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Space Cat Studios

A member registered Mar 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Does fit the theme somewhat well,  Awesome gameplay loop, sadly the audio was very quiet, cute graphics 7/10

Game Design: Unfortunatley theres not much gameplay so I cant really rate this, you proabaply ran out of time. 4/10

Fun: It was really fun to walk arround and talk to the people, they were all unique and really charming just like the cutscenes but more on that later. Its really cute and you can see that effort was put into this game. 8/10

Innovation: This is probaply another category the game severly lacks in, while the story is charming and cute the gameplay is very generic. 4/10

Theme: There was a storm and in the dinner it was pretty calm so that fit the theme perfectly, unfortnitually it does not fit the gamemechanics that arent really there, calm before the storm also reflected in the slow wlaking vs the intense cutscenes. 9/10

Graphics: I really like the graphics, I cnt really be nutral with them as my first gamew were also in python with these hand drawn graphics. The colors really pop out of the dark background seperating the calm even further from the storm and they are obviously not realisitc or perfect but it has its own style, the cutscenes were really great, I did not expect them. The main charachter doesnt really fit but its obvious you kinda ran out of time with that. 8.5/10

Audio: It is there, its above average and fits the game really well 8/10 

Overall I really like this and it has its own charachter wich is reall good. Keep working on your Game design skills and make more charming little games like this, I wish you the best of luck. Solid 6.8/10

Game Design: The gameplay is fairly simple requiering you to go from a to b and pick up items while avoiding land wich is really hard to hit, Sadly boats cant hit each other so there goes a great oppertunity to make the gameplay more interesting. But what really held back the game are the camera controlls, they are slow and for some reason it goes faster when you move your mouse off the button(wich probaply isnt intended) other than that the game design is pretty decent, altho there are a few important elements missing in the comunication with the player such as showing a price tag for buying and selling items so you could calculate your profit e.g.. 8/10

Fun: The story seems liek a heavy foxus of the game and it starts of pretty good. The concept itself seems really fun and relaxing but because of the limited time the camera controlls feel clunky stopping the fun at a .6/10

Innovation: Its not the most innovative game as there are a lot of simmilar games, it reminded me a lot of some mobile airplane trafic controller game but its in a unique setting this time and has a few own ideas. 6.5/10

Theme: It doesnt reflect in the mechanichs. The storm part is implemented into the story, but unfotnitually the story is more about a break after the storm before the next smaller storm ? The story started really well with the calm before the tsunami hits europe but then during the actuall game it has already hit europe for somer reason 6/10

Graphics: I lile the color scheme, really fits the vibe, there are a ton of mixels tho making it look cheap wich could have been avoided, there were 3 artists so you should have had enough time for that but i know how hard it can be to manage a bigger group of people. The font doesnt really match but it still looks cohesive thanks to the colors. 6/10

Sound: The sound design is really nice, there are even audio settings 9/10

Overall its a good game jam game with a bunch of content but it does lack at quality here, Id normally let that pass but with 6 people it could have gone better, there might have been trouble in the team but I cant know that so ill round it up to a 7/10

Really fun, Im not entirley sure on how to shake the compass but I found a strat that takes less than 15 seconds so I got 21 enemies on the first day, I did quit on day 2 because there were no new pages unlocked at day 2 and It gets pretty repettitive, I probaply didnt play it like intended tho. It would be cool if you could put stuff back so the desk isnt as crammed. It did lack just a little bit on the innovation/theme part. But the art style is super cute and the sfx are great. And most importantly it was fun. 8.3/10

The artstyle is really cool and the notes that obscure the space arround them so you have to anticipate when thell be over the button are really cool

Feels  a lot like that one stickmen fighting game, a counter for how many shots are left in your gun and when theres a checkpoint would be usefull. Its a fun challange.

I love the parallax on the trees, really cool game

Amazing atmosphere

Best played in full screen and with [3] and [5] pressed, really fun game with some nice platforming and unlockable moves.

You can find the username under Dashbord>Earnings then click on details on the 10$ payment and it should be there next to the email

Rally fun, one of the best games ive seen in this jam so far. 

Thank you, all the objects are 2d sprites projected onto 3d meshes so they look identical to the original sprite from the cameras perspective but in reality its a cursed 3d model so it can capture more or less accurate shadows

The jetski and waves are normal 3d models with some fancy shaders and they arerendered at a low resolution to make them look like normal pixel art, I tried to get rid of the weird scaling issues on the houses as good as possible but i couldnt manage to do it in time. Im open to any suggestions on how this could be fixed

When i got to my 19th throw the game completley escalated, I did not excpect all of that. finihed the game in 27 throws. Great game

Amazing atmosphere, I was wondering why I could upgrade my health untill i found out and man that jumpscare scared me. Great game

I can only judge the game by its top left corner because i cant see much other stuff but the sfx are good and the art is cute, i really like the style. Not that bad for a first game jam.

Cute, filling the aquarium could be a bit faster and the game crashed when i tried to do my thrid execution for the guy in the bottom right

I love that the main charachter is a cat with a fishbowl on his head, really fun but at some point i got dizzy from the underwater effect. some sound and a few more upgrades would make this game even better

Fun game, I enjoyed it a lot but it crashed at some point when i got too deep

Really cute, would be cool if you coudl drag and drop the card insetead of having to click on it and then click again.

(1 edit)

your welcome

This game is really fun with friends. The physics fell like riding a boat on ice in minecraft wich I love to do.

thanks, the water is sepperated into two parts, the physics and the graphics. For the graphics i have a shader that displaces the water using a texture and i also use that texture to color the waves. Then theres some more complex stuff with two additional cameras that render onto textures one of wich is bbeing used for the little foam trail behind the jetski and the other is used for the underwater stuff. For the physics I can reccomend you this Tutorial wich I used as a base and heavily modified.

Thank you, ill make it so you can skip throught the tutorial faster

Thanks a lot, did you use an xbox controller ?

Thank you, as of now my vr game is on hold because im having issues with meta so ill keep adding some small things to this game. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the jank or any features you would like to see in a game like this ?

thank you, Ill upload a fix for the sensitivity after the rating periode is over

Thank you

Thank you so much, ive already got a version with the controlls fixed and more frequent use of the rogulike part, ill uplaod it after the rating period is over

Thanks a lot, come back after the rating periode(2 weeks) is over to play the improved verison with driving that could replace GTA 6

Unique concept, i wish i could use the different items from the shop, came for the sugar and i got my sugar

I managed to take off and land again, my light broke. the game has a nice atmosphere and reminded me a lot of msfs. I actually got jump scared once when i rolled backwards through the house while trying to start the plane. solid game for a game jam the instructions would need a bit of improvment tho

The graphics are very simplistic but cohesive with a nice color scheme. The main mechanic is very original and really well thought off, I really like this, its just missing the cromatik aberration, jk 9.5/10

thank you, having a difrent cue instead of the up and down arrows is a really good idea. The empty box in the menu was supposed to Container a volume slider but we didnt have time to implement that. The arrow system is supposed to be synced and it works most of the time on desktop but in browser if you tab out it can happen that the music gets desynced for some reason  eventho the arrow system read the current time of the musik. Thanks a lot for the Feedback.

thank you, we sadly didnt have time to add indecators for top and bottom arrows😔. lets just say its part of the dificulty


thank you ♥️

thank you, we used our last 2 hours to add in the shop instead of adding an indecator for notes from the top and bottom😔. happy new year to you aswell🎇

Phew. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, just wanted to make sure.

thank you, It could just be a language barrier but i just want to clear this up you can choose your own answeres, it's not a slot machine.