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A member registered Aug 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi, thank you for streaming my game! I can't make it today unfourtunately and am quite busy this week, but I would be very happy if you played it anyway, and will watch the stream later! :)

Wow, thank you for including my game in the video! It's the first game I ever made, so seeing this really surprised me. Subscribed to your channel! :)

(1 edit)

Very nice and a bit difficult puzzle game. I like the art style overall very much, but I'm missing the connection to the theme a little bit.

Thanks for your kind words! Adding a tutorial of some kind seems to be the most important improvement I should have made. I ran out of time for that unfourtunately. I will try to plan accordingly for the next game jam. :)

Hi, my game also runs in the browser. :) I will try to play as many of your games as I can!

Nice game! Aiming is a bit weird, but overall enjoyable. :)

Will play your game right now!

I enjoyed the game and liked the different modes! It does get really chaotic at some point. :) Nice job!

Nice short platformer, unfourtunately I didn't get the good ending. :)

I too hope to get some ratings this way. :) I went on vacation just as the submission ended, so I couldn't play anyones games yet, but will do so when I get back home tomorrow!

My submission:

Really appreciate any feedback, since I'm very new to game development in general. Thank you!

Absolutely correct! I wanted to do a tutorial, but was too late for that, unfourtunately. Thanks for playing! :)

Nice game, I like the visual style and music/sound effects. The puzzles are easily solveable, perfect for a game jam game.
But I cheesed some levels by abusing a bug, where if you are fast enough, you can just run past a moose that would usually kill you. :)

I loved this game! The visuals, sound effects, music are very well made and fit well together. Unfourtunately, I didn't know how to proceed in the third level. I think the gameplay overall could be a little bit more balanced, like making the player a little bit faster or something.

Nice game! I like that you used a simple concept, and didn't try to make something too complex for your first Godot game. :)

Very cute arcade like game

Very well made game, cool use of the teleportation mechanic. To be honest, I stumbled through the levels a bit, but I have trouble keeping track of where I am in 3D anyway and I can definitely see that you tried to make the levels as clear as possible. The visuals, the sounds, UI etc. are really well made within the constraints.  Overall very enjoyable!

Really nice game, visuals and sound is well done, too. I would love if there was some kind of goal though. (or maybe there is and I just didn't reach it) Overall I had fun playing it and think the idea can be very well expanded on. Nice job!

If this is your first game using godot, nice job!

Couldn't play very far because I kept dying to traps I didn't see, which I don't think is very good game design. But I like the general style and the visuals/sound effects. I can definitely see where you wanted to go with the game, but at the moment the experience feels a little unfair. (or maybe I was doing something wrong...)

Nice simple platformer, the music and style of the game definitely gives this its own feeling. I would have loved some more sound effects, but overall very enjoyable!

Played through the game in about 200 seconds, very nice! Would have loved some more effects / sound effects (for the slam for example, or some kind of explosion for the obstacles in the beginning). Nice simple platformer! :)