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A member registered Dec 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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This entry is pretty neat! Really liked the art, kinda reminds me of point-and-click games from the 90s. Wish the game gave you a final score at the end to gauge how well you did, but I still replayed the game a few times anyway. Good job!

Thanks! Appreciate the detailed feedback. Our artist probably spent the last day just making sure the intro was as good as possible… so an ending was out of the question. Maybe something to consider for the future 👀

I thought it was too simple at first, but the later puzzles felt just right. Really loved the style and the limited colour palette. The writing was also pretty fun and quirky! Really well done.

Nice game! All of the art is really well done. It was a bit confusing to me what to do at first, and the game does tend to be a bit unforgiving. I also wish that the boat controlled a tad less slippery.

So violence IS the answer. Also, the soundtrack has no right to be this good. Had a really fun time playing the entry!

Really interesting take on Tetris! The opening cutscene was really nicely put together,  worth playing just to see it alone. Gameplay is pretty fun, shame I could only climb up 27 metres. Just wish you could see further ahead of you to see the blocks. Well done!

What a hidden gem! The presentation in this game is very consistent, in a good way. I also liked how the uncertainty of who you'll play as makes you build the level fair. Smart design choice!

Absolutely amazing! Loved the visuals, loved the sounds and found the gameplay to be incredibly satisfying. Leaderboards add to the overall replayability, too. My only small nitpick would be that the banana somewhat breaks your Cinemachine setup. Other than that, the polish on this game is astounding. Great job!

Cute entry! Felt the art was pretty neat. That said, it does feel rough around the edges at times 😅. Hope to see a more polised version with a bit more challange. Good job!

I like the game's concept. Nice, and somehow reminds me of those mobile ads where you have to pass through gates with numbers above. Would be interesting to see a more polished version in the future.  

Gomu Gomu no Taxeees

Felt incredibly satisfying to drive around inn circles and crash into all the enemies. The city building mechanic also turned out to be suprisingly deep, especially given how little time there was to figure out how all these stats should work. Great job!

Glad you enjoyed the game. And big thanks for providing feedback!

Got really caught up playing the game, and the pixel art is gorgeous. Well done!
I wish there were some more challenges introduced as you play, because at some point you start accumulating capital just for the sake of it... Oh, wait...

I thank thee!

Simple idea, but proved to be really challenging towards the end. The monster design is very faithful to the Medieval art! Loved it.

Liked the main mechanic of swinging the hammer back & forth. Nice work!

Cute and relaxing, though it doesn't feel very game-y.

The concept is pretty cute, but as others have said, the physics can be a bit clunky.
I honestly wish the market babushkas in real life would weigh everything with the same precision and honesty 😅

This is so good! Loved how the salamander segments were done in a Game Boy style. Music was also really well done. My only small nitpick is that there's no damping on the Y axis when you jump, like in other platformers, so the camera immediately follows you -- can get somewhat nauseating. Other than that, great job!

Ooh, a brilliant idea! Glad you enjoyed the game.

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Pretty fun little game! I wish the controls were a bit faster / more responsive. At the same time, I liked how you can use gun's recoil to dash back from the anteater, discovering this felt neat. 

Cute game, and can get quite addicting. Liked the art and the colours, though I wish the game either had a bit more challenge or more things to do while waiting for those dark spots to collect.

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Спасибо за отзыв. По звуку дельное замечание, по визуальному индикатору положения монстра — вдвойне. Касательно концовки: не поверите, но у кого-то из участников команды была точно такая же идея! Но у такой формулировки есть второе, довольно «недетское» прочтение.

Я хоть и не из России и предпочитаю использовать в играх английский, но понял бы и без перевода) Надеюсь, и Вы поймете мое решение.

Thanks for checking out the game! I’m surprised you enjoyed it enough to make a video. Some corners had to be cut, so the game could’ve been made in 36h, and I hope to add a bit more polish in the future. Appreciate your efforts!

Спасибо большое за такой подробный отзыв! Приятно, что игра понравилась в своей текущей форме. И спасибо, что обратили наше внимание на недочеты в дизайне.

Если честно, не играл в Inmost, но теперь очень хочу попробовать!

Спасибо большое за фидбэк. Рад, что понравилось проходить игру! Замечания все по делу, обязательно примем во внимание.

Симпатичная, но адски запутанная. Если бы не нашел прохождение на странице игры, вряд ли бы прошел дальше. Дальше локации с картой и бехолдером уже не смог пройти.

Сеттинг Чужого хорошо лег на тему джема. Не знаю, рисовали ли локации сами, но выглядят симпатично. Зону видимости бы вокруг игрока больше: когда она маленькая, она хорошо работает на создание настроения, но уже во время какого-то экшна (как при погоне с монстром) не дает времени на реакцию. Персонажка милая, напоминает повзрослевшую героиню Yume Nikki.

Спасибо за фидбэк.

Шкала ужаса растет при включенном усиленном режиме слухового аппарата (кнопка Q). Его выключение снижает текущий уровень страха, но не позволяет вычислить, с какой стороны сейчас находится чудовище.

Известные на данный момент баги:

  • У левой стены в ванной отключен коллайдер (упс!), можно упасть за пределы комнаты;
  • Звук смерти при гейм овере не всегда воспроизводится.

Если вдруг обнаружите другие баги/недочеты, то пишите, рады любому фидбеку.

Однозначный квайк. Катсцена в начале прям прикольная, на рестарте даже не пропускал. Немного неудобно было играть с такой большой чувствительностью у камеры (наверное, подстраивали под тачпад), но после нескольких попыток все-таки одолел эту жабучую сложность. 

Идея показывать Вассермана после скримера интересная: сначала пугать аудиторию, но потом сразу же показывать смешную картинку, мол, смотри, все хорошо. Вот это забота об игроках!

(2 edits)

Больше грустно, конечно, чем страшно... Но нарратив хороший, мне понравился. Пока враги за тобой гонятся, очень напряжно, но через какое-то время я от них отбился совсем, и игра превратилась в блуждание по коридорам. Видно, что родители персонажа делали ремонт по принципу "дешево и сердито": уж очень все похоже друг на друга. Чем-то напомнило по визуалу (да и депрессивному повествованию) Реплику города в Nier: Automata.

В общем и целом очень неплохо!

Комментарий. Страшное оружие в руках любой советской домохозяйки. Однако товарищ Реджинальд даже не подозревал, что именно после таких комментариев о музыке у нашего преступника и появлялась новая жертва...

Hopefully, since the results are out, it can only mean that the stream is coming soon… Around 19-20 PM EEST, perhaps?

The main mechanic is pretty nice, has the potential to be the core of a fun game. Wish the jump was a bit more resposive, and also the camera movement on the Y axis was damped a bit (like in most 2D platformers), so that the camera doesn't move back and forth with every jump. Can feel a bit nauseating with this background. Had fun trying out this entry, good job.

*slaps  game* This bad boy can fit so many fucking memes

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Fun and challenging, though I wish the enemies were a bit less spongey. The character design is amazing, and also the intro... sorry, The Intro. That intro made me laugh so much. Well done! 

The only problem is that I'm not sure the game can be finished, since every dialogue I trigger gives me the explanation for using spells. I just reach the room with a snoozing ghost , and then everything freezes. A bug, maybe?

EDIT: I went back and found an ice spell. Same thing happens, but now the dialogue mentions the ice spell instead of the fire spell.