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A member registered Jul 13, 2019

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this was really fun, but i wasnt able to beat it :\

had a blast playing the game!

this was a fun game i just didn't understand the ending

thank you for taking some of your time to check out my crappy commentary video lol. i hope you guys make more content id like to see what you guys/gals will do next or if this game has more to it i look forward to it :D. thank you, and i agree just kindness can go a  long way to helping someone. just by even talking or listening to them you know is struggling  can be a big help. i don't deserve the cheers you guys/gals are the ones doing the real work i'm just here playing a video game hah. keep up the great work and i hope to see more content from you guys! :D

i had a lot of fun playing the game, great creepy atmosphere and the unexpected ending really made the game better this is just a really heavy topic and i think you guys translated in your own style fairly well. keep up the good work. :D

looking forward to the 3rd episode

i did a playthrough and also did a review at the end of the video my thoughts on the game 

i had a blast playing the game also interesting concept for a game 

i had a blast playing, the house design :O looks incredible the quality looks amazing.i wanna live in there. the game is easy to get into. though i feel its slow in the beginning to immerse to but quickly picks it up after the second day. a small suggestion maybe have us use "E" to open or just click anywhere on the door to open it instead of having to click directly on the doorknob to open it. overall i had a blast playing the game it was really fun a really scary.

 i wanna say good job with the map it looks really good. the maps was probaly my favorite thing about the game. the game was fun to play, a little short but it was good and to the point. this first jump scare got me but id suggest to  consider making the jumpscare be different like not repetitive. overall i had a blast playing. keep it up amigo :D i made a playthrough if you could please check it out thank you:D

tho there wasn't much of a story the environment/atmosphere made it interesting and fun to play. and i think maybe theres an upside to not having a story to follow, it made the game less predictable so going into the game i didnt know what to expect which made the game more eventful and fun. overall i had a blast playing the game. keep up the good work :D i made a playthrough it starts at 6:38 :D :D

well i'll  be looking forward to the full release keep up the great work  :D 

(1 edit)

things i really liked about this game demo :D

>great atmosphere

>great audio design

>graphically appealing

>interesting story 


>spooky evil spirits

things i didn't like

>demo was short and know i need the rest of the story

hiya amigos i played your game and i had a blast playing it :D i gotta say this is one of the better siren head games ive seen. great immersive atmosphere,spooky scary sounds, cool vhs style, but i feel like a good note system to tell more of the story would help out to tell more about whats going on. nonetheless keep up the amazing work. i wish you much success and i hope this turns into a full project. hope everyone has good day :D

i had a blast playing this game also i was not expecting that ending....

great game i had a blast playing it  :D

i had a blast playing this game :D

had a lot of fun playing the game :D

great game :D

i tried hardcore mode...

i kinda raged quit just kinda. nonetheless it was a fun game :D 

fun game i enjoyed playing it, it had a cool little mystery to it. keep up the good work amigo :D

i cant trust soda vending machines anymore....also the game was really fun and scary i hope there's a full release  keep up the great work amigops :D 

fun little game i had a blast playing :D keep up the good work amigo 



great game i hope it gets a lot of attention, i hope we get a full release! sorry for repost i noticed a bad editing error and had to redo everything. anyways keep up the amazing work amigo

the ending tho :O i had an idea it would be head in that direction. it was a fun short horror game.. keep up the good work amigo 

hiya fdfd

game was weird 

i played the game but i didnt quite get it haha sorry, i think the game was made for the individual to have their own interpretation of it i think? but it was really fun keep up the great work amigo. i made a playthrough, id appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know what you think about the gameplay thank you and keep up the good work :D

oh heck yea we getting another demo thats awesome! i'm looking forward to it, ill keep my eyes peeled for it. also thank you for checking out the video amigos :D

darn, nonetheless the game was amazing keep up the great work amigo also thank you for checking out the video :D 

hiya i played your game.i had a lot of fun playing the gamea and it was absolutely terrifying. i think the part that really got me was the lady blowing the lighter off that was probably the scariest part for me. amazing that this was made by one person, keep up the amazing work amigo keep it up! hopefully there is works for a full release. i made a small playthrough id really appreciate it if you could check it out and let me know what you think of it thank you :D 


the game was really fun, i was getting into it and then the demo ended T_T graphically it looks amazing, the puzzles were easy and fun,the jumpscares were more or less scary  the hand jump scare really got me tho. i hope you guys reach the goal to complete the game. id like to see more of the little potato guy. keep up the great work amigos :D i did a playthrough if you could please check it out and let me know what you think of it. thank you :D 

yea ill check it out :D

i had a blast playing the game, i was not expecting the jumpscares to be honest haha they got me pretty good . i also got a little P.T. vibes any inspiration by any chance?, the game was really fun. i hope we can see the game expand a little more and get a more story and more out of it. keep up the great work amigos :D i did a playthrough if you could please check it out and let me know what you think of it. thank you :D

nice, other than the inspection glitch no other glitch happen. i haven't played a lot of games but my fair share and i dont think ive seen this concept and honestly theres  a lot that can be done with this idea im looking forward to the full release! keep up the great work amigos. :D

hey i played your game, i had a blast playing it, there was only one small glitch and it was when i picked stuff up other than that i had no problems, keep up the great work! i made a small playthrough :D

hiya i played the game and i gotta say great job on the game my friend. it really had that PS1 feel.  tho the story definitely needed some work but overall it was a good game. keep it up :D i made a play through if anyone wants to check it out!


hey i played the game, the game definitely has potential  but needs more work for sure. specially on the ghosts apparitions sequences, the  design needs a lil more work.  i like the idea youre working with. i hope more work is put on the game keep up the work my friend. id like to see the final version on it i know it can be turn into a good lil horror game i made a playthruif anyone wants to check it out :D