Loved the easter egg :)
Thank you
Made me feel very validated
Recent community posts
love the change! i wish there were more options to lean into things or act nice in certain scenarios. I hope you add to it in the future! I also really REALLY want to be able to intimidate or get the npc characters that are blocking certain actions to have options or things you can do to them to get them to STOP. Like I wish intimidating the bully's near the gym and yoga mats would actually make them stop pestering me or being bullies in general... same idea with the checkpoint guard, but I really wanna romance that one for some reason... IDK im into the 'basic' characters or 'static' characters sometimes. again, really hope you continue working on this, and have a good day!
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Thank you for confirming! If you'd be willing to tell me, what were some points of inspiration for you and why/how did you start making this game? I only ask because all of the 1% stuff, while some of them were some good taunts and gaffs, I really felt like there was a certain vibe for a few. I say that though I only hit 1%'s a couple of times, maybe 4-6? I should really have a better memory but I remember the ones I liked a bunch! or disliked! The one in particular I really liked was the one where it felt like they were breaking the forth wall? and it was just all a dream? I dont know why but I really liked it for grounding and comedic effect it had. idk thats prob just me. For some reason your NoEye-Soft fight gave me vibes of "There is no game" mixed with "Simulacrum"? I feel like thats a poor comparison, but still! Lastly, is there any chance you'd like to challenge some of us to win the game a certain way or are there certain, long term secretes to unlock by buying or unlocking certain gifts or items? I still have to get 48 and the blooding mirror but is there anything thats less obvious or not directly told or hinted at?
Amazing game! I beat the No-skin man!
Though I assume its less of an accomplishment considering I did it with Root. Hope to see more from this game! Also, that NoEye thing, I really dont like it! I'm saying it did its job well! I cant stand the thought of an eye being damaged for some reason, its really unsettling, and one of the 1% things that are "just messing with you" really freaked me out! Hope there isnt any actual thoughts of harm or anything, if there are, I hope everything gets better.
loved this! got a final time of 9:15, dont think I'll get too much better than that, could probly do better for the gamma sector tho tbh. loved all the little posters and other stuff to find! Hope you had as much fun makin the game as we all did playing it! always love your work! till next time, have a good time!
I've personally always loved the game, so much character and I loved the puzzles, not to hard to figure out imo... wish it was still bein worked on for more dialogue and stuff tho, its also a shame that I lost my save from way back when but I'm more than willing to go through the courses again, wouldnt take too too long.
i finally got to 15 teeth and the little black ghost spawned into a fight room, unkillable so I couldnt progress through the door, after attacking him for long enough my character started walking in random directions on his own, truly a sad day, I didnt want to hit the lil guy either... weird stuff... I'ma try to get endings again later.
I farmed for way too long and reached level 174... having this much power wasnt the way to play... now its just a dating sim and I dont really have the choice to fail... I mean you can give up but thats different dialogue entirely... beating one of the characters with more than 100 levels gives unique dialogue though so thats pretty neat!
thats a very quick reply! thanks so much, I dont know why or how but it does keep happening. I haven't been able to make it to 20 hearts on anything because of it, I've been getting 15 in one of them but it feels like I have to die when I get 14 of something to make it easier to get a higher number. also there is a part where there is a key laying on the ground in one of the sections but you cant pick it up, its fine cause you can just go through the door and progress but I dont know what its doin there. when it comes to enemies my fav's are the worm sweater and the red eyed buns
I love the game so far, and I'm still trying to find out how much I can actually play, but it seems a bit buggy right now. every time I start the game I have to die then retry to go through the section I assume is the "tutorial" and I got lodged into the wall a couple times after getting hit or a creature ripping my clothing. I think I got to the end where there is a boiler and a creature with a cloak of eyes and a flaming crown? but I couldnt do anything but restart the game after trying to either move out of the room or interact with them again. I cant wait for more of this, and I hope that this information helps! also it'd be pretty smart if that starting part of having to die was on purpose, I just dont know if it was.
had the same thing happen, I just played the puzzles for a bit, gettin reds, and when i exit and click on the skirt the text will display and then everything kinda just freezes? like it doesnt stop the game but it gets stuck on itself? idk but i had the same problem so figured i'd let ya know. It might just be a problem with playing in browser? it sucks when it happens and ya have to restart. (thanks for the cheat mode, it was a little sad when I got 6 reds for that to happen.)
what is the red score about my goodness, im not good enough to get it on time, and trying to get it for the guessing one is unfortunate. but i do love it, it makes me feel like whatever happens is something I earned. got everything to gold and im happy with that, but i really just want to get even a single red now, just so i can know.