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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks ! glad you like it :)
I'm not planning to update this asset pack for a while.
But I'll add Shrimp to my todo-list for when I get to it.

You're very much welcome :)

Thank you ! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks :)

Love the aesthetic on this game ! And the crafting mechanism is both smart & intuitive.

Great job ! you got a real banger there ! 

Really cool concept !
Took me a little while to understand what i was suppose to do appart from shooting enemies ^^

Little feedbacks : I wish I could aim & shoot with the mouse & the bullets could be way bigger (hard to see as it is)

Apart from that, really solid entry !

Thanks ! 

Glad you liked it :)

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedbacks ! <3

Duuude ! What a cool game !!
Played every bit of it. <3
That's some impressive level design.
Thank you for sharing it here !

Cool game !
Thanks for sharing it here :)

You got a complete tower defense in 48h ! & 4 towers with different mechanics...Great job !

It need a bit of difficulty balancing. I got up & running pretty fast & managed to hold back every waves with only a few towers placed at the start of the path.
Waves could also be a lot shorter and maybe bigger burst of ennemies at once near the end so it can overwelm the first towers a bit.

All in all, a really cool & impressive entry ! Great job :)

What a crazy and hilarious idea !
Launched the game, got tripped, fell on my face, litteraly bursted in laughter then proceeded to fall as far as possible.
The last updates are a bit grindy but played it through anyway just to see how far I could go. (141.00 m ^^)

Little nitpick : the pixel size is not coherent between the characters, background & ui.
But appart from that, absolutly great job overall ! Congrats ! :) 

That's a neat little game ! Good job :)

Glad you like it !
Good luck with the jam :)

Well... I don't know about masterpice ^^
But thanks ! I appreciate the kind words :)

Really cool game !
Love what you did with the assets <3

Little feedback : The game over condition feels a bit sudden. Since there is a lot to keep track on screen, it's easy to forget to check the health and air level on the bottom of the screen.  Adding a more visual indicator (screen going red or darker, or a HUD on top of the player sprite) for when the player is about to run out of oxygen or health would be a real + if you plan on updating the game after the Jam.

Great work !

(1 edit)

Really cool concept !
Managed to beat it on my 4th try :)

Not sure I really played it right though since I mainly just avoid using the vampire & the priest all together.
The fact that they're here to disrupt the game randomly don't really push to use them at all :s
I think it would be a good idea to give more control on what card you affect so you can strategize with them.
A good idea would be to have them active when they're in the free spots instead of on their spot and target the line they're on. so that you can choose which card to switch color (that would help the player getting unstuck)

All in all it's a very solid entry with a really cool concept. good job :)

Really cool concept ! Loved the art <3
A little bit on the hard side, but really fun.
Great job!

Really cool potential ! Would love to see more of it <3

Thank you very much !

It is actually possible to unmark a tree by clicking on it again (I forgot to add that in the tutorial, that's my bad ^^')

Thanks  ! glad you enjoyed it :)

I'm already aware of the minimap issue. Working on a fix for after the jam ;)

Thanks for the feedbacks & all the kind words ! <3

(1 edit)

Really really cool game !
Loved the concept & you implemented the theme both in the story & the gameplay <3
And very solid gameplay !

Great work !!

Very cute game with a really funny & original concept !
The game can be a bit unfair at time as the camera placement make it a bit difficult to see the adventurers sometimes. but apart from that really cool entry.

Good job :)

Thank you :)

thank you very much :

This Game is so polished !
Loved the concept ! Loved the art style !

You two did an amazing job !

Very clever concept ! with some interesting puzzles !
I found the the last level to be just pure chaos though with all the fireworks  XD

Great job I had a lot of fun with it !

Thanks ! Glad you liked it :) 

Could you tell me what browser you used for the minimap issue ? and also your screen size/resolution if possible :)

Hey ! thank you very much for all the feedbacks !

For the lumberjacks catching on fire. they catch on fire when the tree they are currently working on catch on fire. but 100% agree it's not clear or even explained anywhere. I need to rework that ^^

Can I ask you what version you used (windows/web) for the minimap bug ?  and your screen size/resolution ?
This minimap took me so long to implement & debug... I need to know why it's not working for some ^^

The purple/grey circle is actually just visual effect to represent burning grass. but you're not the only one that got confused by it.

The tree fire radius is actually part of the tutorial. might need to rework that step if you missed it :/

Zooming out would indeed be really cool. might add that after the jam.

Thanks again for the feedbacks ! :)

Very fun, well made & super polished !
As usual :)
Great work !

Very interesting gameplay. wasn't sure what was happening at first but once i got it, it's pretty fun & original.
And absolutly love the menu transitions <3

good job :)

Really fun game ! love the art & the puns !
Maybe a tiny bit too easy (didn't die that much ^^) but feels really good and kinda addictive, kept playing for a while even though I didn't have anything to buy anymore. ^^

Tiny tiny bug report. Got stucked like this on a platform ^^(but I was able to restart the run. so not game breaking)

Apart from that, really realy solid entry ! great job :)

Thanks ! glad you liked it :)
And thank you for sharing it :)

A little buggy but pretty nice game ! I liked how you used the checkpoints.

The transition (black) screen did not seem to scale properly and only displayed in a corner of the screen. And I indeed got stuck in the ground at some point ^^

Apart from that it a really nice entry. good job :)

Thanks ! Yes, the game can be a bit nerve wrecking XD 

Really cool game ! lots of levels & clever puzzles !
and you even made a level editor !

Great work !

Thanks ! :)
yes the difficulty curve can be a bit steep ^^
for the cars stuck I tries to put a counter mesure for it but it still get stuck from time to time.
Hope you managed to enjoy it anyway. Thanks for the feedbacks :)

Thank you for the feedback  :)

Thank you very much ! :)