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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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There is a margin for error, but it's pretty tight in most levels and unclear when an individual piece is "valid" vs "invalid". I'm working on changing the shape detection to be completely relative, so it can be anywhere on the platform.

Super cool, super polished, your teams stuff is always so good! Really the only critiques I have are the handful of bugs you're already aware of, and that controlling the size of portals is a bit odd but I don't really know how I'd change that - maybe have buttons that can cycle through available portals so you don't have to click and drag?

Bold, a different color, bouncing, really anything to draw attention to the right thing. Too much text at once can be very overwhelming, especially for your average player. I think having things unlock 1 at a time, or maybe you are given an option of what to unlock every so many runs could work.

Figured it out - I think the shop screen was just so busy I wasn't fully understanding what it was trying to tell me or how to close it. Everything is working, just needs an improved UX

Thanks for replying, I figured it out and got past it! Not sure exactly how to better to convey that is an option without being explicit, but having that extra block under the bridge definitely made it feel like a broken level.

Lovely art and great theming. It felt a bit clunky to control, hitboxes were not exactly clear but working around this I still had fun. It would be interesting to see more consequences for having a differently sized sword, and maybe a way to shrink it back down?

I like the main idea here - needing to flip between the main game world and the blueprint to adjust objects is super neat and has a lot of possibility space. As others I got stuck in a level where it looked like there was a box under a bridge? I was enjoying it up until then, and could see this being really cool if expanded.

I really like the idea here, would love to see it polished and expanded. I had a lot of difficulty doing multiple bumps in a row because I had to click on the outline itself, I think it would feel a lot better if that touch was more forgiving

Interesting idea, the main gameplay was very straightforward and easy to pick up and seems promising if expanded upon, but the building stage doesn't seem to work for me. I can't get anything to happen during this phase and the game is essentially locked.

Super chill and beautiful! UI needs a lot more help to draw attention to itself as clickable and giving feedback when things are clicked, but once you get past that and realize how the interface works, this is great to just chill with for a while :)

Easy to understand and interact with, had a lot of fun figuring out each level. I did think I had a solution a few times, but since my pieces were overlapping with background pieces they got launched off to oblivion lol

Neat idea, well implemented! Certainly room for polish, but very impressive for such a short time. Wasn't expecting intersections to work and was very happy when they did :D

Wonderful game! Some of the puzzles were tricky, and I'd love a way to undo, but restarting the full level was never too harsh. Had me scratching my head, and smiling when I got to the end (darn that slope lol). Nicely done :D

That certainly was a big pizza! Love the idea, would be interested to see it expanded with more foods, and maybe you need to make them more accurate (this one wants pepperoni on half for ex). Great job

Love the idea - would be nice to be able to mess around with fewer sponges to start to get a better feel for how the mechanic works, with 10 sponges right off the bat it's hard to strategize without just replaying a bunch.

Very confused playing this - the pixelated fractal looks cool, but the actual gameplay is not well explained unfortunately.

Love the idea and the charm. Gonna be honest, I was surprised to see that our games are pretty similar in overall goal and art style, yet very different in terms of control. Moving the arm with the mouse is really tricky, I'd love some way to have more control over it. The actual building is nice and the levels are all cleverly done, I just wish the arm didn't rotate around almost unpredictably at times.

I was playing the download one. The web version is much smoother :)

I'm not sure now, let me try it again in a bit to double check

Love it! Really I only have 2 complaints - I want keyboard controls for the different actions so I don't have to quickly move my mouse between different on screen icons, and I want a bit of level restart forgiveness (radish boy starts moving immediately on restart after a death, maybe if there was a "start" button?)

Very neat idea, would be a good base if you keep at it. It starts feeling repetitive after a few levels, without much being really changed up. The menus are also a bit buggy - I'm not sure what caused it, but every time I started a level I was paused and had to hit esc twice to open then close the pause menu and let the level start playing. This got to a point where the text "paused" was permanently showing on the screen.

This is a pretty fun idea. Looks good, sounds good, very easy to understand.

I echo what others have said, the movement is too stiff and the perspective is difficult to work with. I'd recommend having a bit of acceleration to the birds movements to smooth out the motion and either move the camera back, shrink the bird, or have some kind of outline to better see the pipes.

It bugs me that hitting the left/right arrow after I've moved all the way to one side triggers a jump. At first I didn't understand that's what was happening as I was jumping directly into the ceiling and losing.

