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A member registered Aug 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

It's not rated here so it's considered Adults Only which makes it unavailable in Germany. Fucking sucks because Itch doesn't come with auto-patches or anything like that. Oh well..

Hey orange~,

here's another suggestion: Could you put the automatic save that you get after completing the character background story to right after the start of Day 1?

It really sucks to miss out on recruiting Abela simply because I don't want to replay the tutorial and the introduction each and every time!

Thank you :D

Hey orange~,

I really like Fear & Hunger: Termina so far! However, I'd like to suggest a feature: "Field Saves". Essentially, let me be able to save the game from the menu while exploring Prehevil temporarily because it really sucks to lose a lot of progress because you can't continue playing for whatever reason.

This savefile should automatically be deleted after loading it 1 time or if the game wasn't shut down properly (that would prevent save scumming) 

Many rogue-likes and rogue-lites use this save system (e.g. Shiren the Wanderer and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to name a few). 

(1 edit)

Fear & Hunger is unavailable on Steam in Germany, so is Termina. 
(They are probably listed as porn games for whatever reason)

Termina when?

Thanks a lot! 

Thank you! 

I totally agree on the random encounter chance and we already decreased it in the upcoming post-mortem release of the game :D

Thanks a lot! We'll upload a final "post mortem" version of the game in a couple of weeks or so which will address a lot of issues with the game! (Better balancing, updated graphics, no more sound bugs, a bit more polish etc...)

I think this just isn't your style after all the other feedback we received. (which is completely fine! Not every game system is meant for everyone (that's how we get bland open world AAA games haha))

Haha, yeah, we are well aware that we screwed up the sound system. (We already fixed it; turns out it was only one line of code missing!)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much! Glad you liked it!

There was a second ending planned, but we didn't have the mental capacity left to implement it!

Helen's Mysterious Castle was definitely the main inspiration behind the combat system, but we wanted to mix in resource management :D

î like the typing mechanic! I wish you used it everywhere because it felt a bit awkward to have to remove my hands from the keyboard in order to use my mouse to level up. good job tho!

the game is very very slow to play but the graphics are nice.

I really like the idea behind placing down map tiles as you go but unfortunately, my character moved out of the grid, so I couldn't progress any further.

is it just me or is the game functionally broken? The theme is neat tho, although a bit overplayed at this point. Nice entry nonetheless 

The combat gets a bit too repetitive for my liking. 

I like the music but the game gets hectic very quickly and the instant step mechanic makes it hard to figure out where you are. 

Very cool entry, but it's a bit difficult. Do you have any tips?

Is the game framerate bound on windows? Everything was going super fast for me. 

Interesting idea and I agree with most of the comments here :D

oh, i see

Thanks for playing the game!

Yeah, JRPGs aren't everybody's cup of tea. :D

The movement feels really really good.
Overall, this feels really polished! Although I'm not a fan of the paper cut-out enemies. (ofc, full 3D models would have been too much to ask for haha)

Felt a lot like booting up an actual old game. 

I didn't hear any sounds either :(

I liked the dice mechanic. Very tabletop-like.

Such a fun puzzle game! You could really take this mechanic and polish it up a lot and turn this into a very good puzzle game in the future! 

I'd only criticize that this isn't exactly what I would call a dungeon crawler. 

This game has a nice graphical style. 
Is it possible that the enemies can't hurt you? I somehow never took damage

Ah yes, a fellow JRPG Crawler. Nice.
Sadly, a lot of the time the graphics for the monsters didn't load.

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing!

What exactly did you find difficult about the combat system? Was the encounter rate too high? Was it unclear how the "CT System" works? Did RNG screw you over? (Unless your RNG is bad you should be able to stay at 50+ HP for the majority of the first couple of floors since the combat system itself is mostly deterministic and transparent (Minus the % based effects like Stun, Deadly and Stagger)) 

SPOILER: Here's the tactic for the Slime Eater: The Slime Eater will always use "Cautious" followed by "Red Goo Spit". During Cautious, you can't hurt him due to the high DEF 20 value of the move. So you can instead use the time to heal up with Glibber or a Health Potion but you'll need to time your attack moves in such a way that they will activate once "Cautious"  ends and before "Red Goo Spit" ends as well as the Slime Eater will cast "Cautious" after that as well. For example,  you'll need to use a Rusty Sword or a Long Sword between CT 2 and CT 7 to hurt it during "Red Goo Spit".

This is incredibly well polished and feels like an actual old-school (D)RPG.
 The UI is great, there's a variety of items that do stuff and the game is well written.

Sadly, I personally can't enjoy instant move games. I get lost and confused extremely quickly and it is physically straining for me to play.

So now I'm not sure how I'm supposed to rate the game...
The audio, graphics, and completeness are superb, no questions asked BUT  how am I supposed to rate the fun factor? For me personally, it's not that high solely based on the navigation alone (which is a big factor in DRPGs), but it is by no means a bad game! (everything besides the movement is great). So I think I'll go with a "middle of the road" approach for now, but I might change my mind later.  

Very solid game! 
The opening cinematic sequence is very "cute" and well done. 
This is such a weird combination between a real-time fps and a dungeon crawler but you somehow made it work. Good Job!

Shooting while aiming doesn't work too well on my machine tho and it's really difficult. 

Thanks for playing! 
As we said, the game is heavily inspired by the old Japanese Wizardry games which often featured some more "anime" looking character depictions, mixed with very western monster designs, so this is 100% intended. 

First of all, thank you for the detailed feedback!

Yeah, the inventory system could have used a bit more tweaking...
We also agree with the feedback on the combat system! In the future, we might revisit this idea but we'll probably give the player a default "Attack" and "Defend" options that you don't have to waste items or stand idle for so long. 

Thank you very much!

Yeah, we messed up the audio system pretty badly! Sorry for that. Thanks for playing :)

The battle system was interesting. Although it did suck that you could get shot from behind.

I also liked the digging mechanic. 

I like the idea behind playing the game with your numpad. 

It is really dark tho and the lack of smooth transitions hurts my zoomer brain, so it's really hard to figure out where you are going. 

I think this has a lot of potential. The whacky humor seems to be appealing to a larger audience but the game really needs some QoL improvements like a tutorial dungeon and less buggy UI. 

Hmm...your game has some nice ideas, but it has some problems.

First, I think the yokai attack you based on a timer, right? That means the best strategy is simply connecting as many 3s as possible instead of looking for the best possible move

Secondly, I think your game doesn't qualify as a dungeon crawler as stated by the jam rules?

  • The game must have step movement on a grid. Smooth transition between grid squares is allowed. Half-steps or dividing the square into smaller squares is not accepted.

Maybe ask  zooperdan what he thinks about this.