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Mika la Grand

A member registered Aug 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Haha, that ending was great. One point of criticism I have, is that it's unclear what you need to do after getting all of the orbs. Although, I did manage to figure it out eventually. Also, how does collecting orbs stretch your tongue? I guess that's a question best left unanswered.

Great sokoban game with plenty of humor! A small improvement would be to indicate which horse end I'm currently controlling. I also found it a bit unlogical that their body doesn't get cut in half when the door closes again. So, perhaps another graphic with the door ajar would be useful.

All around a great game.

It would be nice if you didn't have to install this .NET Core stuff.

Great mechanic executed well! Though, the movement can be a bit clunky at times. Like the part where you have to go from the climbing fence to a platform on the left that is seperated by a tile.

Overall one of the best games! My main complaint is that most levels require meticulous timing to complete, which is a bit annoying. I also couldn't figure out how to fullscreen the game. Jumping with W would've been nice as well. I made it to level 3-3.

Great idea executed well. Congratz!

Great idea, but I can't figure out how to get further than the cow pasture. Also small side note, "ressources" is spelled "resources".

(2 edits)

Pretty cool mechanic. I managed to reach the end (I think), but I hadn't collected the achievements. So, I couldn't go through the end door. Also, how do you fullscreen the game? F doesn't do it.

You mention support for WASD, but it doesn't seem to work.

Great mechanic! I especially like how the puzzles combine math with geometry. You definitely had me with level 12, but the hints were pretty useful. The last couple of levels are quite tricky, but I did managed to beat the game.

Yeah, definitely one of the best games of the jam! Thanks for keeping the jam version online.

Great mechanic, but the puzzles are too difficult for my liking. The second jump of the second level took me way longer than I'd like to admit. The level with the blue and red button was pretty great though. I made it to the level with the grey button. Perhaps number the levels that makes it easier to communicate which level someone is talking about.

Great idea, but the puzzles are way too difficult.

Great take on the theme! I made it to 2-3. In the browser build in Chrome, I noticed that the movement would quite often glitch out. There seems to be an issue when you start the next move, while the previous walk animation hasn't finished yet.

Good idea, but the gameplay is a bit simple. Perhaps there can be more strategy around the track layout and avoiding the train yourself. I made it to 20 days.

Pretty cool game, but the levels are a bit annoying. Though, your post on ludum dare was really inspiring. I made it to level 6.

Pretty cool game! Though, it does get a bit laggy when there are a lot of enemies. Also, in the last level I was often getting stuck on walls resulting in a game over. When the game restarts, it doesn't reset your input or something; the guy keeps moving even though you're not pressing a key.

I actually had an idea around trains as well, but more centred around stealth and I had to cut a bunch since I spent so much time on procedural world gen; lesson learned I guess.

That was way more fun than I had expected. Though, the carrot shooting could be refined a bit; aiming is currently a bit clunky. Also, carrots sometimes spawn on tiles with trees, so you can't pick them up. When I died (game over) I was able to revive him. I'm not sure if that was intentional, but otherwise that is a much appreciated bug.

Alright thanks, looks like he also had some trouble with it.

It's pretty interesting to explore this beautiful world, but the jump height needs to be a bit bigger to make it easier to move around. Also, the borders between green, blue, red, etc background could be blended so that they are a lot smoother.

Great entry! Though, I couldn't solve level 7. I don't really have any remarks.

Okay, I'd also add more feedback. Like the guy saying: "I need to hoe the land first", and "Now I can sow those seeds located at [I couldn't figure out where they were stored]".

Pretty decent, especially for a first game. I would considering changing movement with AD/arrows instead of the hook, but that's up to you guys. Though, I'd recommend making the automatic lane switch happen a bit sooner, because now the player is always too late if there's an obstacle.

Those are some great puzzles! Though, the one with the river running down the centre was too difficult for me. The game kinda has a Baba is You vibe to it; which you were probably going for. Being able to revert moves using Z would be a nice addition, as well as not having to solve every puzzle. That way the overworld also gets utilized a bit more.

Very impressive, well done! Some minor suggestions would be: to allow for jumping with W and then climbing with E, restart with R, and maybe some hints. I couldn't figure out the H-shaped level with the two jumppads in the I-parts.

There is quite a lot of depth, but this does add a lot of complexity. So, an interactive tutorial is really a must. Eventually I could figure out how to plow the land and how to water it, but I still didn't know how to seed it.

Yeah, I agree with the other feedback you received. Some effect when you miss would be useful.

(1 edit)

The game is quite engaing, but I wish there were more checkpoints. It just gets tedious having to redo parts, when the gameplay and level design are pretty simplistic.

Pretty cool mechanic. Though, I wasn't a fan of the camera shakeyness and my soldiers died quite quickly. I was only able to get a bit past the blue gate, before I had run out of money and soldiers.

That was great, I killed 113 goblins! Though, some levels were a lot harder than others. I liked that each weapon was quite destinct in their use cases, but some half transparent image of the previous swing would be very useful.

(1 edit)

That was great, good job man! I especially like how to the level changes, though I'm not the only one. However, the game did buffer every second which resulted in stuttery movement of the player and platforms. [turns out this was because I had another browser game running in the background]

Pretty cool with the 2D assets in a 3D world. Though, enemies randomly breaking right in front of you is quite annoying. The game is also only beatable in at least two runs. Since you start all the way in the back, and the next time you start at your finish position.

The procedural gen is impressive, it really looks hand made. Though, you might mean that you're randomly connecting pre-made bits (like Spelunky). I would change space to be jump. Since players instinctively press space to jump, not to restart.

Pretty cool idea, but I don't think the online system works well for game jams. I also noticed that the movement was quite slippery, making it hard to do precise movement.

Pretty cool how you used the assets. The mechanics weren't too difficult to pick up, but maybe it would have made more sense if the three small monsters turn into the large monster. That way the game is a little less unforgiving as well.

(1 edit)

Pretty cool combat mechanics. Though, I noticed that my knights were still taking damage even though I was doing block moves with the shield knight. The game was pretty difficult, maybe have some smaller encounters first. Binding one key to one knight would also make switching between them less confusing. Btw, I don't think these assets were part of the art pack.

The WebGL build didn't load in Chrome, so I downloaded the game. It's a bit unusual to walk to the left, but it was doable. Though, I couldn't get past the part where the world turns orange-white. The game would really benefit from sound.

It's pretty useful that the enemies leave trails so that you can see their movement. Though, I would've liked more control over wielding in the hook (like hold down to move) or for it to move faster. Perhaps making the movement physics based (ie add gravity) could be interesting. Faster respawning would be nice as well. The trigger for unlocking the allies could be bigger as well, now you have to come in from a very specific position.