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A member registered Nov 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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We we played it XD

I like ducks, but the frame rate TANKED and it was a little confusing.

I liked the mechanic of him chasing you when you don't have eyes on him though :)

We had great fun with this, Thanks :D
Such a shame it's a small snippet of the game and not more!

Very atmospheric and overall well put together, we had "fun" with it :P
Only downside we might say is the predicbility of the ending, even if it did scare us!

All hail the monster horse!

We gave the game a go,

The atmosphere and jump scares were great, though not sure we were doing it right/could do with being a little less random and fenced in with the monsters at times?
And that next/goo killing or hurting you :S.

Still better than I could do though XD.

Had to give the game a go :D

That's one funky monster!

This was great fun.. though not as scary as we had gone in expecting XD

Like the idea, but could use some work.

We had great fun with this and the atmosphere was SUPERB :D

Thanks for the scares and frustration.. we got far to lost in this game and barely scratched the surface...  DAMN if you have not put some cool lore/hidden stuff etc into this :D

Gave the demo a go.. I hope you and the team manage to expand and improve on it for the final release :).

Game was interesting, the monster physics were hilarious :D and the doughnuts :P 

Shame we didn't make it to the end and it got very repetitive. 


Was entertaining, until we realised they could not hurt is.. then it got funnier!

One of three SW games I played together, fun and I love the choice of saber..but SO easy to break and fall into the oblivion XD.

One of three SW games I played..

Fun but so so cursed at the same time :P

We may have sucked at it.. but we had fun!!

Loved the atmosphere and overall idea, also got some good scares even if we didn't really get anywhere in it. :P

Looking forward to playing number 2 soon.

Great styling and solid mechanics.. except for the cage.. F**K that cage XD.

Was great fun, Thank you :D

Shame about the bugs this could have been great (did get one good jump scare out of us though!)

Thanks for the silly time, wish there was more challenge/threat though :P

Thanks for the zombie killing fun :D

Thanks for the fun/scares... not sure which we had more of :P

We could not see anything.. But it was still fun XD.

Slender got what was coming to him :D

Not sure what to say other than it was a game!
There was Slonder. :P

Thanks for the Vibez :D

Thankyou for the very funny if Janky game :D

All good until the spiders.. they can BURN IN HELL! :P

The PS!/Silent Hill Vibes were great in this.

We hope you get to do a full game :)

The Lasagne was great :D 

Small Fish, Big Fish, Dive.r... OOhhhhhh!

Was fin :), Thanks.

This was superb.. short. Painfully short but damn that atmosphere :D

Damn this was WAY better than we had any idea it would be :D

We had fun with this one and the setup is cool, even if we do rip into the idea of them coming out of the asylum like that into the night XD.

Not had this much fun in a lloonnggg time :D

Started off so great but the twist at the end was just unplayable.. did we do something wrong?

We had fun with this and it looks great!.

Shame the throwing mechanic was so SO off for us it made it unplayable.