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A member registered Oct 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing :D. Yeah I agree we could have had more player feedback for sure, thanks for the suggestions. Even though there were I-Frames they arent visible to the player and didn't last very long so they only really prevented attacks from multiple enemies at once..

Thanks for playing! Initially we did have mouse aim but we felt that ultimately to make it more rewarding to use keyboard as it lined up with the animations better, but I see what you mean haha.

Thanks for playing, seems like the player hit animation didnt get in, I see what you mean haha

Thanks for playing the game :D

hmm yeah that's actually a good point, I think your suggested control scheme could work really well. Thanks for your suggestion!

ah yeah you are 100% right about the seed animation, it doesnt get sped up haha

Thanks for playing the game :D

I think in general the game lacks a decent tutorial for how things work haha. I am going to update the page today, yesterday I was still very busy squashing bugs and finishing up the game loop.

Also the seeds are supposed to appear slower the more crops you have on the farm, that should in theory warrant you to spend the crops on the soldiers and it extends the gameplay a bit, even if artificial.

Thanks for playing and for the critique! I agree with you, the player thing is kind of a bug I didn't get to patch fully. This happens in general when you let something create itself, it goes wild, but in the case of the player it might lead to unwanted situations because I was not able to test it all the way. I am considering fixing the bugs and adding more levels if time allows

Thanks for playing, baba is you was indeed one of my inspirations for this game

Oof, I looked back at the code and turns out I was forgetting to connect some signals for dynamically created objects haha, my bad 

Thanks for playing :D I tried to make it work how you would expect it but there are things I have missed, when the player dies they cannot win anymore, I messed around with what actions I wanted to create to make sure to not create weird stuff, the wall one should have worked so that's probably an oversight on my part, (probably the created objects don't get the full rule functionality or smth)

Hmm, I can see a very good game just lurking in the shadows, though I have to agree with the others, I think you could have improved the controls for the tank barrel, I think rotating clockwise with A, and counter clockwise with D would have solved a lot of the problems people were having (atleast thats what I think). Oh and probably switch around space and shift or use E for interactions which is quite common, but these things are mostly nitpicks because everyone should turn off sticky keys ;) anyways.

I am a great fan of the art style, it fits really well and the HUDs having bright contrasting colors makes them stand out which is great.

Very nice color palette, great mechanic Ideas. I just found the super jump a little hard to pull off, but maybe its meant to be that way. I really loved the dialog between the characters, that was the highlight for me

Wow I actually won haha, I thought for sure this going to go on forever.

Great game, I love the artstyle, I love, the audio, I love the control(s) and I love the theming.

Honestly there is not much I would have done differently, great job!

I like the simple controls, nice way of using snake mechanics in there as well. Very good for your first published game!

This game works surprisingly well + I will take any game where I can run over minions with a train.

You put in a lot of juice and the graphics are minimal, which works for this style. I also like that the frog gave me a jump boost. 

Great job!

This game looks very good and it plays very good, apart from the controls at first. Its pretty hard to get into especially with the number keys, as I feel they were backwards) but after playing a bit you can get used to them. It it pretty impressive you managed to jam so many items in the game given the short development time.

Very cool idea. I really like the art and the menu music is nice. I would have put that in the actual game as well but the ambience is not totally quiet so its not that big of an issue.

I think the preview tiles could have been done differently, namely snapping them onto the train grid instead of having them float with the character, I think that might have been more intuitive (atleast for me lol).

Great job!

first experience with godot or shaders? in any case, good job !

Yes I would say that that is the main reason, it felt like I was walking on ice, which was hard for me to then also juggle the stealth and a good time to lockpick mechanic (that was a good combination of itself though)

Controls feel very good and the music is nice. I got stuck on a level because I forgot to kill one enemy but I couldn't jump back up again and there also was no reset or restart button..

Hmm, I think you must have gotten some inspiration from ghost trick. If you haven't played it, you should, its pretty good. Anyways, I really liked the puzzle and the bottle was a nice reset button which i'm sure was the intention. My only gripe is that I would have loved to see someone die at the start so I knew what I was preventing, right now I won but I didn't know what would've happened if I did not.

