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A member registered Nov 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sadly, I don’t think we’ll do anything else related to FBtW after this project is complete (But perhaps in the distant future?) as our team will instead be focused on creating an original story after ~Vulgor’s Exchange~

Xour writing style is absolutely captivating and rich with so much character! 😁 I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and am eagerly awaiting more

I don’t know how xou did it, but I somehow love Mylo & Baxter more as a couple than I do Marcus & Callum 😅 gosh, they’re too damn cute~ ☺️

I’m sorry to hear about the struggles xou’ve been going through 😟 and while I’m immensely glad to hear that xou won’t abandon this project, please know that we are more than happy to wait in favour of xou taking care of xourself 💜

Thankx! 😁 Already got a save lined up for him~

I usually don’t go for twinks, but just like how Tate’s route surprised me, so too has Alvy’s! 😁 he’s super cute and oh so mysterious~ 😋 real nice for another boi to be added to the cast

Will he be the last love interest? I’m asking so that I can organise my save slots. Great work as always 😌 I had fun reading this build

From what little I’ve seen - which are only in the form of hints - he’ll more than likely be a top

Oh no indeed 😅 it fixed itself after Denver undressed, but thought I’d let xa know 😋

Uhm… 😐 This scene went from kinky to terrifying 😂

I only just met Bos, but I’m a HUGE sucker for southern accents, and I can tell xou right now - without a doubt - that if I wore panties, they’d be absolutely wet 😂 Can’t wait to read through this update! 😁

While there is a lot of diversity - with oral, handjob, anal, rimming - the MC tends to be in the role of bottom more often than not.

The percentage is something like 80% bottom & 20% top. I think he only tops twice all in all (excluding him getting blown/handjob).


It’s amazing that a VN can do that for us, right? 😌There are a few projects that have helped me in similar ways - shaped me into the person I’ve become - so I can most certainly relate

Raus actually had a comic on FA (which is sadly no longer there) that had similar themes to Shelter, so with how much world building he’s put into this project - and how much personal experience - I’m sure it’s an idea he’s built over a lifetime.

It’s been such a great experience to be part of the journey 😁

It’s crazy, right? I remember stumbling upon the demo and knowing right away that this project would be epic~ 😁

Wow, xou really nailed all of the characters spot on! 😁

And yeah, I can look past people covering up or trying to hide parts of themselves, but actively lying about who they are is even more of a turn off than flamboyant guys, at least for me.

So I did end up giving his route a try, and honestly? I still don’t like him 😅 I mean, sure, he isn’t as insufferable as I had initially thought, but the fact he’s possibly lying about who he is makes me like him even less

I’ll still follow his path, but unless his reasons have meaningful validity, I doubt he’ll become someone I’d like

I look forward to what xou decide upon then 😌

Heck yes I’d be interested! 😁 Near the end of the last build, I had thought xou were really getting into the groove of things. The plot was starting to take shape and the characters started to feel more whole, so I was sad to see it put on hold

Are there things that need to be worked on? Sure, but I could probably say the same for my most favourite of VNs. I always thought this project had good potential, and xour writing style flows really nicely, so I think revisiting Midsummer’s Night is a great idea 😌

Maybe continue just one path (one which xou consider the cannon route) and come back to do the others? I’m sure that’d be much easier from a writer’s prospective

Real happy to hear xou enjoyed it! 😁 Glad I was able to inject xou into that mindset~ 😉

Because I live in SA and signal down here sucks big time 😅

I use FDM (Free Download Manager), but it also has problems sometimes when the file’s too large

Yeah, I guessed as much 😟 I always struggle to download such big files even with a manager.

It’d be great if xou could look into ways to reduce the size in the future

The file size is killing me 😭

Hmm… I’m a little more open to the possibility if that’s the case. I’m pretty feminine myself, so I’m not really attracted to overly fairy/gay guys, but if he’s not as flamboyant as xou say, I guess I could at least try.

