum funds to get paid, but that also means 100$ Steam fess every mouth. Also, since I was feeling "bad" about writing them, I didn't take to time to look for "poetic way" to write them down thus they were highly repetitive.

Now, I could redo some of them with a better (aka more developed and longer) plot + with either 1) no dark content or 2) dark content but not explicit – like X character got assaulted in 1 text line and moving on –  but since they were not selling enough on Steam before the delisting, I don’t even know if they will sell a bit here on, and I’m still not very comfortable with writing hentai, it’s not in my plans.

In fact, I don’t even want to work on something new right now. I rather focus on other hobbies, delisting 4 Alice MAG on Steam in January, and then I’ll see. I did plan a winter sale on itch.

(1 edit)

No, it’s ok. 

The dark content is mostly unavoidable and the reason I put it here in the first place is because I tried many Steam popular hentai games, mostly VN, and they were all rape-y in nature. UPDATE ADDON: I then believe it was a popular niche. I might be wrong, of course, but my top sells in NSFW before I left Steam were "Shantalia and Corali'hulu" and "Elisa, Elian, ChatAid". Those got the darkest content in my eyes with "Vengeance ~ In my family name" and "Mermaid Coralie". Then again, they are all dark. T.T.  

As for the reviews I got on Steam in general, either peoples were disappointed because of the lack of images, others didn’t mind because “hey! easy achievements, who care about the content?”, one person finds my writing terrible and they hope I can improve. 

Then again, this person only review hentai content and they are harsh in their reviews when they don’t like something + this review opens my eyes about me and my feeling toward hentai. 

I don’t mind playing some games but writing them? Hm. 

UPDATE: Also all my NSFW visual novel-lite are mostly kinetic. If I put choices in some of them, it won't affect the plot much, except for Mermaid Coralie and her endings.

(1 edit)


I used to develop text-based games on Steam, but it wasn't profitable, I delisted them (4 Alice MAG will leave Steam in Jan) and now I’m working to move everything to 

Most games can be categorized as “visual novel” and “interactive fiction”. 

They are made with Ren’py, Twine and (coming soon on itch) RPG Maker MV.

4 Alice Magical Autistic Girls, a visual novel about an autistic teen, other girls named Alice she'll meet, and magical girls.

4 Alice: Lorange Journey, a Twine interactive story about Alice Lorange's adventures in a strange house.

Alan: Rift Breakers, Twine stories about Alex and his friends who must battle monsters to protect their town.

Cursed Queen: Wicked Witch, two Twine stories about dark fairies, a evil witch, and they must be stopped.

And more on my profile! Also, there are sales going on right now. 

Some screenshots as requested in the rules:

No way to pay-what-you-want? I would love it to remain in my library.

It's great! 

(1 edit)

This is a good idea. A port is much simpler too. I download the game on Steam, put it in a .zip and it's ready for itch. Doing remasters involve getting the source files back by decrypting all games (yes, I was dumb back then and deleted all my projects files!), then re-work on them. 

EDIT: Also, I'm so wrong. Splitting the languages in renpy is a lot of work. More then 100 hours! I will leave the games as-is for now. 

Nice. Brought it.

What I would love to see one day is a way to translate our game/book/etc page into other languages. Now I could do EN-FR, but I feel like it would look clunky.

Wow, thank you so much! While I will delist it from Steam, it will remain on and I might put there my old, delisted Steam releases too.

Ok thanks for the info.

It's pretty but you cannot use it as wallpaper.

There is no way to buy the game on itch?