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A member registered May 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is of the baluco baco!!!

Very nice and simple game! its not too hard nor too easy! The main thing I wish it would have is more variety of sound effects while picking up the skulls! but it is pretty fun!

Very cool game! very unique and fun. The only thing I didn't was that it is not very clear when you can put things in the plate, My mouse was on top of the plate but didn't work, only when I noticed that it needed to be very close to the center that it works. overall pretty nice game!

Really cool game, nice concepts! The expanding tower is a bit too hard. But overall its a pretty fun experience!

Nice game! Very well done, the only thing I kinda dislike it was the collision against the platforms, sometimes I would just get stuck and it would take forever to get out. But other than that its pretty fun

Very nice game!

Very nice game, really nice the twist that this has! The bad thing is that it has some lag spikes on my pc...

Really nice concept. I also found a bug, I pressed esc while the first cutscene was playing and my game froze and I needed to re-open the game!

Bruh, very unique game, its kinda fun in a way! also, at some point my game froze and I needed to restart

Very nice horror game, its overall a very creepy experience.

Very creepy game!

Really cool game! I didn't understand the lore, but okay. The overall feel of the game is nice! The movement was a bit slippery but nothing major in my opinion.

Very nice little game, it got some lag spikes on my end. Overall it was a good game, I just thought it was a bit too slow.

Very creepy! very cool idea! I don't know if I like that you can see through walls sometimes, and when you take a picture it show the walls, if feels a bit weird.... I don't know... but overall its pretty nice game! maybe in the future you can expand it into a very nice horror game!

Really nice simple game, thought I didn't finish it the way you probably intended. I discover if you spam space bar you can hit the opponent multiple times, leading to a very easy win no matter the opponent! But it was pretty fun!

Really nice and fun little game! very nice puzzles!

Its a pretty nice mechanic, its pretty fun! I think its pretty confusing game,  in this case is a good thing for the most part, the bad part is that sometimes, I don't know if I have to turn off the flash light or just turn around to solve a part of the puzzle, sometimes neither works so I have to restart, and the level as a bit big and it gets annoying having to do everything again.

The camera mechanic is very nice, thought I sometimes the boxes would still be static even thought they were not in the light area in the photo. This game has potential, just some more improvements

Very fun game! very unique, simple and challenging! 

Seems to have very nice visual novel, I just got one ending, I will plan to do other endings in the future.

Really cool concept! it pretty fun and a very challenging! I didn't manage to finish it, but it was pretty fun

It is a very nice game! very interesting mechanic for a platformer! I didn't finish it cuz my game bugged, I fell down into the pit and I didn't respawn, like the dino was still accepting my inputs, then I pressed esc and everything reseted and I lost all my progress, but overall it was a fun experience

Really nice game, very cool teleporting mechanic! I just wish it was a bit longer, but its pretty cool and very polished!

Very cool game! Very creepy and fun! it would be nice if had a downloadable version instead of the web build, most of the web builds is very laggy on my browser for some reason, also de mouse movement gets a bit weird in the browser. but overall its a pretty

Really nice game! my record was around 4000, very confusing, but very fun game!

Cool submission, the hard part for me was getting the things consistently and I still can get very consistently, I don't know if I am to close to screen or what, maybe  later I will try again. And the bear minigame, it says that you need the 3D vision to tell which cone is fake, but you can tell without the vision if you pay attention,  I got to level 3 this way

Its a very funny game, gave the perfect experience I would receive on my phone that can't even run itself! 10/10

Very nice puzzle game, very challenging in very fun way!

(1 edit)

Very fun game! I didn't played the tutorial at first so I didn't know about the dash or grab, but it was still fun! got a C

Very nice puzzle game! didn't get very far, but it was a nice experience

Very nice game! 

Very nice simple horror game, the skybox was a bit buggy while looking up but that didn't affect the overall game.

Nice little horror game!! It fits the jam theme!

Agora sim!!

Really hard and challenging, the music is nice, tho I find the enemies assets a bit off place, but they do its job. 

Really challenging game, nice music and art. The jumps feels a bit to floaty.

Really challenging game, I did not know understood how to use the other controls, so I only use the constant. The music is good, the art is good.

Very challenging game, nice music and art, the controls felt awkward at first, but then I got used to it

Really nice puzzles, really fun! 

I really loved the mechanic of connecting enemies to other things and they just fly to that and die. The art is really good, the music is very good.