I mean, the story itself is great, so if nothing else, I’ll get to see what he’s going through 😅 thankx for the incentive

I really do love how much attention the backgrounds are given 😁💜

Oh noooo 😬 the only character I don’t like is a top… Damn 😐

Why are the masculine men bottoms and the femanine one a top 😅 I sure do hope that Carlos turns out to be switch

He prefers to bottom but is willing to top 😟

Wouldn’t that be aweful? 😂

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[SPOILERS] I guess?

Can I ask why xou guys decided to make all three boys bottoms? (I can only assume Nate is the same, as I am in no way interested in playing his route)

When I first found out that Carlos is a bottom, I was pretty disappointed, but I told myself “at least I can still rely on Bryan for all of my submissive desires”, but lo and behold, another bottom 😥

Is this a personal preference? Because it honestly makes no sense to my why xou wouldn’t leave at least one top (who would be willing to bottom on occasions)

A third of the reason why I read VNs is for sexual content, and when the MC tops, I usually just skip through as it’s not something I enjoy. Please tell me there will be more moments for Ben to bottom? 😟

I can’t get enough of Bryan’s blushing grin~! ☺️

I was on the edge of my seat at the end of this first build! 😁 Xou did a really good job laying out the plot and introducing characters 😌

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Top dog marks across the board! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I’m absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the insane amount of detail and work put into every aspect of this VN! 😁

The writing is really poetic and extremely well done. I’m a huge fan of using keywords to set up emotions or themes, and the way xou’ve written this story is absolutely phenomenal 😌

I’d also like to applaud how well xou’ve explained the lore. In no way do the many new words or phrases become confusing, which in itself is a major achievement 🙂

The art is FANTASTIC, the interface amazing, and the pacing so freaking well done (even though we’ve barely touched the surface) 😋

Superb work. Seriously. I can easily see this project taking the top spot as my all-time favourite VN 😁

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I don’t think this is said enough, but Wallace is one of the most adorable protagonists ever~ ☺️ Like… There are so many “clueless twinks who have no idea how to flirt” out there, but none as well written as him 🙂

Wallace embodies these traits in a way that make similar MCs feel stereotypical. It’s xour writing which makes him stand out amidts the rest 😌 I really adore what xou’ve done with his character

Can’t wait to spend time with the other boys! 😁

Another incredible ending with more than enough dongs to satisfy the whole pack~! 😊

It’s seriously been a crazy journey since that first “Knot talk” scene xou released as a demo years ago

Thank xou so much for all the hard work xou put into each update! 😁

Hey! 😁 I REALLY love what xou guys’re doing. Xa’ll put sooo much work into this project and it’s just incredible how original this VN is across every level 💜

I was wondering if it would be possible to make a “Route Tree”, with icons of all the MC’s and who they can date? It might even help with showing how far each route it? There are just SO many paths and I don’t want to miss anything~ 😋

Thank xou for all the hard work xou guys put into this wonderful visual novel! ☺️

Thank xou so much for the glowing review, Feng! 😊 I’m very glad to hear xou enjoyed it so much~ 😁

Wow~ ☺️ It’s been a crazy long journey, but I thoroughly enjoyed finishing Sissel’s route! 😁

Thank xou for all the hard work xou’ve done over the years 💜 it must be such a good feeling to have finally completed part of the story

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I can no longer trigger Spencer’s masturbation scene on Richard DAY 16 🤔 I’ve been unable to get this CG ever since the saves were broken. Spencer meets the MC at the door instead of letting himself in

Which specific RPYC files do we need to copy to try and integrate our old save files?

No problem! And I think it only appears in Vekad’s route 🤔 though I could be wrong (maybe also the scene in the beginning where Akhet and the MC get ambushed by bandits)

Great work as always, I’m really excited to see how the story unravels (especially with the cliffhanger xou left us on in Vekad’s route! 😯)