If you had time another thing I would have added was find a way to highlight whatever you are going to interact with so its clear to the player what they even can do.

I quite like how you implemented the map system, from your thumbnails this looked like a basic "train" game where you run through a train and so things, but the map in this one made it feel more connected to the theme, so good job :D

Nice little game! I like the simple art of the wagons since its moving so fast and they are colored pretty bright so its easy to see them sadly I had the train all the way on the left side of the screen because of the speed so I couldn't see what hype train I had built. Maybe something fun would have been like a mini train in the top of the screen so you can see it growing bigger bit by bit

The fact you made an editor is pretty impressive, however the playtest button just took me to another level. Having said that, the game itself is nice but as others have pointed out, kinda sluggish, which really grinds down the length of the levels for me.

Very original idea, and good use of the theme. The controls were really confusing to me at first but not too bad after getting used to them

I thought this game was pretty hard, mainly because of the player controller feeling weird. 

The music and art looks good and you finished a lot of mechanics, which is cool to see.

I like the addition of dark mode. The graphics are fine but the audio gets a little annoying after a short while. I wish there was some kind of health bar so I could see how many hits I could take. Good use of the theme though, running people over is very satisfying as well

Very interesting take on Tetris I suppose, nice graphics, though somewhat hard to see some of the track pieces, I would have probably made the rails darker or the background brighter. I like the fact that you have multiple starting stations and also that you thought about what would happen if players sent the train back up.

very polished experience, great art, fitting music (although a bit repetitive after 10 levels) and nice puzzles that slowly ramped up in difficulty. I didn't really know how to get to the text level but I just had to press exit,  which is a more old school way iirc. Anyways, nice job

this is the start of a great platformer but I was wondering where the pixel art train went? the realistic train just didn't make much sense imo, and also I found the dash jump combo really hard to pull off. But with a bit more polishing this can become a great game

This game looks really polished, well done. I like the art style and music. The bombs were so effective however that it crashed the game multiple tries so I had to give up unfortunately, but I think you executed your idea pretty well. I know this must've taken a good few hours to make but if you had more time I would have invested that into a level select on the pause menu, because right now it takes quite a while to get back to where you were especially after a crash :P

Oh btw I really liked the fact that the train sped up if the track was completed. A welcome surprise.

pretty fun, the physics really add to the gameplay because you have to estimate where the crates will go and the discard feature kinda adds a resource management component to it, as others have pointed out I could not access past level 2 but from what I did get to play I think it was a decent game, and it felt pretty polished, good job :D

I think you used the theme in a nice way, and the art looks pretty. I think you should have painted edges you could actually stand on like a different color so its more clear where the player can jump to, but I guess this is part of the challenge too. Too bad there is no sound though

This has good potential however at the moment it is pretty basic, I wish it would allow you to move to more areas.

This could be a good game if you then had to move the train while balancing the objects, which is what I thought it would be based on the thumbnail, but I wish it had more to it. Right now its just a stacking game with a single level and I have seen those before lots of times..

This was a very good game, The only thing it was lacking was some variety in the mid-late game , but overall it felt very satisfying to ram into the blobs so good job :D

The art looks great, the gameplay leaves something to be desired, I did not know that I had to start by clicking on a cup, even though that maybe also be my fault for being blind.

Besides that its a classic delivery game with cute art, so nicely done. Maybe another thing is if when you click on a customer their order would jump to the front so its more readable

Very ambitious game, I feel like you could have saved time by making the wagon storage part be more simplified and improving the track placing system like others have suggested. The way the train moves and the way that tracks connect to each other is nice.

This is an infinite runner, but most of my runs have been impossible to make progress in. often I would have the rails generate where I cannot switch lanes at all (especially near the sides of the track) so I did not know what I did wrong. The actual track system looks pretty good though.

This is the start of a really fun puzzle game I feel like. The track placing system works great and I like the dialog. My main issue is that the train moves slow and the axe chops slow, so most of the time I am just waiting for the game to catch up. I think if you were to speed things up then it would be a great game