Getting a point and then immediately moving left or right should have more forgiveness - maybe disable the colliders once you get a point?

Thanks for the feedback :) The gameplay definitely is too easy, I've been playing around with pickups and plotting out ideas for a few different game play mode possibilities to try and improve the difficulty. That being said, you do get blocked by your road if you aren't careful - collisions with the highway support beams or the underside of the road count just like another obstacle. I could play with the entire road becoming an obstacle, though would need a good way to signal that to the player (and personally I like that you can drive through an existing road to make a jump).

Wonderful! Yeah it's definitely not perfect, but now we're only updating 2 small chunks of the mesh per frame instead the entire mesh, and I can properly cull sections that are off-screen. Likely it's still slowing down when most or all of the meshes are on-screen, so that'll be some proper mesh optimization on top of the chunking.

Thank you so much :)

I think the majority of the performance issues are coming from rendering the longer road. I just pushed up a new build that splits the road into several meshes instead of 1 giant one which should see a significant performance boost. Would you mind giving this version a try?

Thank you so much! I do plan to work at least a bit more on it beyond the base post-jam polish, we'll see how far it goes. Those are all great suggestions. I definitely need to play with quality and want to incorporate that into the settings, the shadows bug me too. I hadn't thought of rivers, but that's an interesting idea that I think I'll explore, I could even put boats on them that act like the trains but more curvy.

I've already begun work on a collectible system. Currently I've only prototyped out 2 collectibles, 1 gives you an extra car and 1 gives you more time, but I'm definitely going to explore more game-changing ones like speed increases or invulnerability. I'm thinking that if nothing else, I want to have an alternative game mode that works similarly to what you suggested where you start with 0 cars and the player has to go out of their way to get cars on their road. From there I've got a few potential ideas:

  1. Each car has it's own destination and delivering that car will give you points or extra time. The timer is shared
  2. Each car has it's own destination and it's own timer - you get more points for delivering a car quickly to it's destination and have to avoid any car getting "stale". Would need a way for the player to switch the GPS between targets (probably want to display distance to target as well)
  3. There is still only 1 destination, and you get more points/time for delivering a lot of cars at once to incentivize picking up and traveling with a large convoy

I'd be curious to hear your thoughts :)

Very interesting idea - wasn't expecting a stock market going into this. Definitely on the hard side when you don't know what you're doing, but it is fun trying to balance your money and investors. Excellent aesthetic and art, well done :)

Got to floor 11! Nicely done, wish I could move things after placing them though instead of them being locked in and starting the player on the last one. Love the sprite for the bigger slime haha

Fun for fans of SCP, I feel this would be very confusing for someone who doesn't know what that is though. Well put together though :)

Very weird, but a neat idea. Didn't think I was gonna get as into as I did after figuring it out from a very failed round. Simple, but fun to having to carefully click fast

I really like the base gameplay idea here, herding sheep feels surprisingly good to control. The swapping dog/wolf feels incomplete though, was there intended to be more to it? As is, it's more just a slight pause in the gameplay and doesn't really change much.

Neat idea and well put together, love the creature names haha.

That was certainly something. Not sure what I expected from the thumbnail, but it delivered.

lol that was certainly what was promised.

Time to fight fires with fires! Love the idea, and how you need to balance out health and fuel. Wasn't expecting the cops to show up haha

I really like the idea here! Feels nice to play, though I wish the mouse controls were a bit more forgiving, maybe either a larger collision check for the grappling hook or some kind of soft lock on could work. What you have here is a blast though, would love to see if expanded upon :)

Very interesting idea, quite tricky to get good at haha. Not sure if it's my machine, but every time I open it it doesn't properly center on my screen so a chunk of the top and left are cut off.

Definitely getting papers please vibes here - would've liked to play with a ramp up in the policies, it was difficult to keep track of everything right from the get go. Well put together :)

I successfully hid all my human stuff! Wonderful aesthetic and idea, the worms(?) were tricky to work with on the glasses level, but I had a lot of fun with it. Glad there were no stakes for not fully hiding it, would be curious to see what more mechanics you could add to this.

Love it. The aesthetic is top notch, the attacks you have are intuitive, and it's just the right amount of silly. Aiming was a bit touchy, and I would've liked an in-game explanation of the controls, but as is this is a great little game. Well done :)