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A member registered Apr 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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That's high praise for a fine connoisseur of men. Thanks for the kind words Bri, I'm also in love with both boys and hope you enjoy the reveal when it comes out!! <3

- Ladymeowsith

Still love this fanart Milo, omg bless your heart. We're glad you clocked the little details about each respective love interest, and that yall enjoyed the game. We're working hard on the full game so you'll find out more about Addie when the time comes >:3c

- Ladymeowsith

Thank you! We're happy you enjoyed the game, and hope you look forward to the reveal in the full game hehe


Hey thanks for playing our game! I loved watching your playthrough and seeing your reactions. You'll have to wait just a bit longer to find out Addie's secret but I'm glad the demo was fun for you!

- Ladymeowsith

Hiiii Chim, thank you so much for playing our game and leaving such a thought-out review! I loved reading your analysis of the game and thoughts of the characters. We had a feeling Isaias would be super popular but alas, add him to the list of beautiful side characters. :')

Your comment did tempt us HAHA I also love hearing about your theory crafting of Addie's secret hehe I can not confirm or deny anything...

- Ladymeowsith

Thanks! We're glad you like his character design, and hope you enjoy the game so far ^^ The game demo has been updated and we highly encourage you to play the new version!

ok now that I've played the game I get to come back and leave an intelligent comment

(spoilers ahead!)

First of all, I love the sound design! The first thing that caught my attention was the soundbyte voices of each character - I thought each one was really fitting and it made me want to sit and 'let them talk' so to speak, rather than speed through text like I normally might. The music is so nostalgic! I used to be a big fan of the old-school Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series and the choice of soundtrack brought the same feeling back (I haven't played many other jRPGs but I imagine that's what the vibe was based off of?). Also the game-over sound effect when Aelfric passed out at the beginning of the game actually made me cackle lmaooo

Speaking of Aelfric!! My beloved!! What a lad! A beautiful man with only a half a braincell left in his head! He is the perfect combination of a shoujo manga love interest and a RPG protag but somehow cannot be both at the same time. Except most of the time he's just a goofy silly guy. I do love that he's a very moral guy though, even when it comes to love...

Which, the scene between him and Conrad in the barn broke me. Actually though all of their scenes are so good. I love how put-together Conrad seems until after the barn scene / at the scene afterwards with Edmund, and then it's just like, oh, he's as much of a fool in love as Aelfric is. Just the way you write too - you are incredible at the art of characterization through dialogue and I love the banter between characters as much as the story itself.

Speaking of scenes, I f*cking love the fight at the end. Such an interesting twist on the shining angelic noble hero! I think Bloodbane being the way it is gives a lot more depth to Aelfric's character than if it was just a simple sword, and also is a really good illustration of both his strength and the responsibility he shoulders. It's like a very small glimpse into what the job of being a legendary hero is actually like that the demon fight on its own wouldn't have revealed. If that makes sense.

I did donate the $5 for the artbook and it's so worth it!! I love all the art + the character bios, and the INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of bonus art was adorable. I always like seeing people's sketches and seeing that little insight into their creative process. If u are reading this comment and ur like 'should I get the artbook?' yes you should get the artbook

And I could go on and on and on about the art in this game honestly. The character designs are immaculate, the backgrounds are so lively and beautiful, the CGs are masterful, just all of it is so incredible to look at. I could tell just by looking at the preview pics how much love went into this game.

Anyway I'll shut up here because this is already becoming an essay. But thank you for an amazing game :)

- Walt

great game, 10/10! i especially loved the part where Aelfric was there :)

Thanks so much for playing our game! For clarification, Julius is meant to be an actual mindreader, but his abilities only give him back limited info on what the other person (Mark) is thinking.

- Walt

Thanks so much for playing! And yes, we kept the mind-reading statements ambiguous on purpose - we were thinking about the kinds of conclusions someone like Julius would jump to when he's given so little information from his powers, lol. Glad you liked the art, LadyM is incredibly talented!

- Walt

Thank you for such an in-depth comment! Happy to hear that the way the different endings came together worked out well. We did want to leave things open-ended in some way because we do want to revisit this game/these characters and want to expand on their relationship in the future.

- Walt

I'm glad you enjoyed the ambience, thank you for playing our game!

- Walt

Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed both of our games :D

- Walt

Thank you for playing our game, and happy you enjoyed the atmosphere! You're on the nose with the theme - the goal with this game was to use mindreading as a way to explore ideas of anxiety/making assumptions about what others think of us, and how getting in your own head can ruin otherwise good relationships and hurt well-meaning people. 

We had to cut a lot of dialogue (the script was originally double the length!) but thankfully were able to keep the most important hints in. We were actually thinking of making a prequel game with the two of them to dive even deeper into their relationship!

- Walt

Thanks for checking out the game! We were not expecting people to find it depressing, but I can definitely see why you feel that way now that you mention it, haha!

- Walt

Glad you enjoyed it! I also never liked the trope of "disabled person gets their disability magically healed and then forgets they were ever disabled". Always comes off as what able-bodied people assume is a disabled person's escapist fantasy, lol. This game is a completely different direction than that, of course, but exploring a disabled/paraplegic lead in the future could be interesting!

- Walt

Wow, this is super cool!! Thank you for taking the time to make this vid, I enjoyed your read-through of the dialogue and seeing your reaction!

- Walt

So glad you enjoyed our game! We would be so excited to see any fanart you create!

- Walt

Thanks for checking out the game! It's always cool to hear it got a reaction out of people haha :^)


Tbh when we outlined the story we thought people would go straight for the mindread option out of curiosity but surprisingly a lot of people found it  disrespectful and usually go through the game "normally!" We culled so much of the story to fit within the jam parameters so I'm really glad the little hints came through when you replayed the story ;_;

I'm so happy you took the time to describe your experience, that really was the whole gamut of emotions we were hoping for :'^) Walt and I were actually thinking of making a prequel game of sorts to explore Julius's mindreading and relationship with Mark so those questions might actually be answered in the future?? Omg I'd love to see your take on mindreading, I have the same thoughts about the concept! And hopefully in the future we'll be able to explore it beyond Julius getting caught up in his insecurities LOL

Anyways, we're really glad you enjoyed the story!! All of this is such high praise and I'm very thankful for your support!!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'm happy those notes came across and we had the same thoughts when we wrote Mark lol